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[[资源推荐]] 托福ibt口语考试技巧(转)

tan8112 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-12-1 15:53:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

(1) 地点类(place)
Describe your favorite placein the city and explain why you like thisplace. (2006/1/6) (2006/7/15)

(2)事情或活动类(event or activity)
Describe the most importantdecision you have made in your life. (2005/12/2)
Describe yourfavorite teacher and explain how this teacher influenced you.

Describe thebest/worst invention in the 20th century and explain how it affects your life.


主题I: 地点类
1. Describe your favorite placein the city and explain why you like this place. (2006/1/6) (2006/7/15)
Shanghai, CenturyPark, locatedin Pudong, the largest park in Shanghai
Well, my favorite place is……
Relax: with family or friends, enjoy thebeauty of the park
Exercise:jogging around the park in the morning or evening
Entertainment activities: flower show,firework show, gorgeous
The reasons why I like this place is asfollows:
Firstly / Secondly (The second reason isthat…) / (Finally)
Therefore (小结)

2. 你喜欢去什么park 或者 Publicarea? (2006/1/21) (2006/11/17)

3. A place/ city you want to visit
(1) 描述想去参观的地方
Beijing, the capital of China,one of the biggest cities in China
Firstly, there are several famous sceneswith historical meaning, such as the Great Wall, the SummerPalace, theTian Anmen Squire, know history, and learn from history
Secondly, 2008 Olympic games, great honor,proud

4. 你和朋友在一起喜欢去什么地方?解释原因。(2006/1/14)
Well, to me, I often go to the CenturyPark with myfriends. Located in Shanghai, Pudong, near where I live, largest park in Shanghai
Firstly, Entertainment facilities forrelaxation, have a good time with friends
The second reason is that being quite andbeautiful, a good place for talking with friends
All kinds of shows like the flower show,the firework shower, enjoy these activities

大家可以看到,在这4个题目中,我反复用到the century park, 这就是前面序II讲的精华所在。按照这样的思路,可以大大缩短准备的内容,通俗点说就是你准备的内容会变少,反复操练这点内容,你会越来越熟悉。
另外值得一提的是, 前面讲的4个主题是可以相互联系的,地点类完全可以和人物类相结合,
可以自由搭配,如上面的第四题,换个问法: 你和朋友在一起最喜欢做什么事情?完全可以回答成,在century park 聊天,看表演等等。

1. Building
Describe the highest/emblematic/historic building inyour town.
Describe a kind of traditional building in yourcountry
The OrientalPearlTower,
It stands by the bank of the Huang Pu Riverand is opposite to the Bund which is famous for its grand buildings of variousarchitectural styles.
The tower is 468 meters high. It is thehighest TV Tower in Asia and the third highest one in the world.

The tower is the best place to get a bird’sview of Shanghai. When it is sunny, it is really relaxed and happy to have thedistant views of the ChangjiangRiver and the ChongmingIsland.

The tower also has many wonderful andexciting entertainment items for both the old and the young like thethree-dimensional movie, hot balloon.
It has already become the symbolicbuildings and tourism resorts in Shanghai.

2. Place
(1).   Describe a shop/restaurant/museum/park/garden/an ideal house/ company andexplain why you like it.
Park/ Garden
The CenturyPark, which islocated in Pudong near my community, one of the biggest park in Shanghai
  l    Beautiful scenery, variousflowers, trees, grasses, singing of different kinds of bird,
l    Wonderful and excitingentertainment items like three-dimensional movie, hot balloon, riding bicycle
l    All kinds of shows: fireworkshows, flower shows, statue shows,

ShanghaiMuseum, it is the biggest museum in Shanghai.
It is located in the centre of Shanghai in the People’sSquare. The museum has 11 galleries and 3 exhibition halls cover the most majorcategories of Chinese Art.

The museum tells the complete story of thehistory of China- paintings, coins, sculpture, ancient Jade……It would be a greatplace to those people who want to know China.

Restaurant in the OrientalPearlTower,
ORT is 468 meters high and it is thetallest TV tower in Asia and the third tallest one in the world. The restaurant is on thesecond sphere of the tower. It would be a great time to have a bird view of Shanghai whilehaving dinner.
There are some wonderful and excitingentertainment items there like the three-dimensional movies, hot balloon. Wecan relax ourselves after dinner.

