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[[学习策略]] Would you like some tea?  想喝茶吗?

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发表于 2008-1-6 07:45:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Would you like some tea?  想喝茶吗??
  A  Good to see you again, Paul.
  A  很高兴再次见到你, 保罗。
  B  And it’s good to see you again,too.
  B  我也很高兴再次见到你。
  A  Would you like some tea? Try some of our wonderful green tea.
  A  想喝茶吗?来尝尝我们非常棒的绿茶。
  B  Thanks. That sounds good.
  B  谢谢。听起来不错。
  A  You can choose lots of different kinds of tea. There’s jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.
  A  有很多种类供你选择。有茉莉花茶,菊花茶,很多不同的口味。
  B  Chrysanthemum sounds interesting. Can I try that?
  B  菊花茶听起来很有意思。我能尝尝吗?

  注释  Notes?

  Remember:  Would you like...? e.g. Would you like some tea?
  记住:Would you like...?(你想……吗?)。例如:Would you like some tea?
  You can make a suggestion to someone, using Try... .e.g. Try some green tea; Try the chicken dish;Try some Chinese wine.
  你可以给某人提出建议,用Try...(尝试……)。例如:Try some green tea(尝尝绿茶);Try the chicken dish(尝尝鸡肉);Try some Chinese wine(尝尝中国酒)。
  You can also ask to try something by saying: Can I try jasmine tea?
  你还可以这样请求尝试某事:Can I try jasmine tea?(我能尝尝茉莉花茶吗?)。

  重要的短语和句子  Key phrases & sentences
  Good to see you again.     很高兴再次见到你。
  Would you like some tea?    你想喝茶吗?
  Try some of our wonderful green tea.  尝尝我们非常棒的绿茶。
  You can choose lots of different kinds of tea.
  There’s jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.
  Can I try that?         我能尝尝吗?

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