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[【学科前沿】] 急救时刻,医院你做到了吗?

发表于 2008-1-16 10:00:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
January 3, 2008, 8:27 am
Speed Saves, But Hospitals Too Slow to Restart Hearts
Posted by Jacob Goldstein
Hospital staff are supposed to respond within two minutes when patients’ hearts stop beating. 当患者的心脏停止跳动,在两分钟之内医务人员应当作出应对措施。That’s not much time to mobilize the hollering code-blue team and to get the defibrillator paddles on a patient’s chest to shock the heart back into action.将心脏除颤器放在病人身上并除颤成功,两分钟的时间的确有点短。
And a study published in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine found that almost a third of the time, this life-saving intervention takes longer than two minutes, significantly reducing a patient’s chances of survival.公布于本周新英格兰杂志的一项研究发现几乎有1/3的急救时间超过两分钟,其大大的降低了患者的生存率。

On average, response times were slower in smaller hospitals, in patients not hospitalized for heart conditions and between the hours of 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. 一般而言,小医院,非心脏原因就住的住院病人,以及在下午五点到早晨八点期间的急救速度比较慢。 Response was also slower on average for black patients, though the study’s author told the WSJ that may be because blacks are more likely to go to hospitals where the response time for all patients is slower than average.此外,黑人被急救的也较慢,虽然研究者告知WSJ,这可能是因为黑人被送往的医院一般而言对所有病人的急救速度都慢。

The findings were based on data for 6789 patients from 369 hospitals participating in a national CPR registry.
An editorial that accompanied the study suggested that the same kind of automated external defibrillators now common in public places such as casinos and airports could be placed in every patient’s room. 该项研究的社论还建议在普通公共场所诸如娱乐场、机场等处每个病人的房间应配备同型的自动外除颤仪。
Unlike the devices typically used in hospitals, AEDs can be used with minimal training because they have built-in sensors that determines whether the patient’s condition is appropriate for delivering a shock.与医院使用的设备型号不同之处在于,自动外除颤仪的使用只需很少的培训因为该设备使用传感元件可确定患者是否需要一次除颤。

“You can get them for $500 on eBay,” the author of the editorial told the New York Times.纽约时报社论作者言“您只需在eBay网上花500美元即可拥有” “It wouldn’t even take a nurse. You could train the cafeteria workers if you wanted to.”“它甚至不需要护士来操作,只要您想,您甚至可以培训餐厅招待员来操作”。

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