I like the shop in the OrientalPearlTower.
OPT is one of the symbolic buildings in Shanghai. It is 468meters high and is the tallest TV tower in Asia and the third tallest one in the world. It would be a great time toshop in the tower while having a bird view of Shanghai.

You can buy some souvenirs in the shop likethe model of the OrientalPearlTower. It is meaningful to bring some souvenirs of Shanghai to friendsand family members. They can share the happiness with you.

An ideal house
My ideal house is near the CenturyPark, which isthe biggest Park in Shanghai.
Beautiful scenery of the park, variousflowers, grasses, trees, fresh air, and the singing of different kinds of birds
Lots of wonderful and excitingentertainment items like the three-dimensional movies, hot balloon, ridingbicycles, a good place to relax myself
A good place to keep fit, jog around the CenturyPark everymorning, good for health

The oriental pearl tower group
The company that develops and manages theoperation of the OrientalPearlTower, which is the tallest TV tower in Asia and the third tallest onein the world.

The company has a good design of thebuilding that it is the best place to have a bird view of Shanghai. When itis sunny, it is really relaxed and happy to have the distant views of the ChongmingIsland, the HuangpuRiver.

The company also manages the tower verywell. It has lots of wonderful and exciting entertainment items like thethree-dimensional movies, hot balloon. The Oriental Pearl Towel has become oneof the symbolic buildings in Shanghai.

(2).   Describe your room and explain how you spend time there.
My room is my favorite place of my home. Itis very big and is about 50 square meters.
I have my book shelf, my computer, my ownTV and other furniture there.
     学习的地方,placethat I study, doing some reading, I have many books from history books tobusiness magazines
娱乐的地方, placeto relax myself: listening to some music, surfing the internet, watching movieson the computer
锻炼的地方, placeto do some exercise, doing some boxing in my room to keep fit and health

(3).   Describe your school and campus and explain what impression it givesyou.
Campus and school
My university gives me the deepestimpression. It is located in the suburb area of Shanghai.
First of all, it has beautiful scenery. Thereare various flowers, trees and grasses planted in the campus and the air thereis very fresh. We can also hear the singings of different birds.
It has good exercise facilities, like thefootball court, the basketball court, the swimming pool, a big playground.Usually, would like to jog around the playground in the morning and swim in theafternoon to relax myself and keep fit.

3. City
1. Historical buildings like the Tian AnMen Square, the Summer Place, the Great Wall,
It is the best place to know the historyand culture of the country by visiting these places with historical background.
2. held the 2008 Olympic Games, greatfacilities like gyms and courts;
3. the volunteer of the game, do somecontribution to this country

4. Country
well, to me, I would like to visit the United States for the following reasons:
First of all, lots of my friends are studying or living in the United States and we haven't met for a long time. I would like to go to the United States to visit them to see how everything is going on with them.
Also, I want to see some famous historical places of the United States like the Yellow Stone National Park, Statue of Liberty, the White House, Times Square, the Grand Canyon, the Empire State building with my own eyes.

主题II: 事情或者活动类(Event or activity)
1. Describe the most important decision you have made inyour life. (2005/12/2)
Choose the university I want to attend andthe major I will take.
Well, to me, the most important decision I havemade in my life is…
(2)The reasons why I think it is themost important decision I have made in my life is as follows:
Firstly, it is the first independentdecision I have ever made. Usually, my parent would like to make decision forme for they always take it for granted that what they chose for me is the bestchoice. But that time, I insist on choosing my favorite university and majorbased on my interests.
The second reason is that a rightuniversity and major will probably have a significant influence on my furtherdevelopment.

2. 空闲时间用来做什么事情?(2005/12/3)
Well, to me, weekend is my spare time.Usually, I am busying working from Monday to Friday.
Actually, I do a lot of things when I amfree from work.
Relax and exercise: CenturyPark
Hang out with good friends
Doing some house work and shopping

3. 描述一件自己印象最深刻的celebration or moment? (2005/12/16)(2006/6/16)
Well, to me, the most impressivecelebration is the celebration for Chinese New Year Festival
It is a great time for the Chinese peopleto gather together and welcome a new year.
Firstly, it is time for the family union.Every year during the New Year Festival, the whole family is gathering togetherto celebrate the coming of a new year. Usually, the whole family would have abig dinner together sharing the happy with the whole family. After dinner, itis time for firework. Beautiful and gorgeous

