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[[学习策略]] 英语标点符号误用评析

发表于 2008-1-9 19:12:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Collected and Edited by 山定子
Original Posting is at:
http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs. ... 11&star=1#22611

01. 句号的误用

*When I have finished my homework.

虽然含一个主谓结构,但它只是一个从句,不是一个完整句子,不该用句号。若具有一定上下文,如出现在对话中,这样使用句号是允许的。例如:When can we go for a walk? When I have finished my homework. 但在写作中一般应避免这种用法。

*If you come tomorrow.
If you come tomorrow, you can talk with him in person.

*He found himself unable to read the document. Having forgotten his glasses.
Having forgotten his glasses, he found himself unable to read the document.

*He didn't come to class yesterday. Because he got a bad cold.
He didn't come to class yesterday, because he got a bad cold.

连写句(run-on sentence)指的是两个或更多的句子连接在一起,不加任何标点符号,从而造成句子结构混乱和意义模糊。
*The show begins at 7:30 make sure you're there before 7:15.
The show begins at 7:30. Make sure you're there before 7:15.
或者改用逗号再添上 so,使句子前后连贯:
The show begins at 7:30, so make sure you're there before 7:15.

*The head of state and the religious leader were often the same person all power rested in one ruler.
The head of state and the religious leader were often the same person. All power rested in one ruler.
The head of state and the religious leader were often the same person; all power rested in one ruler.

*The night was cold we forgot to bring our coats.
The night was cold. We forgot to bring our coats.
另一种是加上逗号,再加上并列连词 and 使其成为同一个句子的两个分句:
The night was cold, and we forgot to bring our coats.

*The ink dried quickly this makes writing easier.
The ink dried quickly. This makes writing easier.

*We live in a rapidly changing world we must keep up with new advances in technology.
We live in a rapidly changing world. We must keep up with new advances in technology.
或者一并加上逗号和连词 so,将句子改为:
We live in a rapidly changing world, so we must keep up with new advances in technology.

02. 叹号的误用

*Example 1:
  I am so busy right now with all my classes!!! I can't believe how much I have to do and I can't even imagine when I will be able to have some fun again!!! My roommates and I went to the store to go shopping and guess who we saw!!! My best friend from freshman year and she had a guy by her side!!! There married!!!! Can you beliveve it!! It is so crazy that she got married and didn't even tell me except for in the store, but you know what I mean! I hope you're having fun at work and stuff.

  I am so busy right now with all my classes. I can't believe how much I have to do and I can't even imagine when I will be able to have some fun again. My roommates and I went to the store to go shopping and guess who we saw? My best friend from freshman year and she had a guy by her side. There married! Can you beliveve it? It is so crazy that she got married and didn't even tell me except for in the store, but you know what I mean. I hope you're having fun at work and stuff.

*I finally got the right answer to the question!
*You are absolutely right!
*No one knows where he has gone!


*Come early tomorrow morning if you can!
*Have another piece of cake!
*Let's start now!


*Because he doesn't like violence! He will not go to the movies.
*When he lost his job! He lost heart.
*Unless you tell me the truth! I won't go with you.
*If it is possiple! Why don't you try it yourself?


*The general told them on Monday that the battle had to be completely won!
*My English teacher warned me not to write compositions that way!

The general ordered, \"The battle must be completely won!\"
My English teacher warned, \"Don't write compositions that way!\"

03 问号的误用
*I can't remember where he lives now?
*He asked me who would help us with the work?
*My sister refused to tell me when she would be back?
*David wondered if his grandmother would bring him a birthday present?
*The soldiers don't know what will happen in that area?


*Who will be in charge of this project is still a question?
*When he will leave for America is still unknown?
*Why Mary refused to take the job really puzzles me?
*What you can do with this problem gives your colleagues much confidence?


04. 逗号的误用

*(1) That handsome man in a blue tie, is the groom.
*(2) The most important attribute of a ball player, is quick reflex actions.
*(3) An eighteen-year old in California, is now considered an adult.
*(4) The idea that you shoul report every obsevation, is wrong.
*(5) Many of the characters who dominate the early chapters and then disappear, are portraits of the author's friends.
*(6) Preparing and submitting his report to the committee for evaluation and possible publication, was one of the most difficult tasks Bill had ever attempted.
*(7) Extracting the most profit for the least expenditure on labor and material, is the primary goal of a capitalist.
*(8) To start a new business without doing market research and long-term planning in advance, would be foolish.


