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[[学习策略]] 和我一起看《friends》

发表于 2008-1-6 17:54:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

101 The one where Monica gets a new roomate

hump n.驼峰, 驼背, 小园丘, 峰丘 v.(使)隆起, 弓起
hairpiece n. 假发, 假眉毛
intestine n.[解][动]肠
aura n. (1)气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环(2)[医]先兆, 预感
cleanse v.纯净
gravy n.肉汁,肉汤
freak out 吸毒, 引起错觉, 逃避现实, 反常行为
drifted apart 疏远
tuna 金枪鱼
metaphor [修辞]隐喻, 暗喻, 比喻说话
sleigh n.雪橇 v.乘雪橇, 用雪橇运输
mitten n.棒球手套 拳击手套
eyelash n.睫毛
lizard n.蜥蜴
omelet n.煎蛋卷
beacon n.烟火, 灯塔 v.照亮
upbeat adj.乐观的, 欢乐的
albino n.白化病者, 白化变种
parachute n.降落伞
aromatherapy n. 用香料按摩
vulnerability n.弱点, 攻击
1、Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck.
Ross 用来形容妻子Carol离开他以后的感受。

2、fix on sth总盯着某事
电影中Ross: why does everyone keep fixating on that?

3、strip joint脱衣舞场
JoeyStrip joint! C’mon, you’re single! Have some hormones!

4、turn on 让某人更激动兴奋
Rachel: I realize that I was more turned on by this gravy than by Barry.
5. give somebody a break
意思是“给某人一个机会/一次优待”。例如:I have to ask the teacher to give me a break, or else I'll certainly fail the exam. 我得求老师放我一马,不然考试我肯定得挂。美国口语中常用的 Give me a break! 意思是“(表示不相信别人胡诌)得了吧!饶了我吧!”电影中的 Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time. 意思是“别逼她了,第一次独立生活是很难的。”

6. suck
意思是“令人失望、不愉快或讨厌。”例如:Being alone sucks! I've got to find a girlfriend in a minute. 单身真郁闷!我得马上找一个女朋友。电影中的 Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it! 意思是“欢迎来到现实世界!它很逊!但是你会喜欢它的!\"

7. have a crush on somebody
意思是“暗恋某人。” 例如:I have a crush on the new girl and cannot concentrate in class. 我喜欢上了新来的女孩,连上课都不能集中注意力。电影中的 you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 意思是“你也许不知道,但是高中的时候我,呃,狂热地暗恋你。”

8. geeky
意思是“反常的、变态的”。例如:You've gone to academic lectures just for fun?How geeky you are! 去听学术讲座是为了好玩?你还真是变态!口语中常用名词形式 geek,例如:What a geek! 意思是“真是个怪胎!” 电影中的 I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother. 意思是“我一直以为你只是把我当作莫尼卡的变态哥哥。”

9. ask someone out
意思是“请求与某人约会。”例如:I had been tortured by my secret likeness for her for so long. I finally gathered myself up and asked her out. 我对她心仪已久,备受煎熬,终于鼓起勇气和她约会了。电影中的 do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? 意思是“如果那时候我和你约会,你会同意吗?”

1、Mr. Potato Head
瑞秋和众人谈到了她逃婚的原因,她说这是因为她突然发现她的未婚夫巴里医生长得活像“薯头先生(Mr.Potato Head)”,这 是在美国家喻户晓的卡通人物。如果大家看过《玩具总动员(Toy Story)》,就会在里面发现他和他的夫人“薯头太太(Mrs. Potato Head)”叽叽歪歪,经常批评这、批评那的形象。尽管“薯头先生”很可爱,但卡通毕竟是卡通,如果你在乎未婚夫的容貌,而未婚 夫又不幸长得和“薯头先生”一副嘴脸,你最好还是和瑞秋一样赶紧逃婚。:-)

Mento是曼妥思糖(Mentos)的简称。在钱德勒和乔伊安慰离婚的罗斯时,钱德勒说他和乔伊与女孩的关系从来没有“长过嚼一颗曼妥思糖的时 间(lasted longer than a Mento)”;以劝慰罗斯放开一点。

