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[[资源推荐]] A Good News Day

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发表于 2008-1-21 08:59:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

From UK News group (Originally in English)

1. The Edinburgh and Lothians newspapers' Evening News became

Evening good News on June 28, 2007.

It's a Good News Day! That's what the front page of the Evening good News said today, Thursday, June 28, 2007. It also said: “Today's News has nothing but positive stories about a great city.”

「今天是美好新闻日!」这是2007年6月28日星期四刊登在《美好新闻晚报》(Evening good News)上的头版标题。报上还说:「今天的新闻只报导一个伟大城市的正面故事。」

This was a special edition, but depending on the response it might become a regular format. As the editor John McLellan said, “We hope you enjoy this special edition of the paper featuring nothing but positive stories about the Lothians (Edinburgh and surrounding areas) and the people who live here.” What a nice thing to say!

虽然这只是一份特刊,但根据读者的反应,它可能会变成一种固定的形式。正如该报编辑约翰 .麦克理兰(John McLellan)所言:「我们希望您会喜爱这份特刊,它只报导洛锡安地区(Lothians,指爱丁堡与附近区域)及此地居民的正面故事。」这真是太棒了!

This 48-page newspaper covered a wide range of topics from ‘Edinburgh University scientists have developed a new technique to create artificial diamonds from peanut butter' to honoring the good deeds of ‘local heroes' and generally highlighting what's good in our city: From real life heartwarming stories to achievements made in the arts and sciences and local enterprises, to stories of famous people praising the city.


2. All the 48 pages only positive news


Other articles were on ‘Positive thinking' and ‘Why laughter is the best medicine,' followed by lots of jokes. It looks like something must be in the air and the Evening News picked up on it!!! That's what we call progress!


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