*(9) A dozen wooden chairs, and a window that admits a shaft of light complete the stage setting.
*(10) He composed several successful symphonies, and became a world-famous composer.
*(11) The agent reported to the headquarters staff, that the documents had been traced to and underground garage.
*(12) This research group has devised a new system of astronomy, and a seientific approach to the study of geography.

例(9)是两个并列名词词组作主语,中间不宜用逗号分开。例(10)是两个并列动词词组作谓语,中间也不宜用逗号隔开。例(11)中 that 引导的宾语从句不应该与谓语动词断开。例(12)是两个并列名词词组作宾语,中间不宜用逗号隔开。以上四句中的逗号均应去掉。

*(13) The boy ran, fast.
*(14) A yellow book was put, on the top shelf.
*(15) The old lady laughed, loudly.


*(16) Nona thought of the crew members, who worked from dawn to dusk, but whose lives seemed free and joyful.
*(17) She broadens her analysis by exploring the tragic elements of the play, and by integrating the hunting motif with the themes of death and resurrection.
*(18) The farmhouse stood on top of a hill, and just beyond the Silver Creek Bridge.


*(19) After a day's work he was very tired and he went to bed without saying good night to his parents.
*(20) He hunted in the woods and she fished in the streams.
*(21) His son was naughty but that is not our business.
*(22) Wear your jacket or you will catch cold.
*(23) It was strong yet it was not unpleasant.

(19a) After a day's work he was very tired, and he went to bed without saying good night to his parents.
(20a) He hunted in the woods, and she fished in the streams.
(21a) His son was naughty, but that is not our business.
(22a) Wear your jacket, or you will catch cold.
(23a) It was strong, yet it was not unpleasant.

*(24) As President Canfield had been a great success.
*(25) For the most part children love their parents.
*(26) Outside the lawn was cluttered with hundreds of broken branches.
*(27) When I turned forty three people congratulated me.
*(28) A few days before I saw him at the store.
*(29) Walking to work Jim stopped for coffee at the diner.
*(30) However you may not be satisfied with the results.
*(31) While I was eating the cat scratched at the door.
*(32) To George Harrison has been a sort of idol.

(24a) As President, Canfield had been a great success.
(25a) For the most part, children love their parents.
(26a) Outside, the lawn was cluttered with hundreds of broken branches.
(27a) When I turned forty, three people congratulated me.
(28a) A few days before, I saw him at the store.
(29a) Walking to work, Jim stopped for coffee at the diner.
(30a) However, you may not be satisfied with the results.
(31a) While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door.
(32a) To George, Harrison has been a sort of idol.

*(33) The Phone line, which was instaled two weeks ago had to be disconnected.
*(34) The task to be performed adequately, requires great concentration.
*(35) George whose brother is my classmate is the chairman of the committee.
*(36) His article which covered more than twelve pages, concluded with a quotation from Kennedy.
*(37) The task was divided among his colleagues a great part of whom lack experience.
*(38) He took a train to London where he hoped to find a job.
*(39) The story took palce in 1941 when the Pacific War broke out.

非限制性定语从句一般用于解释或补充说明前面提到过的人或事,它与先行词的关系比较松散,一般用逗号将其隔开。试区分限制性和非限制性定语从句之间的差别:[限制性定语从句] The girls who were cold put their coats on.(感觉冷的姑娘们穿上了上衣。)该句的言外之意是:Only some of the girls put their coats on. 即只有那些感觉到冷的姑娘们穿上了上衣,其他人并没有穿。[非限制性定语从句] The girls, who were cold, put their coats on.(姑娘们都感觉到冷,所以她们都穿上了上衣。)该句的意思是所有的姑娘都穿上了上衣,因为她们感觉冷。例(33)至例(39)都是含非限制性定语从句的句子,但其中有的只用了一个逗号,有的一个逗号也没用。这都是错误的,应改为:
(33a) The Phone line, which was instaled two weeks ago, had to be disconnected.
(3a4) The task, which is to be performed adequately, requires great concentration.
(35a) George, whose brother is my classmate, is the chairman of the committee.
(36a) His article, which covered more than twelve pages, concluded with a quotation from Kennedy.
(37a) The task was divided among his colleagues, a great part of whom lack experience.
(38a) He took a train to London, where he hoped to find a job.
(39a) The story took palce in 1941, when the Pacific War broke out.