Secondly, have a long vocation during theNew Year Festival. Can do what you like: long tirp to other places; visitingfriends that haven’t met for a whole year

4. Describe a social or celebration eventsin your culture. (2005/12/17) (2006/12/3)

5. Describe a popular activity in your country?(2006/6/9/10)
To me, a popular activity in my country isdrinking tea.
First of all, Tea is unique to China andit is a tradition for Chinese people to have tea in their daily life.Especially to those old people, after lunch or dinner, they will prepare abottle of tea to share with the family or friends.
Another reason why it is so popular is thatit is helpful to people’s health. As is well known that tea is a drink that canhelp people prevent cancer and other disease.
A cup of tea a day keeps a doctor away.

6. 你是怎样自我调节放松的?(2006/9/15)
Well, to me, I have several methods torelax myself. They are as follows:
Firstly, hang out with best friends, find aquite place to talk with friends,
Secondly, CenturyPark near mycommunity, jogging around the park, watch shows performing in the Park
Thirdly, traveling, new places, know aboutnew people and new culture

7. 学生放假该做什么?(2006/11/19)
Well, in my opinion, students should dosomething meaningful and interesting to enrich their lives.
(1) Doing some volunteer work, know theoutside world, enhance social responsibility,
(2) Traveling, know about other cultures,be tolerate of other cultures
(3) develop hobby: reading, dancing,playing piano

8. 描述童年的一件Happy thing, why it is memorable? (2006/12/1)
(1) 是什么?
Well, to me, a happy thing in my childhoodis that I was elected the monitor of the class in my first school year.
(2) 为什么memorable?
Firstly, it was the first time that I felt Iwas trusted by others. The teachers and students in the class trusted me verymuch and they firmly believed that I can quite competent for that position.
Secondly, the first time that I felt I amnot only responsible for myself but for other people as well.
This would encourage me to do things betterthan usual. Set a good example for others

9. Favorite time of a year? (2006/12/16)
(1) 是什么?
Well, to me, the favorite time of a year isthe Chinese New Year Festival, which is a great day for family union.
(2) 为什么?
Firstly, a great time for family union,have dinner together sharing the happy things of the whole years with the family.
Secondly, a long vocation, do everythingyou want to do, visit friends, a long trip

这样这个问题的回答就圆满了。照这样的思路,序II的思路完全可以用在这里。拿上面第六题来说,Century Park 又可以派上用场了,或者以前准备的地点类,都可以派上用场,休闲时间也完全可以去某个城市,某个国家旅游,也可以去某个知名景点放松,大家随便结合,自己总结。

主题III: 人物类(Person)

1.Describe a family member/close friend/schoolmate/workmate/neighbor/anadventurous person
A family member (influence you most/ youadmire most)
Mother,my mother has a lot of good qualities worth my learning
First ofall, an open-minded person, well-educated and quick to learn new things
Ex: inher fifties, she is learning how to use computers for she thinks it is importantto learn this skill.
Also, sheis a hard-working person. She believes that once decided to do something, shemust do it best. She has been awarded the best employee of the company forseveral years for her great contribution to the company.
Close friend
Good qualitiesof a good friend
Reliable,a friend indeed is a friend in need, help you out when you are in trouble orencourage your when you are frustrated
A senseof humor, feel happy with a friend with a sense of humor, won’t feel boring
Intellect,learn the thinking method, inspired

Helpful,help you when you have trouble in study
Intellect,get inspired and learn his way of thinking
A senseof humor, won’t feel boring, interesting

Helpful:when you have trouble in your work, try to help you out
Respectyour work and suggestion,
A senseof humor

Helpful:when you are on a business trip, take care of your pet, children, or your home
Respectyour privacy, not publicize them
A goodsense of community, keep the community tidy and clean,

An adventurous person

2.    Describe your favorite teacher andexplain how this teacher influenced you.
Myfavorite teacher is my English teacher who is from the United States. She makes me love to speakEnglish and love the culture of the Untied States.
She givesme many English books and websites to practice English, for example, sheintroduces me the website of VOA. I found it is a good program to listen andspeak American English.
Also, sheis not only a teacher but a good friend to me. She tells me a lot about thehistorical places in the United States, like the YellowstoneNational Park, the Grand Canyon, the EmpireStateBuilding, Statue of liberty, the WhiteHouse, Times Square
And nowvisiting the United States is one of my objects in my life.

