英语阅读(或者说整个英语学习过程)的关键在於词汇量,而不在所谓的阅读技巧。词汇量要大了就好比拥有了NBA中奥尼尔般的肌肉,得分就可以靠此“硬道理”。要扩大词汇量,死记硬背在所难免,就像令狐冲在学风清扬的独孤九剑之前只能先把口诀先死背下来,然后才能靠个人的悟性慢慢消化。扩大词汇量有无捷径?当然有,那就是颠扑不破的词根词缀分析法!兄弟在1989年较早发现蒋争所著的<英语词汇奥秘>,但这本书还远远不够,最好要学会使用陆谷孙<英汉大词典>每个词条结尾的词源演变。有一点必须强调,词根法只能帮助你“记牢”,不能帮你“速记”(甚至比死记要化更多的时间)。但是兄弟的实践经验可以保证此法的优越性---我当年考GRE只背那本3000词(那时“红宝书”尚未出版),而北大的有些哥们据说按顺序死背<新英汉词典>,从GRE Verbal的考分来讲,他们中肯定有人比我高。但我相信很多GRE词汇他们考后1个月就忘了,而我背下的GRE词汇至今在英语写作时可以信手拈来。可以毫不夸张地说,学会词根分析法,你的英语拼词能力会超过大多数native speakers! 在此举个简单例子 ---
老美对 i 和 e 的前后次序比较头疼,於是有些专家总结了一条经验规律\"ut i before e, except after c\"。其实这条规律根本没抓住英语词汇的本质,有很多例外:
science --- After c, i is still before e, why? Because \"sci\" is an English root, it's like an atom, an inseparable functional unit! BTW, \"atom\" is \"a-\" prefix (meaning \"not\") plus \"tom\" root (meaning \"dissectable\"). Example words for \"sci\" root includes \"subconscious\", \"nescient\", \"omniscient\" etc.
protein --- After t, why e is before i ?? Because the word \"protein\" was a condensation of a root and a suffix: \"prote(os)\" + \"-in\" = \"protein\".
conceive --- This example follows the rule, but you can still ask why. The real reason is \"ceiv\" is a functional unit meaning \"carry\", you can find tons of words with \"ceiv\" root in it. |