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[[资源推荐]] “介词+名词”也含被动义

发表于 2007-12-25 20:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“介词+名词”(prep.+n.)结构是英语习惯用 法,可在句中充当表语、定语、状语、宾语等成份,其搭配灵活,表现力强,几乎无通则可循。如若把表示方位的介词与含动作意味的名词 合用,则含被动之义。此结构通俗地道,比生搬硬套被动结构要好。下面试举几例分析,仅供同仁参考。
  1.above+noun,超过…高于… 例:?
  His honest character is above all praise.=His honest character cannot be praised in any words.?
  His conduct has always been above suspicion.=His conduct has no t been suspected.?
  This problem is above me.(略去my comprehension)? 这问题我理解不了。?
  The fixed task was above the girl.(略去her ability)? 规定的任务那女孩难以完成。
  2.below+noun,不及…、不值… 例:
  This matter is below consideration.这事无须考虑。
  3.beyond+noun,出乎… 胜过… 例:?
  The rumour is beyond belief.? 谣言不足为信。?
  The town has changed beyond our recognition.? 小城变化,难以认出。
  Our success is beyond our hope.我们的成功始料不及。
  4.for+noun,适于… 为着… 例:?
  Some words are suitable for use in verse.  有些词适用于韵文。
  We've got enough books for your choice.书足够你选读。
  The contract is now ready for signature.合同已备签。
  5.in+noun,处于…从事… 例:?
  Above the horizon a ship came in our sight.? 海平线上一艘船进入视野。?
  Doctors are in great demand in mountainous areas.? 山区急需医生。?
  The book is not yet in print.? 书未付印。
  6.on+noun,由于 … 例:?
  John was on trial for murder.? 约翰因谋杀受审。
  7.out of+ noun, 失去… 没有… 例:?
  There was something wrong in the rudder, the plane was out of control.? 方向舵出毛病,飞机失去控制。?
  That disc was out of stock.? 那种唱片脱销。?
  This colour is out of fashion.? 这颜色不流行。
  8.past+noun,过于… 超出… 例:?
  The shoes are past repair, they are almost worn out.? 鞋子不可修补,穿的太破旧了。
  The pain was almost past bearing.疼痛难挨。
  9.under+noun,在…过程,在…下 例:
  The patient is still under treatment.病人还在治疗。?
  The question under discussion is about the educational system.? 有关教育体制的问题正在讨论。?
  Everything should be under review before taking actions.? 三思而后行。
  10.within+noun,在…内、不超过… 例:?
  He took two days off within the teacher's permission.? 得到老师允许,他告假两天。
  The city is already within sight.城市已历历在目。


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