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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语二完整讲义67

发表于 2007-12-13 12:06:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8.本句中“ in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms large in life” 是定语从句修饰 “ urban society”。 “In a urban society ………in life” 是整个句子的状语。主句的主语是experiences,谓语是can lead to ……

  loom v.(危险)逼近,朦胧出现

  短语 loom large 意思是“显得严重(突出),阴影逼近

  “ be it television watching or bird-watching” 是让步状语从句,省去了连接词whether, 系动词be 放到了主语it 之前。不倒装的形式为:

  whether it is television watching or bird-watching.


  Since leisure is basically self-determined, one is able to take to one‘s interests and preferences and get involved in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction.

  9.Since 引导原因状语从句,that 引导定语从句



  Our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences that underlie our choices of such activities as reading books, going to the cinema, camping, or certain cultural pursuits, are all related to social contexts and learning experiences. We acquire interests in a variety of things and subjects from our families, schools, jobs, and the mass media. Basically, such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use.

  10.Our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences that underlie our choices of such activities as reading books, going to the cinema, camping, or certain cultural pursuits, are all related to social ontexts and learning experiences.

  that引导定语从句修饰our likes and dislikes, tastes and preferences.


  11.Basically, such attitudes amount to a recognition that leisure is an important area of life and of a belief that leisure can and should be put to good use.

  此句中的两个that 从句都是同位语从句,分别修饰recognition 和belief .


  amount to:达到,到…之多;相当于, 例如:

  My income for that year amounts to $10,000 . 那一年我的收入达10,000美元。

  Your words amount to a refusal. 你的话相当于拒绝

  Professional workers in recreation services, too, will find that to impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential for motivating them to use their leisure in creative and satisfying ways. Hence, it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes, interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure. Influence of this kind is a form of leadership.

  12.Professional workers in recreation services, too, will find that to impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public is essential for motivating them to use their leisure in creative and satisfying ways

  此句中find 后是that 引导的宾语从句,在宾语从句中,从句的主语是动词不定式 “ to impart positive leisure attitudes to the general public” , 谓语是系表结构“ is essential”。

  “for” 之后的部分是介词短语作essential 的状语,表示目的。


  13.Hence, it can be argued that the people with whom we come into contact in these various contexts are all likely to have exerted some influence in shaping our attitudes, interests and even skills relevant to how we handle leisure.

  此句的主干结构是主语从句it 作形式主语,真正的主语是 “that the people …。 handle leisure”。在主语从句中,主语是the people,“with whom we come into contact in these various contexts” 是其定语。“我们在这些不同环境中接触的人”“ come into contact with” 是固定搭配表示“与… 相联系”,“与…接触”。 在本句中,介词 “with” 提前到whom 前面。谓语是are all likely to have exerted some influence“很可能产生某些影响”

  “shaping 后接三个并列宾语,即our attitudes, interests 和skills; relevant to how we handle leisure 是形容词短语作后置定语修饰skills , 其中的how we …是relevant to 的宾语从句。


  Parents, teachers in schools, work associates and communicator in or using the mass media are all capable of arousing our potential interests. For example, the degree to which and the ways in which a school encourages participation in games, sports and cultural pursuit are likely to contribute to the shaping of leisure attitudes on the part of the students.

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