最近面试需要,看一些与面试有关的书籍,书上有一些建议及个人的一些心得,夹杂在一起与大家分享一下。分这么几篇Personal(个人信息)、Education(教育经历)、Experience(工作经验)、Accomplish men ts and Work Style(工作成就和作风)、Motivation(动力、动机)、Career goal(职业目标)、others(其他问题)。
if your spouse has had a chance to visit the community?你们夫妇两个常去小区里拜访邻居或者转悠不?
“Do you feel your current salary is sufficient given your lifestyle?”
Do you have any special religious holidays you need to observe?”
怎么样拆解这类问题呢?以一个为例,比如说面试官可能会问到:Do you rent or own a home?有时候你的肯定式的回答很有可能对他而言意味着只有一种猜测的答案,比如说,你是说是,我租房,他有可能会猜到,你现在财政状况不是很稳定,居无定所。所以,你的回答最好能把这种潜在的消极暗示转换成积极的。
I've been renting a townhouse during the past three years. That worked well for the first two years. But I've now outgrown it. And I know I’m losing money by not building equity in a home. I plan to either purchase or build a home within the next two years.