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[【学科前沿】] 激素替代疗法:不能降低绝经后妇女的心脏病风险

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-11-1 00:29:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Article abstract
Nature Medicine
Published online: 16 September 2007 | doi:10.1038/nm1641
出版日期:2007-9-16 刊号:10.1038/ nm1641
27-Hydroxycholesterol is an endogenous SERM that inhibits the cardiovascular effects of estrogen


Abstract The cardioprotective effects of estrogen are mediated by receptors expressed in vascular cells. Here we show that 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), an abundant cholesterol metabolite that is elevated with hypercholesterolemia and found in atherosclerotic lesions, is a competitive antagonist of estrogen receptor action in the vasculature.
摘要 雌激素心血管效应是由心血管细胞表达的受体介导的。在此我们发现27-羟基胆甾醇(27HC)是一种含量丰富的胆固醇代谢产物,它的过量引起高胆固醇血症并存于粥样硬化病变中,在血管中是雌激素受体竞争性拮抗剂。
27HC inhibited both the transcription-mediated and the non-transcription-mediated estrogen-dependent production of nitric oxide by vascular cells, resulting in reduced estrogen-induced vasorelaxation of rat aorta. Furthermore, increasing 27HC levels in mice by diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, pharmacologic administration or genetic manipulation (by knocking out the gene encoding the catabolic enzyme CYP7B1) decreased estrogen-dependent expression of vascular nitric oxide synthase and repressed carotid artery reendothelialization.
27HC抑制血管细胞氧化亚氮介导转录和非转录雌激素依赖途径,导致减少雌激素诱导的鼠主动脉血管舒张。此外,通过食物诱导鼠高胆固醇血症,药理用药或基因操作(敲除基因编码--分解代谢酶CYP7B1)来增加27HC从而减少血管一氧化氮合酶雌激素依赖表达和被抑制的颈动脉。 As well as antiestrogenic effects, there were proestrogenic actions of 27HC that were cell-type specific, indicating that 27HC functions as an endogenous selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). Taken together, these studies point to as a contributing factor in the loss of estrogen protection from vascular disease.
September 17, 2007, 8:21 am
Another Clue Emerges in Hormone-Replacement Mystery
Posted by Jacob Goldstein
2007-9-17,8:21 am
Jacob Goldstein发布的消息

Naturally occurring estrogen seems to protect women from heart attacks, but giving women hormone-replacement therapy long after menopause doesn’t seem to offer this benefit. A new study suggests why, the WSJ reports.
When estrogen is flowing through the blood stream, it attaches to certain receptors on the walls of blood vessels, which triggers a series of reactions that protect the heart. But there’s another compound in the blood — 27-hydroxycholesterol, or 27HC — that can also attach to the same receptors but doesn’t trigger the protective benefits for the heart, according to a study of mice published yesterday in Nature Medicine.
Before menopause, when estrogen is plentiful, it beats 27HC to the receptors. But as estrogen declines after menopause, 27HC takes over. And giving women hormone-replacement therapy long after menopause may not make much difference, because 27HC has blocked the receptors, setting in motion processes that can lead to heart disease.
“Estrogen is a protector, it’s not therapeutic,” David J. Mangelsdorf, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at UT Southwestern whose laboratory made the discovery told the WSJ. “You can’t give it to cure something that’s started.”
“雌激素是个保护者,而不是用于治疗的,”由UT西南部的Howard Hughes医学协会研究员David J. Mangelsdorf将其实验发现发布给WSJ。“你不能在康复治疗中用其来治愈什么。”
A separate study, which Mangelsdorf co-authored last week in Molecular Endocrinology, found that 27HC may also play a role in the growth of some breast cancers. “Those are two properties that are very undesirable in a compound that targets the estrogen receptor,” Mangelsdorf said. “If you had a compound that could inhibit 27HC [in both settings], you’d have a very interesting drug.”


自然医学 出版日期:2007-9-16 刊号:10.1038/ nm1641
Michihisa Umetani1, Hideharu Domoto1, Andrew K Gormley2, Ivan S Yuhanna2, Carolyn L Cummins1, Norman B Javitt3, Kenneth S Korach4, Philip W Shaul2 & David J Mangelsdorf1

摘要 雌激素心血管效应是由心血管细胞表达的受体介导的。在此我们发现27-羟基胆甾醇(27HC)是一种含量丰富的胆固醇代谢产物,它的过量引起高胆固醇血症并存于粥样硬化病变中,在血管中是雌激素受体竞争性拮抗剂。27HC抑制血管细胞氧化亚氮介导转录和非转录雌激素依赖途径,导致减少雌激素诱导的鼠主动脉血管舒张。此外,通过食物诱导鼠高胆固醇血症,药理用药或基因操作(敲除基因编码--分解代谢酶CYP7B1)来增加27HC从而减少血管一氧化氮合酶雌激素依赖表达和被抑制的颈动脉。在抗雌激素表达的同时,27HC具细胞特殊水平雌激素前体效应,显示出内源选择性雌激素受体调节剂活性。总之,这些研究指出27HC在血管性疾病中作为雌激素受体丢失的一个作用因子。

2007-9-17,8:21 am
Jacob Goldstein发布的消息


“雌激素是个保护者,而不是用于治疗的,”由UT西南部的Howard Hughes医学协会研究员David J. Mangelsdorf将其实验发现发布给WSJ。“你不能在康复治疗中用其来治愈什么。”

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