*(40) The case, nevertheless was closed.
*(41) She will see if she has any sense at all, that he is right.
*(42) Note for example, the excellent brushwork.
*(43) John, my friend will do what he can.
*(44) Tom will you please do me a favor?
*(45) Our teacher David Glenn was having a meeting in his office.
*(46) I wish, Sandra you would do it.
*(47) April 10, 2003 is agreeable as a date for final payment.
*(48) The Car, an ancient Packard is still running.
*(49) In each box however, a bottle was broken.

(40a) The case, nevertheless, was closed.
(41a) She will see, if she has any sense at all, that he is right.
(42a) Note, for example, the excellent brushwork.
(43a) John, my friend, will do what he can.
(44a) Tom, will you please do me a favor?
(45a) Our teacher, David Glenn, was having a meeting in his office.
(46a) April 10, 2003, is agreeable as a date for final payment.
(47a) I wish, Sandra, you would do it.
(48a) The Car, an ancient Packard, is still running.
(49a) In each box, however, a bottle was broken.

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05. 分号的误用


*(1) I am going home, I intend to stay there.
*(2) It rained heavily during the afternoon, we managed to have our picnic anyway.
*(3) They couldn't make it to the summit and back before dark, they decided to cmp for the night.
*(4) He often watched TV when there were only reruns, she preferred to read instead.
*(5) They weren't dangerous criminals, they were detectives in disguise.
*(6) The hill was covered with wildflowers, it was a beautiful sight.
*(7) The house was clean, the table set, and the porch light on, everything was ready for the guests' arrival.


*(8) The computer could perform millions of operations in a split second, however, it could not think spontaneously.
*(9) The snowstorm lasted a whole day, subsequently, the airport was closed.
*(10) Dalian is my favorite city, in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there this summer.
*(11) Jack worked overtime to pay off his education debts, at least, that was his explanation for his long hours.
*(12) I had to complete the assignment by Friday, otherwise, I would have failed the course.
*(13) The library was closed during the holiday, therefore I could not borrow the books.
*(14) Mother did not scold me at all, indeed, she hardly seemed to be listening as I explained about the damage.
*(15) The new employee quit after a week, apparently, the pressure was too great for him.
*(16) We already received your report, therefore, the follow-up mailing is unnecessary.


(8a) The computer could perform millions of operations in a split second; however, it could not think spontaneously.

(9a) The snowstorm lasted a whole day; subsequently, the airport was closed.

(10a) Dalian is my favorite city; in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there this summer.

(11a) Jack worked overtime to pay off his education debts; at least, that was his explanation for his long hours.

(12a) I had to complete the assignment by Friday; otherwise, I would have failed the course.

(13a) The library was closed during the holiday; therefore I could not borrow the books.

(14a) Mother did not scold me at all; indeed, she hardly seemed to be listening as I explained about the damage.

(15a) The new employee quit after a week; apparently, the pressure was too great for him.

(16a) We already received your report; therefore, the follow-up mailing is unnecessary.

例(17)和例(18)的句子结构较复杂。并列连词 and 的前后是独立的分句,但例(17)中的两个分句和例(18)中的第一个分句都是以复句的形式出现。这样,分句之间就应该用分号,而不能用逗号。应改为:

(17a) If she can, she will attempt that feat; and if her husband is able, he will be there to see her.
(18a) When I finish here, I will be glad to help you; and that is a promise I will keep.


(17b) If she can, she will attempt that feat. If her husband is able, he will be there to see her.
(18b) When I finish here, I will be glad to help you. That is a promise I will keep.

*(19) Members of the band include Harold Rostein, clarinetist, Tony Aluppo, tuba player, and Lee Jefferson, trumpeter.
*(20) There were citizens from Bangor, Maine, Hartford, Connecticut, Boston, Massachusettes, and Newport, Rhode Island.


(19a) Members of the band include Harold Rostein, clarinetist; Tony Aluppo, tuba player; and Lee Jefferson, trumpeter.
(20a) There were citizens from Bangor, Maine; Hartford, Connecticut; Boston, Massachusettes; and Newport, Rhode Island.

*(21) Although gaining and maintaining a high level of physical fitness takes a good deal of time; the effort pays off in the long run.
*(22) Michael decided to quit the job which his brother had recommended; because he felt tired most of the time.


*(23) The economy has been sluggish for four years now; but some signs of improvement are finally beginning to show.

例(23)是并列复句,连接词 but 前应该用逗号,而不应该用分号。

*(24) The man walked quietly into the room, slowly; and carefully closing the door behind him.
*(25) The other man, David Johnson, refused to make comments; and left immediately.
*(26) The breakfast consisted of fruit juice; a boiled egg; two slices of toast; and a cup of coffee.

