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[[求助与讨论]] 有谁能帮忙做做英语题吗?

发表于 2008-1-16 21:33:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. You can find the post office you’re looking for _____ 2168 Highland Road.
A. A. on B. at
C. nearly D. in
2. The rising crime rate is _______ major concern of _____ society.
A. a, / B. the ,the
C. /, the D. A, the
3. He was _____ when I walked into the room.
A. ready for leaving B. in the point of leaving
C. most ready to leave D. about to leave
4. Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they eat twice _____ they did before their diet.
A. more than B. as many as
C. much than D. as much as
5. Some airports are _____ for bad security for passengers.
A. famous B. distinguished
C. notorious D. eminent
6. Topic for composition should be _____ to the experiences and interests of the students.
A. relevant B. connecting
C. concerned D. dependent
7. He left orders that nothing __________ touched until the police arrived here.
A. must be B. would be
C. should be D. ought to be
8. ___________ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.
A. Since B. there being
C. There was D. Being
9. When there was a short _____ in the conversation, I asked if any one would like anything to drink.
A. pause B. wait
C. blank D. space
10. __________ the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research.
A. As to B. In view of
C. In spite of D. Because of
11. By the time you arrive in London, we ________ in Europe for two weeks.
A. have been staying B. shall stay
C. have stay D. will have stayed
12. I remember ________ for the job, But I forget the exact amount.
A. to be paid B. being paid
C. that I received pay D. get paid
13. The driver tried to __________ the accidents by bringing the car to a sudden stop.
A. cause B. avert
C. minimize D. control
14. If you promise __________ angry with me, I’ll tell you what I broke.
A. not to get B. get not
C. not get D. not getting
15. The children listened _____ to the words of their grandfather.
A. respectably B. respectively
C. respectfully D. respect
16. The ticket taker at the football game tore the tickets _________.
A. at half B. by half
C. in halves D. in half
17. ___________ ghost exists in the world. That is yourxxx.
A. No such thing as a B. No such thing as
C. No such a thing as D. No such a thing as a
18. If reading is to accomplish anything more than _________-time, it must be active.
A. wasting B. passing
C. idling D. spending
19. Fewer mistakes _________ with the new calculating machine.
A. made they B. they made
C. they would make D. did they make
20. You _________me up; I don’t have to go to work today.
A. needn’t have woken B. don’t need to have woken
C. needn’t wake D. didn’t need to wake
21. Most people don’t like _________ criticized, and he hates __________ criticized.
A. being, to be B. being. Being
C. to be. to be D. to be, being
22. _______, we would have been in time.
A. Was it not for the storm B. Were it not for the storm
C. Should not it be for the storm D. Had not it been for the storm
23. He can only have ______ such excellent English by living in the English-spoken country for some years.
A. taken up B. kept up
C. caught up D. picked up
24. ________, he is misunderstood by most people.
A. largely B. Wholly
C. On the whole D. By large
25. The millions of caculations involved . had they been done by hand, _____ all practical value by the time they were finished.
A. might lose B. would have lost
C. could lose D. ought to have lost
26. Once it was thought that nighttime dreams _________ our needed rest.
A. broke off B. broke in C. interfered with D.interfered in
27. A natural sleeping pill would be superior to synthetic pills because it would have no bad effects ____________ the body.
A. in B. to
C. within D. on
28. Most electric devices of this kind, ______ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
A. as are B. it is
C. that are D. which is
29. She set to work at once and fitted the wheel in a few minutes while John _______ in admiration.
A. looked at B. looked in
C. looked on D. looked ahead
30. Most of the students in a beginning composition course _________.
A. have a need and an interest in writing clearly
B. have a need for and an interest in clear writing
C. need to write clearly are interested in this
D. are interested writing clearly and need to

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