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[[资源推荐]] 大专院校系及教研室译名

发表于 2007-11-8 02:25:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
表演系Acting Department
会计系 Department of Accounting
农业经济系 Department of Agricultural Economics
农学系 Department of Agriculture
解剖学 Department of Anatomy
畜牧系 Department of Animal Husbandry
考古学系 Department of Archaeology
建筑学 Department of Architecture
天文学 Department of Astronomy
原子能系 Department of Atomic Energy
自动化系 Department of Automation
汽车工程系 Department of Automobile Engineering
银行系 Department of Banking
生物(学)系 Department of Biology

植物(学)系 Department of Botany
化学系 Department of Chemistry
中文系 Department of Chinese Language and Literature
土木工程系 Department of Civil Engineering
通讯工程系 Department of Communication Engineering
计算机学系 Department of Computer Science
舞蹈系 Department of Dance
外交系 Department of Diplomacy
经济管理系 Department of Economic Management
经济(学)系 Department of Economics
教育系 Department of Education
电机工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering
电子系 Department of Electronics
工程物理系 Department of Engineering Physics
昆虫学系 Department of Entomology
环境工程学系 Department of Environmental Engineering
食品工程系 Department of Food Engineering
林学系 Department of Forestry
遗传工程系 Department of Genetics Engineering
地理系 Department of Geography
地质系 Department of Geology
地球物理系 Department of Geophysics
历史系 Department of History
园艺系 Department of Horticulture
工业设计系 Department of Industrial Design
工业工程系 Department of Industrial Engineering
工业管理系 Department of Industrial Management
国际经济系 Department of International Economics
国际政治系 Department of International Politics
国际关系系 Department of International Relations
国际贸易系 Department of International Trade
新闻系 Department of Journalism
法律系 Department of Law
图书馆学系 Department of Library Science
文学系 Department of Literature
管理科学系 Department of Management
材料工程系 Department of Materials Engineering
材料科学系 Department of Materials Science
数学系 Department of Mathematics
机械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering
医学系 Department of Medicine
医学工程系 Department of Medical Engineering
!冶金系 Department of Metallurgy
气象学系 Department of Meteorology
矿冶系 Department of Mining and Metallurgy
音乐系 Department of Music
造船学系 Department of Naval Architecture
航海系 Department of Navigation
护理系 Department of Nursing
;海洋学系 Department of Oceanography
东方语言学系 Department of Oriental Languages &Literature
石油学系 Department of Petroleum
药物系 Department of Pharmacy
哲学系 Department of Philosophy
体育系 Department of Physical Education
物理系 Department of Physics
生理学系 Department of Physiology
政治系 Department of Political Science
印刷系 Department of Printing
心理学系 Department of Psychology
无线电工程系 Department of Radio Engineering
河流港湾工程系 Department of River &Harbour Engineering
俄语系 Department of Russian
雕塑系 Department of Sculpture
社会学系 Department of Sociology
土壤系 Department of Soil
测量系 Department of Survey
西班牙语系 Department of Spanish
纺织工程系 Department of Textile Engineering
戏剧系 Department of Theatricals
旅游管理系 Department of Tourist Management

国画系 Department of Tradition Chinese Painting
运输管理系 Department of Transportation Management
水利系 Department of Water Conservancy
西方语言系 Department of Western Languages
动物学系 Department of Zoology
英语系 English Language Department
外语系 Foreign Languages Department
法语系 French Language Department
系主任办公室 Office of the Department Head

教研组 Teaching and Research Group
教研室(组) Teaching and Research Section
教材编写组 Teaching Materials Writing Group

托儿所 nursery/creche
幼儿园 kindergarten
小学 primary(elementary)school
中学 middle(secondary)school
高中 senior middle school
职业中学 vocational middle school
实验中学 experimental middle school
附属中学 attached middle school
农业中学 agricultural middle school
(职工)子弟学校 school for children of workers &staff members
电视大学 television(T.V.)university

业余学校 spare-time school
职工大学 college for workers &. Staff members
文科大学 university of liberal arts
理科大学 university of science
函授大学 correspondence college
中等专科学校 secondary technical school
技工学校 school of technology
聋哑学校 school of deaf-mutes
盲人学校 school for the blind/blidmen's school
成人学校 adult school
民办学校 voluntary school
补习学校 continuation school
夜校 evening (night) school
职业学校 vocational school
外语学校 foreign languages school
卫生学校 health school
商业学校 commercial school

师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers
护士学校 nurses' school
艺术学校 art school
舞蹈学校 dancing school9F6A.U0U%Q#Y0_
会计学校 accountant school
财贸学校 finance and trade school
水利学校 water conservancy school
电力学校 electric power school
化工学校 chemical engineering school
邮电学校 posts &.telecommunications school
电机制造学校 electrical machinery school
冶金机械学校 metallurgical machinery school
铁路技术学校 railway engineering school
石油地质学校 petroleum geological school
建筑工程学校 building engineering school
水产技术学校 marine products technical school
渔业航海学校 fishery and navigation school
纺织航海学校 textile machinery school
铁路机械学校 railway machinery school

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