3、Billy don't be a hero
这是一首著名的反战歌曲,歌中有一句词说:“比利,不要成为一个英雄(Billy,don't be a hero)。回来,让我成为你的妻子。’在剧中,乔伊劝告罗斯忘记前妻卡罗尔,再找新的女友,罗斯非常不满,他反问乔伊:那“比利,不要成为一个英雄”这 个故事对你有何启发?这里罗斯把找新女友比喻成上战场。

4、Barn raising scene in Witness


6、Liza Minelli
该集最后一个场景,钱德勒再次提到他做的梦,他梦见自己是“丽莎·米内利(Liza Minelli)”。丽莎是名演员、曾主演《绿野 仙踪》的裘迪·迦伦的女儿,本人也于1 9 7 3年因为在《小酒馆(Cabaret)》一片中的精彩演出而获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。

《老友记(六人行)》(Friends)是美国最成功的情景喜剧之一,从1994年到2004年 共播出了十季236集,共获得了33次艾美奖的提名,获奖无数。整部戏主要描写美国纽约的6个性格迥异的年轻人--娇纵可爱的千金小姐瑞秋、专情而古板的生物学家罗斯、有严重洁癖而且及其好胜的莫妮卡、专好冷幽默的钱德勒、古怪风趣的菲比和天真而且花心的乔伊。三男三女之间的友情、爱情和事业是这部电视剧 的主线,发生在他们身上的丑事连连,幽默的场景,曲折的情节,层出不穷的笑料,使《六人行》在欧美国家获得了巨大的成功。出演本剧的六位明星分别为 David Schwimmer, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Courteney Cox, Matt Le Blanc and Lisa Kudrow。出演此剧时他们大多默默无名,而现在均是大红大紫,成为每集片酬100万美元的当红明星。此剧的另一特色是明星与设计师等各界名流的客串, 如珍妮佛·安妮斯顿的前老公Brad Pitt和Bruce Willis,后者因客串了珍妮佛·安妮斯顿的老爸一举夺得了艾美奖的最佳男配角。

《老友记》也是学地道美语的最佳材料。那些轻松诙谐 的人物对白,蕴涵着一种独特的美式幽默,令人拍案叫绝。《老友记》几乎涵盖了当今美国最常用、最喜欢的口语表达方式,被称为\"美国英语口语活词典\"。因 此,该剧成为了英语学习者的最佳口语资料。看《老友记》,你会觉得学习英语口语原来如此简单、有趣,在短时间内使你的英语听说大有长进!


美国人崇尚的是自我独立、自我奋斗、自己掌握自己命运的执著精神。在美国人看来,人的尊严来源于独立的人格,而独立的人格的前提是独立思考和生存能 力。美国人从小就培养独立的精神,成人后以和父母同住或依赖父母生活为耻。在以上《老友记》选段中,Rachel在朋友的鼓励下剪掉了父亲的信用卡,开始 独立的生活,就是个人主义(individualism) 的体现。个人主义是指导本剧的核心思想。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-7 22:02:18 | 显示全部楼层
02 The one with the sonogram at the end
mastodon n.[古生]乳齿象, 庞然大物

glacier n.冰河

paranoid n.(=paranoiac)患妄想狂者 adj.类似妄想狂的

fluff n.软毛, 绒毛 vt.使起毛, 抖松

ammunition n.军火、弹药
chaotic adj.混乱的, 无秩序的

twirly a.旋转的,快速转动的

thighmaster n.大腿
veil n.面罩
stomp n.跺脚 vt.跺, 践踏, 重踏 vi.跺脚, 践踏, 重踏

lasagna (=lasagne)烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁

sonogram 语图

curry 咖喱
spaghetti 意大利式面条
chubby adj.丰满的, 圆胖的

dinosaur 恐龙

tan.日晒后的颜色, 棕褐色, 茶色 adj.棕褐色的, 茶色 v.晒黑, 晒成褐色
plug vt.堵, 塞, 插上, 插栓 n.塞子, 插头, 插销
lenses 隐形眼镜
cervix n.[解]颈部, 子宫颈

orthodontist n.正牙医生

nausea n.反胃, 晕船, 恶心, 作呕, 极度的不快

tilt v.(使)倾斜, (使)翘起

1、you’ve got me 你难到我了。
2、cheap shot 那种做法有点贱
shot是指他尝试做的那件事,比如give it a shot就是give it a try,那种做法有点贱,便宜就是cheap
3、roll with the punches 世事难料,兵来将挡
4、gets his way 是说ROSS的“如意算盘”可以实现了
5. have a thing for

意思是“喜欢……,对……有意思。”例如:I have a thing for wide belts for jean trousers. 我很喜欢配牛仔裤的宽腰带。电影中的 The big one had a thing for you, didn't she? 意思是“(那家的)大小姐对你有意思,不是吗?”