3.    Describe a famous businessperson/a sportperson/sports team you admire and explain why you admire him/her.
BillGates, the founder of Microsoft, a lot of good qualities worth my learning
Impressiveprofessional knowledge in his field, created a lot of new techniques in thesoftware industry, decide the direction of the company
Acharitable man, set up a charitable organization to help the poor student to goto university.
A braveman, dare to do what he is interested to do, to give up the university study

4.    Describe your favoritesinger/actor/actress/band group/character in a film and explain why you likehim/her/them.
Favorite singer
Celine Dion, one of the most famoussingers in the Untied States.
1. I like the song for the Titanic, myheart will go on. It is really a wonderful and romantic masterpiece of her.Every time I listen to this song, it would remind me the great love story.
2. She is a hard-working and talentedsinger. She has been awarded several great prizes in the world. But she neversatisfies about these and tries to create more music to her fans.
Favorite actor/actress
1. Theworld’s greatest action star, admire his excellent martial skills; Jackieshaped not only the movie, but also an entire generation. People like to mimichis martial skills.
2.hard-working actor, practice his martial skills everyday; though he is verysuccessful in his career, he is very strict to himself and tries to make goodmovies to his fans.
Favorite Band
Beetles, famous English rock band,
1. The Beatles shaped not only music butalso an entire generation. People mimicked all that they did, includinghaircuts, clothing, and outlook. Their style and innovative music set thestandard for all musicians to follow.
2. Hardworking, though they are verysuccessful of their time, they have tried hard to create more excellent musicfor fans.
Character in a film
Forrest Gump
1. His good qualities: honest, keep hispromise, brave, all worth my learning in my life
2. Appreciate the famous script: Life islike a box of chocolate, you never know what you are ganna get. Tells ussomething about life, really meaningful

5.    Describe a celebrity/a famous person inhistory you want to see most and explain why you want to see this celebrity.
Jackie Chan
1. One of the greatest action stars, goodat martial skills, shaped not only movie, but also an entire generation;
2. Ask his what makes him successful in hiscareer, learn his good qualities


1. 好老师的character? (2006/3/3)
Well,to me, a good teacher should bear the following characters:
Firstly, a good teacher should be patient.Different students have different learning abilities. A good teacher should bepatient enough to help those slow learners to catch up with other students.

Secondly, a good teacher should be kind. Agood teacher should not scold students when they make mistakes in class. Inthat way, students are more likely to take active part in the class discussionand they are more willing to ask questions when they have some problems.

Thirdly, a good teacher should beresponsible. That is a good teacher bears the responsibility of taking goodcare of his or her students in school both at study and lives.

2. 你敬佩的一个人的好性格?(2006/3/16/17)(2006/10/22)
(1) 你敬佩的人是谁?
Well, to me, the most admirable people ismy mother.
(2) 为什么?
She bears many good qualities.
Firstly, she keeps an open mind. Herthinking is very modern and she is quick to accept and learn new things. Shealways tells me that one is never too old to learn. Actually, that’s what shedid. In her fifties, she takes her spare time to learn how to use computer andinternet.

Secondly, she is hard working. She believesthat once decided to do something, she must try her best to do it well. She hadbeen rewarded the best employees for several years in the company. Both theboss and other colleagues speak highly of her.

Finally, she is a good listener. This makesher tolerate to other’s opinions. Her personal value sets a good example for meto follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me wantbecome the best person I can be. That’s why I think my mother influenced me themost in my family.

3. Important characteristics in friends. (2006/6/24) (2006/5/12)
Well, to me, a good friend should bear thefollowing good characteristics.
Firstly, reliable, a friend in need is afriend indeed
Secondly, a sense of human, happy
Thirdly, intelligent, inspire goodarguments

4. 印象最深刻的人?(2006/5/26)
(同最尊敬的人 themost admirable person)
(还可以用对你影响最深的人the person who influenced most)

5. Leader 应该有的qualities? (2006/10/21)
To me, a leader should bear the followinggood qualities.
Firstly, a leader should respect for his orher subordinates. If a leader is very arrogant, it will cause the aversion fromthe subordinates. A good leader should respect their work.

Secondly, a leader should have goodinterpersonal skills. He should know quite well how to communicate with thesubordinates and how to encourage them when they are frustrated.

Finally, a leader should have impressive professionalknowledge. As a leader should decide where the company should go, he shouldknow quite well about the business he is undertaking.