例(24)至例(26)都是单句,单句中并列成分的分隔应该用逗号,而不能用分号。但如果用了连接词 and,那么它前面的逗号就可以省略。以上三例宜改为:
(24a) The man walked quietly into the room, slowly and carefully closing the door behind him.
(25a) The other man, David Johnson, refused to make comments and left immediately.
(26a) The breakfast consisted of fruit juice, a boiled egg, two slices of toast, and a cup of coffee.

*(27) The person we need; the person we have been waiting for, is someone adequately trained in business management.


*(28) Susan Fenton, who used to work with me; has moved to New York, where she has found a new job.


*(29) Aaron asked the counselor if there were many job opportunities for music teachers; and if he would have to leave the province to get a good position.

例(29)的宾语是由连接词 if 引导的从句充当,但两个并列的从句之间不宜用分号断开,况且后一个从句前又有连词 and 相接,所以应将分号删去。

*(30) I had been aware that they sometimes disagreed violently; particularly over how to educate their children.


06. 冒号的误用

冒号用于提示性话语之后的停顿。它的前面一般是独立的分句,后面接例举的事物或解释性话语。有人说:The colon is a greenlight; the semicolon is a stop sign.(冒号是绿灯,分号是停止标志。)其意思是,冒号指引读者继续读下去,而分号表示在此停止。后者的作用与句号类似,一般在用分号的地方也都可用句号代替。但无论如何,句子的主语和谓语之间,谓语和宾语之间,系动词与表语之间都不应该用冒号分隔。

*(1) John and Mary: went out togethr.
*(2) The driver and three men in the car: were killed in the accident.


*(3) We found: an empty bottle, a lighter, and an ashtray in the corner of the room.
*(4) He gave me: two apples, three peaches, and some grapes.
*(5) The daily newspaper contains: news, sports, entertainment, and classified ads.


(3a) We found three things in the corner of the room: an empty bottle, a lighter, and an ashtray.
(4a) He gave me some fruit: two apples, three peaches, and some grapes.
(5a) The daily newspaper contains four sections: news, sports, entertainment, and classified ads.

*(6) The Mayor was soon working harmoniously with: the Police Officers Association, the District Attorney's office, and the Mafia.
*(7) We traveled to: London, Wales and Scotland.
*(8) Sam participated in: tennis, golf, and gymnastics.


(6a) The Mayor was soon working harmoniously with three bodies: the Police Officers Association, the District Attorney's office, and the Mafia.
(7a) We traveled to three places: London, Wales and Scotland.
(8a) Sam participated in three sports: tennis, golf, and gymnastics.

*(9) The tools we need are: a plane, a level, and a T-square.
*(10) His purpose was: to leave, to abandon them.
*(11) Her three goals are: to improve her public speaking skills, to increase her self-confidence and to sharpen her sales techniques.


(9a) The tools we need are a plane, a level, and a T-square.
(10a) His purpose was to leave, to abandon them.
(11a) Her three goals are to improve her public speaking skills, to increase her self-confidence and to sharpen her sales techniques.

07. 破折号的误用


A. 不应该使用破折号而用
*(1) The regulations—which were issued yesterday—had been anticipated for months.
*(2) Many candidates applied—however, only one was chosen.
*(3) When we could stand it no longer—we called to find out when they were coming.
*(4) The athletes were marching in as a group—smiling excitedly at the spectators in the stadium.
*(5) On our farm we grow—wheat, soybeans, alfalfa, and corn.
*(6) Various kinds of dictionaries and encyclopedias—are available in the reading room.
*(7) According to the weather forecast—there will be a snow-storm tomorow in Northern China.
*(8) To some of you, my suggestion is—that you should keep on trying.
*(9) The American writer—James Thurber, wrote many humorous stories.
*(10) He struggled against financial difficulties—and later filed for bankruptcy.


(1a) The regulations, which were issued yesterday, had been anticipated for months.
(2a) Many candidates applied; however, only one was chosen.
(3a) When we could stand it no longer, we called to find out when they were coming.
(4a) The athletes were marching in as a group, smiling excitedly at the spectators in the stadium.
(5a) On our farm we grow wheat, soybeans, alfalfa, and corn.
(6a) Various kinds of dictionaries and encyclopedias are available in the reading room.
(7a) According to the weather forecast, there will be a snow-storm tomorow in Northern China.
(8a) To some of you, my suggestion is that you should keep on trying.
(9a) The American writer, James Thurber, wrote many humorous stories.
(10a) He struggled against financial difficulties and later filed for bankruptcy.

