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[[学习策略]] Paper structure

enineera 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-12-14 00:28:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Paper structure:

The final version of your paper/project/report will usually have five components: Introduction, Background, Method (research process), Result (analysis), Discussion and Conclusion. It may not be appropriate for some papers to follow this format. However, please consult your tutor before you decide to deviate from this outline. These are described below. It is helpful to prepare at an early stage an outline of your table of contents which will list your proposed chapters, even though this will almost certainly be amended as you proceed. The sections may not ultimately be written in sequence; for example, the easiest part of the dissertation to start with is often a description of your data collection procedures. The outline below is intended to summarize in sequence the essential elements of a dissertation/project/report.


(i) Introduction

This should outline the goals and scope of your project/dissertation, stating clearly your research questions to be answered.

(ii) Theoretical Background

Review of the literature, including reasons why your study is appropriate, and how you have arrived at the specific questions you are investigating.

(iii) Method (research process)

You should show in this part of the report how the method you have selected is appropriate to your goal, and what research process you have engage in. You need to include:

(a) a clear account of the physical context of your research. You need to describe relevant aspects of your subjects, your materials, your data collection methods. It is often appropriate to include copies of your materials in an Appendix, to which you can refer in your Method chapter(s). This enables you to discuss the principles of their selection and design without cluttering up your exposition. You also need a clear account of the research process.

(iv) Results (data analysis)

This is in many ways the most important part of your paper. You present the analysis of your materials (data). Some theoretical perspectives you have presented in your literature review could be incorporated.

(v) Discussion

In this part you show your capacity for evaluation, criticism and synthesis. You need to pick out the important points arising from your work, assessing its values in terms of its theoretical and practical implications. You also need to relate its outcome to material in your literature review where for example you may have identified a gap in the research literature which you are attempting to fill. If you can, discuss directions for further research which are suggested by your work. Y

(vi) Conclusion (optional)

This is a short summary of your study, including the gap you left and the questions for further study. This part could be combined with the discussion section.

(vii) References

The list of references should comprise all of, and only those, references made in the text.

(viii) Appendix

This is the raw materials you collected during the course of your research.

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