6. bring up

意思是“提起,提出。”例如:She has just lost her job. Maybe it is not the right time to bring up the bad news. 她刚丢了工作。现在提这个坏消息恐怕不是时候。电影中的Were you planning on bringing up the whole baby, lesbian thing?意思是“你打算过提起小孩和同性恋的那一挡子事吗?”

7. take the heat off someone

意思是“解……燃眉之急。”例如:The rise of the oil price took the heat off many Middle Eastern countries. 石油价格的上涨使许多中东国家松了一口气。电影中的Because I think it might take some of the heat off me. 意思是“因为我认为那样会让我喘口气。”
Pink Flovd
平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)是美国著名的歌手,他演唱的《白色圣诞》脍炙人口。中钱德勒等人在讨论男女对接吻的不同看法。钱德勒说,对于男人来说,接吻就像平克·弗洛伊德出场前进行垫场演出的喜剧演员似的(It's like the stand- up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out.)。

The Enterprise



Who pays for what nowadays is a common question. Traditionally in the past the bride's family has paid for the entire wedding and reception, with the knowledge and understanding that the wedding ought to be kept within their family budget. This practice is still followed today. On the other hand, it is also not unusual nowadays, for the groom's family to sometimes offer to help share some of the expenses, if they wish, such as the cost of flowers, liquor or music. This offer may be accepted or, if the bride's family prefers to have a simpler, affordable wedding within their limited budget, it is their privilege to kindly reject the offer.

In addition to the above examples, more and more couples today tend to plan and save to pay entirely for the cost of their own wedding. In this case the wedding invitations are sent out in their own names, unless, as in some circumstances, they wish to give their parents the courtesy of issuing the invitation.

The groom and his family are responsible for the following expenses: The bride's engagement and wedding ring, his wedding attire, his doctor's visit and blood test, the marriage license, the clergyman's fee or donation, gifts for the best man and ushers, boutonnieres for the groom and ushers and sometimes the bridal bouquet, going away corsage, etc., unless the bride chooses to include them in her florist's order. Whether to give a bachelor dinner is optional. A rehearsal dinner is customary. Honeymoon expenses, if planned.

Bridesmaid's expenses include: Purchase of bridesmaid's dresses, shoes and all accessories, transportation to and from the location of the wedding, an individual gift to the couple, a shower, luncheon for the bride, or a co-ed party may be shared.

Guest's expenses include: The groom's parents pay for their own transportation and lodgings as do out-of-town guests. Parents of the bride and groom may help in securing accommodations for the bridesmaids and ushers in the home of friends, or they may offer to pay any expenses they may care to assume.

在美国,传统上婚礼和招待的费用由新娘父母负责。新郎父母可能会向亲家提出分担一些,但是有时候会被拒绝。现在一些新婚夫妇选择自己负责婚 礼费用,但很多时候还是会以父母的名义发请贴。新郎父母的支出包括给新娘的戒指以及新郎的一应花费。在美国伴娘和客人的费用一般由自己负担,有时候新婚夫妇的父母也会帮助解决。在正式的婚礼前一般会有彩排宴会。本选段中提到Rachel的父母为她的婚礼花费了4万美元指的就是上述习俗。


本 段中Monica的父母偏心,对她处处看不顺眼,而对她的哥哥Ross却是百般袒护和疼爱。如何面对这样的父母是个难题。中国人传统上对父母比较孝顺,在这种情况下往往忍气吞声。而Monica却用自己的努力改变了父母对自己的偏见,可见美国个人主义价值观在确立自身价值和赢得尊重方面的重要作用。

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