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[[资源推荐]] 扫黑声中谈黑色

发表于 2007-11-2 22:57:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
扫 黑 声 中 谈 黑 色


是中国的五色之一,所谓五色者指的是青、黄、赤、白、黑等颜色。在国人的意识形态中,究竟代表什么概念呢?从扫黑行动所用的字看来,其所代表者显然是与暴力及罪恶有关,指社会的一面。我们常指别人的胡说乱道为指黑为白;颠倒是非,闽台语则说黑白讲(这种说法似乎不分中外,不谋而合;英文说\"call white black\"\"call black white\")。此处的所指的是\"right and wrong\"(是非),或\"good or bad\"(善恶)。不管如何,总是代表非,了。
代表的中文词句俯拾皆是,如:黑幕(an unprintable secret behind the scenes; the cover-up for evil deeds),黑道日(﹦凶日,an unlucky day),黑话 (the secret jargon, the argot of criminals),黑货 (stolen goods; smuggled goods ; opium),黑业 (black deeds, evil deeds),黑脸 (cunning person),黑心(black heart, evil heart; greed),黑道人物 (a gangster; an underworld figure) ,黑店(an inn which is run by thieves as a trap to steal, rob or even murder unwary travelers)等等。我们也常一竿子打落一船人地说天下乌鸦一般黑来暗示一群人都不是好东西。中文的是相等于英文的“black”;用作名词时,其字义为黑,黑色;黑色颜料;黑墨水;黑人;黑衣;【靶的】中心黑点;黑斑;污点等等。当作形容词使用时,则除了黑的,黑色的;黑人的;黑衣的等义之外,还用于表示暗淡的,阴郁的,沮丧的;险恶的,邪恶的;不吉利的等。本文的讨论范围将只限于这些表示后者的字义及其用法。
He is black with anger.

He is not so black as he is painted.

He looks as black as thunder.

The prospects for a ban on nuclear weapons look black.

He gave a black look at the impolite waiter in the restaurant.

As prices have dropped lower and lower, the outlook looks black for many companies in the city.

至于“black”用以表示的字汇也着实不少,如:black heartblack soul(黑心,心黑的人),black money(不义之财),black deeds(凶恶的行为,昧良心的事),black mark(污点,不名誉),black market(黑市),black list(黑名单),blackmail(勒索;恐吓),black sheep(败家子;害群之马),blackleg(〔尤指赌博,赛马时的〕骗子,郎中),blackguard(恶棍),Black Friday(〔耶稣基督被钉死在十字架上的〕不吉利的星期五),the black art(巫术,妖术),black tidings(坏消息),black words(不吉利的言语),black look(邪恶的嘴脸),black lie(恶意的谎话)等等。
His name is on the black listblacklistused by the police to round up all the gangsters.

The black art is still practised among the primitive tribes in Africa.

During the war, we bought rice,meat and many other things on the black market.

He is regarded as the black sheep of the family.

That blackguard gave the police officer who arrested him a black look.

He has a black heart.

He received a threatening letter demanding $1,000,000, and the police said it was blackmail.

其他虽然与无关,但并不令人愉快的词句有:black despair(绝望),black in the face(〔因愤怒或用力而〕脸色发紫),in a black mood(情绪低落),under the black dog(不开心,忧郁着,沮丧着),black humor(〔小说或戏剧中的〕荒诞的幽默)等:
He was in black despair when he failed in the joint examination.

He is in a black mood today because his girl friend left him for the United States this morning.

The black humor is overwhelming in that novel.


black and blue

He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue.

He was beaten black and blue.

in black and white

I think it is better to have the terms and conditions of the agreement down in black and white.

He wants us to put down everything in black and white.

in the black

The company is running in the black under the leadership of the new president.

Naturally, a business must stay in the black to keep on.

The company lost money for about four years, but with the new production methods, the general manager announced that the company was finally in the black.

不过也有代表的一面。从前轿车一律都用黑色喷漆,并且一般政府机关公用车辆,礼车等仍然沿用黑色以示尊严。正式礼服也一直采用黑色料子;这种黑礼服包括晚礼服及黑蝴蝶颜结,称之谓“black tie”
To attend the state dinner, black tie is required.

说也奇怪,象征正直的包公,在京剧里不也涂着黑脸出场吗?最后,英文有一句成语“the pot calls the kettle black”相等于中文的五十步笑百步半斤八两龟笑鳖无尾(巴)
Chang San said Li Szu had cheated at the mid-term examination, but Li Szu replied that the pot was calling the kettle black.


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