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[[资源推荐]] 人和东西

发表于 2007-11-5 08:13:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
人 和 东 西


   a poor little thing 可怜的小东西     
   an old thing 老朋友,老家伙     
   You selfish thing! 你这个自私鬼!     
   Your daughter's such a sweet thing.你女儿是个惹人爱的小家伙
2 everything 指最重要的人物。如:     
   She meant everything to him.她是他心中最重要的人物。
   Her daughter is everything to her.她女儿是她的心肝宝贝。  
3 something 指重要人物。如:
   He thinks he's something.他自以为是个了不起的人物。     
4 nothing 指微不足道的人。如:
   He is nothing without his money.他要是没几个钱就啥也不是。
   She is nothing to him.她对他无足轻重。
5 a good-for-nothing 无用的人。

1 look quite the thing 身体舒适。如:
   He doesn't look quite the thing this morning.他今天早晨不大对劲。
2 anything but 根本不。
   She is anything but beautiful.她貌不出众。
3 like anything 无可比拟的,非常。
   He was proud like anything.他骄傲得不得了。
4 something of 有几分…,有点象。
   He is something of a scholar.他有点学者风度。
5 or something 大概是。
   He is something of a scholar.他大概是个律师。
6 something like 有些象。
   He was something like his father.他颇象其父。
7 nothing if not 很,极其;是其最大的长处。
   He's nothing if not a gentlemen.他极有君子风度。
   He's nothing if not careful.谨慎是他最大的长处。

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