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[[资源推荐]] Virtual jobs are now a reality

发表于 2007-12-14 08:38:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IF you heard that someone has got a well-paid Microsoft job through playing the gaming fantasy world Second Life, your head would probably spin .

But it's true. At lease three job fairs have been held in Second Life. Big brands like Microsoft, KPMG, Accenture, EMC and GE Money have all interviewed hundreds of candidates.

The job seekers, who have already registered on Second Life as residents and created an avatar – the visual \"handle\" or display appearance used to represent a person – can upload their résumés and request an interview. They will meet with and be interviewed by recruiters in virtual client offices.

\"We hired people we had never met in the real world because we'd spent a year looking at the work they produced within Second Life, and the way that they approached the community,\" says Gif Constable, head of business development of a recruiting company.

'Virtual' skills wanted

Few Chinese attend these job fairs because most of the job posts are located in the US and the UK, and because of the language barrier. But local Second Life users are also trying to land jobs through the virtual world.

Visiting many of the local Second Life forums, you can find employers posting job wanted ads, mostly looking for people who have skills which are related to the \"virtual\" technology.

For example, at slforum.cn, one recruiter offered 3D designing and script programming jobs.

\"Some industries will have a greater advantage or relevance in a virtual world like Second Life,\" according to a report from Social Research Foundation, a consumer research firm that conducts opinion polls of Second Life members.

\"For example, a high-tech recruiter in a virtual interview gets to see the initiative and interactive skills that job candidate put into creating the look of their avatar,\" says the report.


Although fancy virtual interviews are accepted by more human resources managers, not having a face-to-face interview could be a challenge.

Zhang Weihao, a 25-year-old programmer, has just landed a job because his avatar impressed a Beijing-based software company.

\"But I also went through one telephone interview and two face-to-face ones,\" said Zhang. \"It could be risky for both sides if we don't even meet.\"

Top interview tips

* Navigating through virtual communities like Second Life isn't easy. So take some time and learn the basics. At least you want to learn how to find your interview room and how to \"sit down\" and \"shake hands\" with the recruiter.

* Even if it's an avatar, you should appear professional. There are too many stories of people showing up naked to interviews in virtual job fairs, and just imagine how an employer would react to that. So learn to dress your avatar properly.

* Prepare some of your work that can show your skills. It must be easy to send the work over the Internet.

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