颜色的单词,red, blue, black,yellow,white,blue,green,grey等等,相信你肯定会,但是当它们跟别的单词搭配的时候,你能准确的说出意思吗?
1.red-pencil : 修改,使用或仿佛使用红铅笔检禁、删改、修改或改正.(注意red和pencil中间有个连字符)
The procurator red-penciledl the law suit.
2.red ball: 特快列车.
大家熟悉的特快列车的说法可能是express passenger car吧
那么一定要记得特快列车还有red ball这一说法哦
There will be red balls between Shanghai and Guangzhou.
3.white elephant: 累赘物;无用的物品;失败的努力;白象:一种罕有的白色或浅灰色亚洲象,在东南亚及印度地区常被人们带着特定的尊敬而神圣地看待
They are white elephant in our institute.
4.white day:白色情人节(White Day)源自日本民间传说,有情男女在2月14日当天收到恋人礼物表达爱意,而若对方也有同样好感或情意时,就会选在3月14日这一天回送一份情人节礼物,表示从现在起两人心心相印!
March 14th is the White Day.
5.whitewash: 粉刷; 粉饰;掩饰(引申意)
What he said was just to whitewash his actions.
This wall has just be a whitewash. |