fit up强调的是改善﹐住处未破败到无法使用就改装整理﹔repair是修建﹐住处已经损坏﹐必须修理才能使用。
A: The room looks nice. B: Yes, indeed. It’s been newly fitted up. The fire-damaged building is being repaired.
repair: to fix sth that is damaged, broken or not working properly, 与impair相对:
impair: to make sth less good than it usually is or than it should be(损害,损伤)
fit up: equip to serve a special purpose指为某一(新)目的而给房间或建筑物配置家具等,理解为“装修,改装,改建”等比较切近英语原意,教材上如果翻译为“修理”,那会人为地使学生混乱。