6. Thecharacters of a good roommate
(1).respect others’ privacy (2) keep the room tidy and clean (3) good personality

7. Thecharacters of a good neighbor
(1). Respectothers’ privacy (2) a strong sense of community (3) helpful

8. Thecharacters of a good parent
(1)respect children’s privacy (2) lovechildren (3) trust children

9. Thecharacters of a good son or daughter

(1)respect parents (2) understandable  (3) take care of parents


主题IV:物体An Object
(一) Describean object

1.    Describe an important machine/ means oftransport/ a work of art and explain why you think it is important in yourlife.
Important machine:
1. Make possiblerapid access of large amounts of information within several seconds, save melots of time and energy
Ex:writing essay, save the time to go to library and bookstore
2.Entertain me, watching movies, listening to the music, playing games online,make my life more colorful

Means of transportation
1. It won’tbe influenced by the weather: not like other transportations, say the plane,the bus, would be largely influenced by weather.
Ex: theplane was delayed by a large storm during my trip to Beijing, wait for several hours
2. cheapand fast, shanghai advanced subway system, take me to almost every corner ofthe city

A work of art
1. Habit,stamps have their own meanings, like the stamps for the 2008 Olympic Games, itwould be of great value to me, it is a pride for Chinese people,
2. Makemany friends who also like to collect stamps; exchange stamps, appreciate eachother’s collection

2.    Describe the best/worst invention in the20th century and explain how it affects your life.

3.    Describe an important invention beforecomputer/a normal commodity in your family and explain its advantages anddisadvantages.
1. Keep people informed the latest information without going outof home
Ex: the latest scientific discovery from the program of discovery
2. Entertain people, movies, basketball games, football games
Ex: F1 fans, watch the match at home
1: Make people more isolated from the outside world
2: some unhealthy programs would be harmful to children, say theviolent movies

4.    Describe an important gift/letter/photographand explain why it is special to you.
Souvenirof friendship,
Show anAmerican friend around China
1. Beijing, capital of China, historical places, like the TianAn Men Square, the great wall, the summer place, historical background
2. Shanghai, the OrientalPearlTower,
Send me awatch, write me a letter, take a photograph together as a good memory of thehappy time

5.Describe something expensive you want to buy and explain why you want to buyit.
1. Makemy life more convenient; drive to work, save a lot of time, far away from home
2. Takemy friends and family to other cities for a travel, as a way of relaxation andentertainment enhance the relationship

1. 你认为对你最有用的书?并解释原因。(2005/11/19)
Well, to me, the most useful book is the encyclopedia.
The reasons why I think it is the mostuseful book is as follows:
Firstly, it covers knowledge almost inevery field in the world. For example, if I want to know American history, Ican turn to the history chapter. Or if I want to know living habits like tiger,I can also find answers in this book.

The second reason is that it saves me a lotof time when I have something confused. Instead of going to the library orbookstore, an encyclopedia can almost give me any answer I want.

Well, to me, I would prefer the magazine.
The reason is as follows:
First of all, it can keep me informed ofthe latest information in the world. For example, a fashion magazine can tellthe most popular clothes in the summer. A car magazine will inform me of thelatest cars manufactured by the companies all around the world.

The second reason is that it can be a kindof entertainment for me. Usually, I will bring one or two magazines with me tothe park, enjoying the sunshine and the latest information.

3. 描述一本你认为有趣的书?(2006/3/25)(2006/12/8/15)
Well, to me, the most interesting book isencyclopedia.

(2) 为什么?
The reasons why I think it is interestingare as follows:
First of all, it contains a wide ranger ofknowledge covering almost every field. For example, if I want to know aboutAmerican history, I can turn to the history chapter for help. Or if I want tofind some information about the tiger, an encyclopedia can also give me theanswer.
The second reason is that it is a book thatcan save people lots of time. Whenever I have problems, I will turn to the bookfor help instead of going to the library or bookstore.

3. 你的国家最有效的交通most efficient transportation? (2006/4/8)
(1) 是什么?
Well, to me, the most efficienttransportation in my country is subway.
(2) 为什么?
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, it is a transportation thatcannot be effected by the bad weather or other factors that may influence theoperation of the transportation.
The second reason that it is fast andconvenient. For example, I live in shanghai, where has an advanced system ofsubway, and I can reach almost every district of the city by subway.

