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[[资源推荐]] 句型宝典(内含270多个英语常用句型,让你英语“脱”口而出)

发表于 2008-1-17 18:05:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
not that ... but that ...
結構︰(It is) not that ... but that ...
說明︰此句型意為“並非…而是…”。It is 通常予以省略。
  Not that I dislike the task, but that I am not equal to it.
  Believe it or not, not that I don’t love Mary, but that I love my country (all the) more.
  Not that I hate the work. I’m not strong enough for it.
so that ... may ...
結構︰so that/in order that ... may ...
說明︰此句型意為“以便…”。此為表示目的的<副詞><連接詞> so that,in order that 所引導的<副詞子句> <句型>。so that <子句>總是置於<主要子句>之後,而 in order that 置於<主要子句>前後均可,且<語氣>較為強調。通常使用<助動詞> may,也使用 can(could),shall(should),will(would)等。若<主詞>與<主要子句>相同時,可變成<不定詞片語>,即“so as to+原形<動詞>”或“in order to+原形<動詞>”。
  Read the questions carefully so that you may not make a mistake in the test.
  We turned on the light so that we might see (=so as to see) what it was.
  I study hard, so that I may not fail in the examinations. 我用功,免得考不及格。
  My father works hard in order that he may support us. 我父親辛苦地工作為了養家。
  I’ve decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
  I came in order that I might/could see May. (=I came in order to see May.)
  We must find out the customs of other countries, so that they will not think us ill mannered.
lest ... (should) ...
結構︰lest ... (should) ...
說明︰此句型意為“以免…”。等於“for fear (that) ... should”。lest 為<副詞><連接詞>,引導<副詞子句>,在該<子句>中,只能用<助動詞> should,但 should 可省略,直接接原形<動詞>。
  I got up early lest I (should) miss the train. 我早起以免錯過了火車。
  We talked in a low voice lest we should wake the baby up. 我們小聲說話以免吵醒嬰兒。
  Hide it lest he (should) see it. 把它藏起來免得他看見。
  He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.
  Be careful for fear (that) you should be misunderstood. 請小心點不要被誤會了。
... in case ... should ...
結構︰... in case ... should ...
說明︰此句型意為“…唯恐…;以防萬一…”。in case 是“唯恐(=lest);萬一(=if)”之意,做<副詞><連接詞>,引導<副詞子句>,與 should 並用,以修飾<主要子句>。in case 置於句首,也可當 if 使用。
  I stopped suddenly in case he should think that I was showing off.
  They watched him closely in case he should escape. 他們嚴密監視他,惟恐他會逃脫。
  In case (=If) I forget, please remind me. 萬一我忘記,請提醒我。
  Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把電話號碼寫下來以免忘了。


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