优秀的工具软件、救命软件、常见驱动(如NV显卡、VIA 4in1),等等……
2007-11-26 08:03:41.234 正在连接服务器 ftp.ustb.edu.cn......
2007-11-26 08:03:41.281 域名解析成功 []......
2007-11-26 08:03:41.609 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2007-11-26 08:03:41.953 220 USTB FTP server ready. All transfers are logged.
2007-11-26 08:03:41.953 USER anonymous
2007-11-26 08:03:42.296 331 Please specify the password.
2007-11-26 08:03:42.296 PASS ******
2007-11-26 08:03:42.640 230-本站特色:
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-1. 各类补丁,如Win2000/XP/2003/vista、Fedora Core、CentOS等补丁及时更新;
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2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-本自动完成,1-2小时抓1 次,保证最新!)
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-4. 优秀的工具软件、救命软件、常见驱动(如NV显卡、VIA 4in1),等等……
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-注:
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-1. 本站不提供大部头套装软件(如MS-Office、词霸),有需者请另觅它站。
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-2. 每IP最多可开2个线程,其余自动踢掉。如额外线程连接过频造成服务器负担过重
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-者,封无限期不许登录! 被封最小单元为C类子网,大可至IP所在的ISP网段(以WHOIS
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-查询结果为准)! Windows用户推荐使用Netants、flashget、Total Commander下载。
2007-11-26 08:03:42.656 230-谢谢合作!
2007-11-26 08:03:42.671 230-
2007-11-26 08:03:42.671 230-NetAnts: MaxConnection=2
2007-11-26 08:03:42.671 230 Login successful.
2007-11-26 08:03:42.671 SYST
2007-11-26 08:03:43.000 215 UNIX Type: L8
2007-11-26 08:03:43.000 CWD .
2007-11-26 08:03:43.343 250 Directory successfully changed.
2007-11-26 08:03:43.343 PWD
2007-11-26 08:03:43.718 257 \"/\"
2007-11-26 08:03:43.734 TYPE A
2007-11-26 08:03:44.078 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2007-11-26 08:03:44.078 PASV
2007-11-26 08:03:44.406 227 Entering Passive Mode (202,204,60,11,251,172)
2007-11-26 08:03:44.406 LIST -la
2007-11-26 08:03:44.734 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2007-11-26 08:03:45.406 226 Directory send OK.
2007-11-26 08:03:49.875 CWD /pub
2007-11-26 08:03:50.218 250 Directory successfully changed.
2007-11-26 08:03:50.218 PWD
2007-11-26 08:03:50.546 257 \"/pub\"
2007-11-26 08:03:50.546 TYPE A
2007-11-26 08:03:50.890 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2007-11-26 08:03:50.890 PASV
2007-11-26 08:03:51.218 227 Entering Passive Mode (202,204,60,11,252,103)
2007-11-26 08:03:51.218 LIST -la
2007-11-26 08:03:51.546 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2007-11-26 08:03:52.562 226 Directory send OK.
2007-11-26 08:04:01.703 CWD /AutoPatches
2007-11-26 08:04:02.046 250 Directory successfully changed.
2007-11-26 08:04:02.046 PWD
2007-11-26 08:04:03.390 257 \"/pub/AutoPatches\"
2007-11-26 08:04:03.390 TYPE A
2007-11-26 08:04:03.718 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2007-11-26 08:04:03.718 PASV
2007-11-26 08:04:04.062 227 Entering Passive Mode (202,204,60,11,254,138)
2007-11-26 08:04:04.062 LIST -la
2007-11-26 08:04:07.406 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2007-11-26 08:04:29.453 226 Directory send OK.
2007-11-26 08:04:33.156 CWD /AutoPatches/windows
2007-11-26 08:04:33.468 250 Directory successfully changed.
2007-11-26 08:04:33.468 PWD
2007-11-26 08:04:33.781 257 \"/pub/AutoPatches/windows\"
2007-11-26 08:04:33.781 TYPE A
2007-11-26 08:04:34.093 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2007-11-26 08:04:34.093 PASV
2007-11-26 08:04:34.406 227 Entering Passive Mode (202,204,60,11,252,71)
2007-11-26 08:04:34.406 LIST -la
2007-11-26 08:04:34.734 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2007-11-26 08:04:56.781 226 Directory send OK. |