4. 近100年最重要的invention之一?(2006/4/28)
Well, to me, one of the most importantinventions in the recent century is computer technology.
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, it helps people to do thingsmore efficient. It releases people from repetitive computing work by just runninga computing program. In that way, people have more time to do other things.
The second reason is that it can provideentertainment for people. With the computer, people can watch movie, playgames, or even shopping.
It is really an amazing invention of therecent century.

5. A job or career you want to pursue? (2006/7/29)
Well,to me, I want to be a teacher in the future.
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, I think it’s a noble careerthat it carries the responsibility of educating the next generation, whichwould be the pillar of the country.
The second reason is that I want to learnfrom my mother to be a good teacher. My mother is hard working that has beenrespected by thousands of students. I want to be such a good teacher too.

6. 你最喜欢家里的什么?(2006/10/8)
Well, to me, I like the garden behind myhouse.
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, I have lots of flowersplanted in the garden. It is really beautiful especially in spring and summer. Ireally enjoy the great view of the garden.
The second reason is that it is also myexercise place. Every morning, I doing boxing at the garden and enjoy the freshair. What a pleasure moment!

7. 人生有很多目标(object),请你描述其中之一?(2006/10/15)
Well, to me, one of my objects is to studyoverseas.
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, I want to experiencedifferent cultures. By studying abroad, I can really learn the culture of thatculture, which would make me more tolerant of foreign cultures.
The second reason is that I want to learnthe advanced knowledge from other countries. Some subjects in China arenot as advanced as those of other cultures.

8. 你喜欢film of comedy, drama…? (2006/11/3)
Well, to me, I prefer to film of comedy.
The reasons are as follows:
First of all, watching film to me is a kindof relaxation. After a day of hard work and study, a film of comedy would amuseme, making me more relaxed.
The second reason is that it would be agreat time to share with friends with film of comedy. Just imagine, you arewatching film of comedy with good friends. You laugh together and share thehappiness. What a wonderful time!

(二) Describe your favorites

1. many colors, and beautiful flowers
2. good meaning, pure love, respect formother,
wish a longer life

Represent luck in China,red can be seen in some cerebration like wedding,
energetic, full of energy,

Forrest Gump, won the Oscar Award in 1995,
1. The well know script
Life was like a box of chocolates, younever know what you're gonna get.
2. The movie tells every aspect of thepolitical social life of the United States at that time. And I like the pure virtue of Gump, honest, keepingone’s word and brave, thought with lower IQ, worth my learning.

Sherlock Holmes
Detective story
1. It is the bestdetective stories I have ever read. It is full of suspense and really piques mycuriosity to disclose the mystery.
2. I admire theexcellent qualities Holmes bears. Smart, a sense of humor, brave, carefulness.

Describe your favoriteclothing/jewelry/advertisement/medium/TV program/type ofholiday/movie/sports/leisureactivity/music/song/weather/dish/animal/traditional Chinese art orcraft/newspaper/magazine/book/an interesting news story/website and explain whyyou like it.
Favorite clothing: shorts clothing
1. I like doing some exercise to keep fitand health, sports clothing would protect me when doing some exercises
2. feel comfortable when wearing sportsclothing, relaxed, casual,

Favorite jewelry:
1. My Swatch Ring, fashion, there are movable numberson the ring, used to remember important dates in my life
Ex: birthday of parents
2. a gift from my boyfriend, meaningful,

Favorite advertisement:
The advertisement of Coca Cola
1: Many of my favorite stars like Yaoming, Liu Xiang,and some other singers and actors
2: Coca cola is also my favorite drink, share withfriend, great time
Ex: birthday, we would have cake and coca cola tocelebrate

Favorite medium
1. Keep me informed of the latest information of theworld
Ex: the stock market, American’s new attitude towardsthe Iraq War
2. watch my favorite games: F1, the NBA, footballmatch
Ex: world cup

Favorite TV program
Business program
1. Keep me informed of the latest economic andbusiness news in the world
Ex: the world stock market, the exchange rate,
2. Introduce the operation of successful company,learn from their successful experiences, own my own business

Favorite Holiday:
Chinese New Year Festival

Favorite Movie
Forrest Gump

Favorite Sports
1. Keep fit and health, the Century park
2. Make a lot of friends