B. 应该使用破折号而没用
*(11) Hot dogs, apple pies, and Mom: these are the traditional American symbols.
*(12) In the zoo we saw tigers, bears, monkeys, crocodiles; and many visitors.
*(13) I noticed that the tulips, dusty, faded, slightly rubbery, were not real.
*(14) Last week my daughter phoned to say that she had bought a new pet: a trained armadillo.
*(15) Whenever I eat those green apples, I get sick, really sick.
*(16) She displayed apples, oranges, grapes; all beautifully arranged.
*(17) The people who knew Besty most intimately: her doctor, her pharmacist, and her lawyer, were eager to know what she would try next.
*(18) To some of you, my proposals may seem radical, even revolutionary.
*(19) I think you would look fine wearing either the silk blouse, the one with the blue pattern or the angora sweater.
*(20) The idea of returning to the basics in the classroom: a notion which incidetaly has been quietly supported for years by many respected teachers, is finally gaining some currency with school administrators.


(11a) Hot dogs, apple pies, and Mom—these are the traditional American symbols.
(12a) In the zoo we saw tigers, bears, monkeys, crocodiles—and many visitors.
(13a) I noticed that the tulips—dusty, faded, slightly rubbery—were not real.
(14a) Last week my daughter phoned to say that she had bought a new pet—a trained armadillo.
(15a) Whenever I eat those green apples, I get sick—really sick.
(16a) She displayed apples, oranges, grapes—all beautifully arranged.
(17a) The people who knew Besty most intimately—her doctor, her pharmacist, and her lawyer—were eager to know what she would try next.
(18a) To some of you, my proposals may seem radical—even revolutionary.
(19a) I think you would look fine wearing either the silk blouse—the one with the blue pattern—or the angora sweater.
(20a) The idea of returning to the basics in the classroom—a notion which incidetaly has been quietly supported for years by many respected teachers—is finally gaining some currency with school administrators.

08. 圆括号的误用


A. 不用解释的话语用了圆括号

*(1) I am expecting five hundred dollars ($500) from my parents.

*(2) He finally replied (answered) that he did not understand the question.

*(3) The kids said they wanted to become Galileo (Italian astronomer) and Madame Curie (Polish physicist) in the future.

*(4) Suppose at the distance of the earth from the sun there was a shell of ice 426 feet (thick).

*(5) We need a telephone operator (who can think quickly, remember not to leave people on hold, and handle complaints from the public).


(1a) I am expecting five hundred dollars from my parents.

(2a) He finally replied that he did not understand the question.

(3a) The kids said they wanted to become Galileo and Madame Curie in the future.

(4a) Suppose at the distance of the earth from the sun there was a shell of ice 426 feet.

(5a) We need a telephone operator who can think quickly, remember not to leave people on hold, and handle complaints from the public.

B. 应该用圆括号而未用

*(6) My Military Occupational Specialty, MOS, was helicopter maintenance.

*(7) The huge bouquet of roses, imitation, no doubt, sat in the corner of the darkened room.

*(8) Volkswagen, the name means "people's car," sells well on Cina's market.

*(9) Many people, old, young, and in between, are beginning to wonder about their chances for a secure retirement.

*(10) Words that confuse, "effect" and "affect", should be used with care.

例(6)的缩略语MOS前后的逗号应删去,加上圆括号;例(7)中的 imitation,no doubt 和例(8)中的 the name means "people's car" 都属于解释性话语,应该删去逗号,改用圆括号;例(9)中的 old,young,and in between 是补充的信息,也应该用圆括号;例(10)中的 "effect" and "affect" 是举例,要用圆括号标注。现将上面错误改正如下:

(6a) My Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was helicopter maintenance.

(7a) The huge bouquet of roses (imitation, no doubt) sat in the corner of the darkened room.

(8a) Volkswagen (the name means "people's car) sells well on Cina's market.

(9a) Many people (old, young, and in between) are beginning to wonder about their chances for a secure retirement.

(10a) Words that confuse ("effect" and "affect") should be used with care.

C. 圆括号内外标点符号的误用

*(11) These conditions (graphed in government publications, see Appendix I) exist mainly in the Northwest.

*(12) Thirty-five years after his death, Robert Frost (We remember him at Kennedy's inauguration.) remains America's favorite poet.

*(13) Thirty-five years after his death, Robet Frost (Do you remember him?) remains America's favorite poet.

*(14) Thirty-five years after his death, Robet Frost remains America's favorite poet (we remember him at Kennedy's inauguration).

