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[[资源推荐]] 翻译练习兼批评

enineera 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-11-30 17:23:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At 7 p.m. there was still no sign of the ship. Abraham Brill, my friend and fellow physician, was waiting at the harbor for the same reason as I.

A ridiculous premonition came to me that the George Washington had run aground in the fog, her twenty-five hundred European passengers drowning at the foot of the Statue of Liberty.
[twenty-five hundred能被译作“两百五十个”,我也真有点佩服起李译者起来了。]

All at once, the vast white ship appeared—not as a dot on the horizon, but mammoth, emerging from the mist full-blown before our eyes. The entire pier, with a collective gasp, drew back at the apparition.
[与原文作个比较,就会发现译文其实是非常怪异的,格式怪异,文意怪异,另外“drew back”也未译出。

The first of the trio was a distinguished, immaculately groomed, gray-haired, and gray-bearded gentleman whom I knew at once to be the Viennese psychiatrist Dr. Sigmund Freud.
[distinguished,immaculately groomed,gray-haired, and gray-bearded 在李译者的笔下变成了“须发灰白”、“双眉紧锁”。我们知道“gray-haired, and gray-bearded”是“须发灰白”,莫非“immaculately groomed”是“双眉紧锁”的意思?“immaculately groomed”明明是“打扮得不染纤尘”、“distinguished”是“长相好认”之类的意思。]

Eighteen months later, the mayor had to repeat the same ceremony at the fifty-story Metropolitan Life tower on Twenty-fourth Street.
[对照原文,此处又是厉害了,偷龙转凤,Twenty-fourth Street成了42街。]

His investors had advanced $6,000,000 toward its construction, of which he had kept not a penny, scrupulously remitting the entire amount to the builder, the American Steel and Fabrication Company.

On January 1, 1909, six months before the Balmoral was to open, Mr. Banwell announced that all but two of the apartments were already let.
[翻译是件细腻活,这处就是个很好的例证。“近乎售罄”、“were already let”,其实“Let”只有出租的意思,并非出售。而且上文中也有“租金耸人听闻,高达每月495美元”以作佐证。译作“近乎租尽”更合文意。]

her wrists tied together over her head, and her throat embraced by another binding, a man’s white silk tie, which a strong hand was making tight, exceedingly tight, causing her to choke.

His suit was of excellent cloth, with a watch chain and cravat in the continental style.
[cravat=领带 吗? No,请李译者好好去查查辞典。]

Jung, who was about thirty-five, made a markedly different impression. He was better than six feet tall, unsmiling, blue-eyed, dark-haired, with an aquiline nose, a pencil-thin mustache, and a great expanse of forehead—quite attractive to women, I should have thought, although he lacked Freud’s ease.
另外,“I should have thought, although he lacked Freud’s ease”跑哪儿去了,李译者漏译了。]

“Capital,” said Freud. “You won’t believe it: I found a steward reading my Psychopathology of Everyday Life.”
“No!” Brill replied. “Ferenczi must have put him up to it.”

The victim’s wrists, crossed and suspended together over her head, were so slight, her fingers so graceful, her long legs so demure.
[were so slight 被翻译作“绑得很紧”,李译者的眼神甚好,能把slight 看作是tight。]

The girl winced as the gentlest possible stroke was administered to one of her bare thighs.
[bare thighs,缺译了bare。]

Gently but implacably, the silk tie around the girl’s throat drew tighter.
[silk tie,前译早就交待清楚,是条“丝质领带”,此处何以又成了“丝带”呢?

She felt a hand on her mouth, its fingers running lightly over her lips. Then those fingers drew the silk tie yet tighter, so that even her choking stopped.
[its fingers running lightly over her lips,“手指轻轻抚弄她的舌头”?我为了确认,再三查证,证明了lip确实没有“舌头”的意思,李译者看来是创新了。]

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