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[[资源推荐]] Toefl英语听力词组精选 3

发表于 2007-11-7 00:08:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.I have been overwhelmed by my history paper.

2.Are your allergies acting up again?

3.She really outdid herself this time.

4.come in handy(be useful)

5.have one's heart set on something(be determined to do sth)

6.I thought the doctor said you should stay off your foot until the swelling

goes down.

7.wait on(take care of)

8.invest in(buy)


1.do the dishes

2.on the honor's list

3.If you could,would you please trade places with your sister?

Yeah.She's got it made.(she is quite successful)

4.Don't you want to have dinner before you go to your evening class?

I'll grab a snack at the break.That should hold me over till I get back.


1.in the locker

2.work late/work overtime/work after hours

3.I'll make sure the house is spotless.

4.graduate with honours.(以优异成绩毕业)

5.kill time.

6.Now's a good time as any.

7.check the papers.

8.Tim really seems to go through a lot of money,doesn't he?

Like water,and he has nothing to show for it.

9.We are out of cream and sugar.If you want any coffee,you'll have to drink

it black.

I'll pass,then.

10.green badge(徽章)


Section 1

1.( )The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what___.

A.it is known as human knowledge

B.is known as human knowledge

C.known human knowledge

D.is human knowledge known

2.( )Anthropology is a science___anthropologists use a rigorous set of met

hods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.

A.in that B.that in C.that D.in

3.( )The values of a people,their customs,and their perceptions of the world___their language.

A.are influenced B.be influenced

C.influencing D.influence

4.( )The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner,___to the body.

A.the stress it is greater B.greater is the stress

C.greater stress is D.the greater the stress

5.( )Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the

ability to predict these events___to minimize damage and avoid loss of life

. A.and thus B.so C.however D.because

6.( )All living organisms constantly absorb carbon 14___their existence.

A.out B.about C.around D.throughout

7.( )Until the ninth century,written words were not actually separated,___
in some literary writing,dots or points were used to indicate divisions.

A.in spite of B.contrary C.contrast to D.but

8.( )Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in

the United States___Henry Ford a pioneer in automobile production.

A.as was B.than was C.than did D.as did

9.( )Duke Ellington was a composer,conductor,and pianist___ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.

A.him B.although C.or D.who

10.( )Alabama located in the southern United States___as the \"Heart of Dixie\".

A.commonly known B.known commonly

C.commonly to know D.is commonly known

11.( )___,some of the Earth's interior heat escape to the surface.

A.A volcano erupts B.A volcano whether erupts

C.A volcano erupts it D.If a volcano erupts

12.( )Elisha G.Otis invented a safety device designed to stop the fall of

an elevator___supporting cable should break.

A.that which the B.if its

C.might the D.were its

13.( )Nebraska has floods in some years,_________.

A.in others drought

B.droughts are others

C.while other droughts

D.others in drought

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