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[[资源推荐]] High costs force us to wait

发表于 2008-1-3 12:36:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MOST young Chinese grow up knowing \"Everyone should get married when they reach a suitable age.\" However, when people reach that \"suitable\" age, they seem to forget the saying. Xu Yingtao is one of them.

Xu, 29, has a stable career at a Beijing telecommunication company, a decent monthly income and a girlfriend who has cohabited with him for two years. But marriage is not the next thing on his list.

\"erhaps when I've saved 300,000 yuan, my wedding day will come,\" said Xu. \"Right now, I can't afford a two-room apartment in Beijing.\"

Like Xu, more young people are postponing marriage, said a recent report on Chinese youth by Renmin University. According to the report, 52 percent of Chinese aged between 15 and 29 were unmarried in 1995. In 2005, that number had increased to 66 percent. Over a 10-year period around 41 million more young Chinese over 29 remained single (see graphic, left).

Traditionally, women over the age of 23 and men aged over 25 have been regarded as \"behind schedule\" when it comes to marriage. Nowadays, more people remain single even in their 30s.

The reluctance to give up premarital freedom, the hesitation to share family responsibilities and the greater social acceptance of cohabitation are often cited as reasons for delaying marriage. According to Xu Anqi, of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the economic pressure of setting up a family is also an important factor.

Costly business

According to 21st Century's calculations, from 1995 to 2007, the cost of getting married increased 7 times to 112,000 yuan. But the average disposable income of people in urban areas increased only 2.7 times to 11,759 yuan (see box, right).

A down payment on a self-purchased apartment accounts for half of the marriage expenses and owning your own home is now considered essential for starting a family. According to a report conducted by Sohu.com and Horizon Research Consultancy Group released last week, about 56 percent of unmarried people think owning a house is necessary for marriage, while 79.4 percent suggest that \"only when you own a house and you have a stable family can you think about having a baby.\"

A lack of trust in relationships is also a factor in people marrying later, said a person surnamed Zhou, a marriage consultant of Baihe Love and Marriage Institute in Beijing.

According to Zhou, the previous generation grew up in an environment in which children of the same age usually played together. However, the present generation, who are mostly single children, tend to grow up with fewer peers around.

Children now spend more time with their families instead. This makes it hard for them to build up trust with other people. Zhou said: \"Even if these people fall in love with someone, it requires a longer period of time for the relationship to develop.\"

Calculating the cost of marriage

THE cost of marrying a girl with a bachelor's degree in a middle-sized Chinese city in 1995 and 2007 (in yuan). The costs may vary and this is only a rough guide.



0 yuan

Most apartments were rented from or assigned by the work units and did not cost much. Commercial housing was not yet available to the majority.


56,000 yuan

One square meter may cost 3,500 yuan and an 80-square-meter apartment costs 280,000 yuan. A 20 percent, 56,000 yuan, deposit is required.

Refurbishing and furnishing

10,000 yuan

Only simple refurbishing was undertaken. Televisions, fridges and washing machines were the three major appliances.

40,000 yuan

Refurbishing has become more sophisticated, advanced appliances are now considered necessities.


(100 guests in total)

3,000 yuan at 30 yuan per person.

6,000 yuan at 60 yuan for each guest.


(clothes, jewelry, wedding photos, honeymoon travel, etc.)

3,000 yuan

Gold rings were the most popular and wedding photos and honeymoon travel had also just become popular.

10,000 yuan

Diamond is now the most popular choice for rings. Wedding photos have become more mainstream.

Total costs

16,000 yuan

112,000 yuan

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五月阳光下 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-1-3 13:34:37 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah, it's indeed a problem now.

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