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[音乐歌曲♡] 歌曲  外文:我恨我痴心英文版——I Hate Myself for Loving You

发表于 2007-12-18 09:14:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

大家可能都听过刘德华的《我恨我痴心》,在我印象中这几乎是刘德华演唱会的必唱曲目,而且经常作为开场舞曲。而其实这首歌是翻唱的Joan Jett的《I Hate Myself for Loving You》。
Joan Jett(琼•杰特)

Midnight, getting' uptight. Where are you?
You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to two
I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you.
Hey, Jack, It's a fact they're talkin' in town.
I turn my back and you're messin' around.
I'm not really jealous, don't like lookin' like a clown.
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
Daylight, spent the night without you.
But I've been dreamin' 'bout the lovin' you do.
I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through.
Hey, man, bet you can treat me right.
You just don't know what you was missin' last night.
I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you.
I hate myself for loving you.
Can't break free from the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
I think of you ev'ry night and day.
You took my heart, then you took my pride away.
I hate myself for loving you .
Can't break free from the the things that you do.
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you .
I hate myself for loving you .
I hate myself for loving you

摇滚女将joan jett出生于1960年美国费城曾是70年代纯女子硬摇滚乐队the runaways逃亡乐队的一员,the runaways乐队解散之后,乐队成员lita ford和joan jett是发展最好的两位音乐人,前者走向了重金属音乐,大名鼎鼎哦,后者是坚持了传统的硬摇滚,成为80年代乐坛的风云人物。
  在1981年joan jett与the blackhearts黑心人合唱团乐队合作,《i love rock n\" roll》就是出自1981年joan jett & the blackhearts乐队的同名专辑,歌曲在1982年开始风靡起来,最疯狂时获得了全美七周冠军,呵呵,歌曲的歌词,曲调和配器都很简单,但是却直接干脆,特别是joan jett富有磁性和穿透力的声音,相当吸引人。
  1988年,joan jett又一次凭借单曲《i hate myself for loving you》红遍全世界,高亢的嗓音,强劲的节奏,再次在乐坛呼风唤雨,joan jett由此成了强悍女性摇滚代表人物之一。而《i love rock and roll我爱摇滚乐》因为是八十年代摇滚的开场曲,所以成了一代又一代青年心中的摇滚圣歌。
  她的形象叛逆,已经无需用极端女权主义突出女性摇滚的身份,她的音乐简单,已经无需用另类或者非主流来为风格打上标签,在如此普普通通的主流摇滚中,joan jett翻开了摇滚历史上自己的一页。
  joan jett的好听的经典曲目不多,但凭着i love rock and roll和i hate myself for loving you足以使她笑傲整个女性摇滚。因为事实上,没有多少歌手能够留下让后来人仍然津津乐道的传颂金曲。
  1981年,jett以joan jett & the blackhearts之名推出了第二张专辑《i love rock-n-roll》,这是她的辉煌时刻,也是八十年代重摇滚的开场白,专辑名列top10,单曲“i love rock-n-roll”成为一代摇滚礼赞。
  1988年,取自专辑《up your alley》的单曲“i hate myself for loving you”终于再次打入top10,专辑也成为了她的第二张白金唱片。
  jett的音乐最明显的标志就是雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的钩子(指音乐中引人入胜的细节),the rolling stones一样精力充沛的形象和节奏,ac/dc一样强大的和弦演奏。她坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破──她玩的是经典的三和弦rock & roll,然而她也喜欢某些被认为是垃圾的东西(比如gary glitter)。从他的第一支乐队the runaways到他在八十年代的金曲机器合作者the blackhearts直至她在九十年代出人意料的成功复出,她的音乐从未改变过,她用这种方式保证音乐的品质,并用这种方式创造了经典(“i love rock-n-roll”)
  20年前,当britney spears出生的那一年,joan jett以一首i love rock and roll登上世界音乐排行榜的首位。20年后,已经是流行音乐超级偶像的britney spears却翻唱了这首摇滚经典曲目!
  joan jett此后的女性摇滚乐队,几乎无一例外的宣称受到了joan jett的影响。

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