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[【学科前沿】] 血清检查可能可以发现肺癌

发表于 2008-2-19 11:59:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Blood Test to Detect Lung Cancer Being Eyed
(HealthDay News) -- It may be possible to use a blood test to detect lung cancer, according to a Duke University Medical Center-led study.
Publishing in the Dec. 10 issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers said a test for four blood proteins -- CEA, RBP, SCC and AAT -- may provide a simple follow-up for patients who've had suspicious chest lesions detected by imaging methods such as CT scan.

\"CT scans have a very high false positive rate when trying to discover lung cancer,\" lead investigator Dr. Edward Patz Jr., a radiologist at Duke, said in a prepared statement. \"What that leads to is several follow-up imaging studies or invasive procedures like biopsy, which have risks of their own. This study is the first step in developing a test that would allow us to sample a patient's blood and determine whether more invasive testing and treatment are necessary.\"

In this study, the researchers compared the levels of the four proteins in the blood of about 100 lung cancer patients to levels in about 100 people without cancer.

\"Using the four markers ... we were able to distinguish patients who had cancer from those who didn't with over 80 percent accuracy,\" Patz said.

Each of the four protein markers has previously been linked to lung cancer. Checking for just one isn't sufficient for a definitive finding of lung cancer, but testing for all four may prove highly effective, Patz said.

The next step is a larger study to test the accuracy of these four protein markers in people who've had lung lesions detected by CT scan.
研究者们说,对于CT 检查后怀疑有肺癌可能的患者,可能可以选择一种比较简便的随访方法,就是测定血中癌胚抗原CEA), 维生素A1结合蛋白( RBP), 鳞癌抗原(SCC) 和 α-抗胰蛋白酶(AAT)四种蛋白标记物的水平。
“在发现肺癌的过程中,CT扫描有很高的假阳性率。”,研究的主持者,Duke的放射学专家,Edward Patz Jr.博士说,“这造成的结果是一系列进一步的影像学检查以及创伤性检查,比如活捡,而这些检查过程可能对他们自身而言存在风险。这个研究是一系列进一步检查的第一步,我们只要有患者的血标本就能确定是否需要进一步侵入性的检查。”

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