Favorite leisure activity
1. Entertainment, relax myself
2. know some new cultures, be more tolerant of othercultures, open-minded
3. make some new friends

Favorite music
Pop music
1: entertainment, relax, optimistic and health
2: sing together with friends, spent spare timetogether,

Favorite song
My heart will go on,
1. the song for the romantic movie, the Titanic,remind me of this great love story
2. feel relaxed, my boyfriend also like this song,our belief for love

My favorite weather/season
Spring/ Sunny day
Go to the century park
1. Enjoy the beautiful scenery
2. jog around the park to keep fit and health

My favorite Dish
1. delicious,
1st time, the OrientalPearlTower,restaurant, delicious, love pizza
2. happy to eat together with friends
Ex: celebrate birthday with friends or family, ordera large pizza, great time

Favorite Animal
Giant Panda
1. The treasure of China,unique to china, scientific value to scientists, live fossil, lovely to me
2. represent peace and friendship, give the giantpanda to the United States and Japanas gift
Establish good and stable relationship with thesecountries

Traditional Chinese Art or Craft
Paper cutting
1. Habit, learned in my secondary school, vivid and beautiful
2. represent my school to attend contest in papercutting, got the first prize, honor for both the school and me,

Favorite Newspaper
Newspaper for business
1. Keep me informed of the latest business news ofthe world
Ex: the exchange rate, the stock market, doing wiseinvestment
2. operation of successful companies, learn fromtheir successful practice and benefit my own business

Favorite magazine
Business Magazine
1. Keep me informed of the latest business news ofthe world
Ex: the exchange rate, the stock market, doing wiseinvestment
2. operation of successful companies, learn fromtheir successful practice and benefit my own business

Favorite book

Favorite website
1. Good research engine, save me time and energy tolook for information
Ex: clone technology; history of the Untied States
2. other functions: Gmail service, calenda, piccsafor photo, convenient my life

(三) Describe events/your experiences

1.   Describe an exciting period/a positive change/a importantsuccess/decision in your life/ and explain why it is XXX
Exciting period: my universitygraduation day
A positive change: my universitygraduation day
A important success: my universitygraduation day
Decision in your life: choose theuniversity and major

2.   Describe your most unforgettable childhood story/a happy event in yourchildhood and explain why it is XXX
Unforgettable childhood story:elected the monitor of the class in the elementary school
A happy event in your childhood:elected the monitor of the class in the elementary school

3.   Describe the best party /holiday /trip/a long distance travel/ wedding/aspecial meal/ the worst weather/ and explain why it is XXX
Best Party: the farewell party:
1. At the night of the graduation day, celebrate forthe successful graduation, got the two diplomat,
2. Turning point in life, embarked on new lifetowards future

The best holiday:
The Chinese New Year Festival
1. family reunion
2. long trip to foreign country

The best trip
1. Capital of china, historical building
2. many good friends and classmates there
A long distance travel:
The United States:
1. visit many friends studying or living there
2. visit many famous places: the YellowstoneNational Park,the White House, the EmpireStateBuilding,Times Square, Statueof liberty

Best wedding
1. my best friend, she was very beautiful on thatday, feel happy for her
2. held in the OrientalPearlTower,very special, restaurant, the night scenery

A special meal
1. at the restaurant of the OPT,
2. 1st time my boyfriend celebrate mybirthday, gift, ring, happy

The worst weather
1. go to the United States forvacation
2. cancel

4.   Describe your experience of learning English/a family event/a sportevent/an accident and explain the importance of it.
Experience of learning English:
A family event: a trip to theOriental pearl tower
An accident: I had a car accidentwhen I was crossing the road. I was taken to the hospital and treated there forabout one month. I gave me a good lesson in my life.
1. When going across the road, bevery careful. Pay attention to the traffic lights.
2. a friend in need is a friendindeed.

5.   Describe an important festival in your country/a popular game thatchildren play in your town.
A popular game: Ping Pang,
Health, a lot of honor
The relationship between Chinaand the United States

6.   Describe a project you have done and explain what you got from doingthis project.
An exchange student program with the SydneyUniversityon the major of Logistic Management
I was sent to this university for one month to learnhow the students and teachers there take and give the classes of this major.
First of all, I really find the difference in the learningmethod. These foreign students tend to be more active than my classmates inclass. They take active part in the class discussion.
Second, I made a lot of friends through this project.When I back to China,we often email each other about some problems we meet in class.

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