*(15) General Douglas MacArthur (We shall return.) accomplished his prediction in October, 1944, when American forces invaded the Japanese-held Philippines.

*(16) Besty soaked her feet in the river and reached into her backpack for a book. (It was Think Your Blisters Away, by Dr. Lincoln Dollar.) Becoming absorbed in reading, she absent-mindedly swallowed a packet of biscuits.

*(17) When the policemen arrived on the scene (It was too late!) the thieves had run away.

*(18) Although the company had not expected a significant yield from the new well (they had drilled it only as an experiment,) it produced a thousand barrels a day.

(11a) These conditions—graphed in government publications (see Appendix I)—exist mainly in the Northwest.

(12a) Thirty-five years after his death, Robert Frost (we remember him at Kennedy's inauguration) remains America's favorite poet.

(13a) Thirty-five years after his death, Robet Frost (do you remember him?) remains America's favorite poet.

(14a) Thirty-five years after his death, Robet Frost remains America's favorite poet. (We remember him at Kennedy's inauguration.)

(15a) General Douglas MacArthur ("We shall return") accomplished his prediction in October, 1944, when American forces invaded the Japanese-held Philippines.

(16a) Besty soaked her feet in the river and reached into her backpack for a book. (It was Think Your Blisters Away, by Dr. Lincoln Dollar.) Becoming absorbed in reading, she absent-mindedly swallowed a packet of biscuits.

(17a) When the policemen arrived on the scene (it was too late!), the thieves had run away.

(18a) Although the company had not expected a significant yield from the new well (they had drilled it only as an experiment), it produced a thousand barrels a day.

09. 方括号的误用


*(1) Byro had already suggested that the gentlement of the Quarterly Review
  (especially Croker) had killed John Keats.

*(2) “My personal idols,” said the forty-four-year-old defendant, “are Jerry (Rubin) and Abbie (Hoffman).”

*(3) She said, “At the meeting, he (Pearson) spoke out against the proposal.”

*(4) (For further information, see Donald Allenberg, The Future of Television (New York, 1973), 15-16.)

*(5) He thinks that Castro would have accepted an invitation if he had been offered one [Cuba and Castro (New York: Random House, 1961), p.207].

*(6) The sect known as the Jansenists (after Cornelius Jansen, 1585-1683) faced opposition from both the king and the pope.


(1a) Byro had already suggested that the gentlement of the Quarterly Review
  [especially Croker] had killed John Keats..

(2a) “My personal idols,” said the forty-four-year-old defendant, “are Jerry [Rubin] and Abbie [Hoffman].”

(3a) She said, “At the meeting, he [Pearson] spoke out against the proposal.”


(4a) (For further information, see Donald Allenberg, The Future of Television [New York, 1973], 15-16.)


(5a) He thinks that Castro would have accepted an invitation if he had been offered one (Cuba and Castro [New York: Random House, 1961], p.207).


(6a) The sect known as the Jansenists (after Cornelius Jansen [1585-1683]) faced opposition from both the king and the pope.

10. 引号的误用



*(1) It is "bad manners" to speak with your mouth full at the banquet.

*(2) I knew that President Nixon would "resign" that morning, because my sister-in-law worked in the "White House" and she called me with the news.

*(3) An "unusual present" was given to him for his birthday: a book on ethics.



*(4) The radio is too loud, Elizabeth complained, and she then stalked back to her room.

*(5)Did you really say to Ronald, You're my best friend?

*(6) John said to me, Margaret is very clever.


(4a) "The radio is too loud," Elizabeth complained, and she then stalked back to her room.

(5a)Did you really say to Ronald, "You're my best friend? "

(6a) John said to me, "Margaret is very clever."


*(7) Did she say, "What time is it?"?


(7a) Did she say, "What time is it?"

*(8)"If you're going out," he said. "Will you pick up some milk?"

例8引语的前半部分是条件句,不是完整的句子,所以he said 的后面应该用逗号,后半部分引语的首字母应该小写。

(8a)"If you're going out," he said, "will you pick up some milk?"

*(9)"I should like to buy an egg, please," she said timidly, "how do you sell them"?

例9前半部分引语是意思完整的句子。因此,在she said timidly的后面应该用句号。后半部分引语也是完整的句子,所以首字母应大写,问号应放在引号之内。

(9a)"I should like to buy an egg, please," she said timidly. "How do you sell them?"

*(10)What do you mean, "I never sent the invitations."?


(10a)What do you mean, "I never sent the invitations"?

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