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[【影音娱乐】] 有座花园综合

发表于 2007-10-26 08:42:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


2007年10月26日验证可用,目录如下:   (8 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 383.81 GB in total.)
├─-=01.文件夹命名规则:[电视剧年份][产地][电视剧名][格式][制作组][上传者ID]=-  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─-=02.上传资源后,请到相应版块发布资源,便于发放奖励=-  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─-=03.整部剧集上传、补档完毕后,请自建done子目录表示更新完成=-  (0 folders, 2 files, 1.06 MB, 1.06 MB in total.)
├─[大陆]  (30 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 126.11 GB in total.)
│?├─[1991][国产][编辑部的故事][DVD-RMVB][FLYSOUND上传]  (1 folders, 25 files, 4.24 GB, 4.24 GB in total.)
│?│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[1997][国产][还珠格格I][国语字幕][DVD-RMVB][QX][YOYO]  (0 folders, 11 files, 2.58 GB, 2.58 GB in total.)
│?├─[2002][国产][天下第一丑][国语30集][DVD-RMVB][YOYO]  (0 folders, 22 files, 5.17 GB, 5.17 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][爱无尽头][国语][VCD-RMVB][NED上传]  (1 folders, 21 files, 3.16 GB, 3.16 GB in total.)
│?│?└─Done by ned  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][不能没有她][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (0 folders, 23 files, 2.40 GB, 2.40 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][大明王朝1449][国语][DVD-RMVB]  (1 folders, 33 files, 5.74 GB, 5.74 GB in total.)
│?│?└─Done by ned  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][谍战狂花][国语][vcd-RMVB][TF][YOYO]  (0 folders, 24 files, 4.96 GB, 4.96 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][非常刑警之香水][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (0 folders, 22 files, 3.76 GB, 3.76 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][奋斗II][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (0 folders, 23 files, 4.27 GB, 4.27 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][妇道][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 22 files, 3.30 GB, 3.30 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][红问号II][国语][VCD-RMVB][xxjy]  (1 folders, 21 files, 3.38 GB, 3.38 GB in total.)
│?│?└─done by ned  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][华容道][国语][VCD-RMVB][YOYO]  (1 folders, 26 files, 5.04 GB, 5.04 GB in total.)
│?│?└─all done by YOYO  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][家有儿女第2部][国语][VCD-RMVB][YY]  (0 folders, 100 files, 7.53 GB, 7.53 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][家有儿女第四部][TVRIP-RMVB][YY][YOYO]  (0 folders, 24 files, 3.03 GB, 3.03 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][假装爱上你][国语22集][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 22 files, 3.00 GB, 3.00 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][金字招牌][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (0 folders, 26 files, 5.44 GB, 5.44 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][紧急链接][国语[VCD-RMVB][BT]  (1 folders, 27 files, 4.34 GB, 4.34 GB in total.)
│?│?└─All done by ned  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][浪漫的西街][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 19 files, 2.58 GB, 2.58 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][明朝拜金女][国语][DVC-RMVB][QxTSR]  (0 folders, 26 files, 4.95 GB, 4.95 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][目击者][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 21 files, 3.00 GB, 3.00 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][士兵突击][国语][DVD-RMVB][TLF]  (0 folders, 30 files, 4.38 GB, 4.38 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][顺娘][国语34集][VCD-RMVB][YOYO]  (0 folders, 25 files, 3.38 GB, 3.38 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][文化站长][国语][vcd-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 26 files, 4.00 GB, 4.00 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][我们的知青年代][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (1 folders, 24 files, 5.52 GB, 5.52 GB in total.)
│?│?└─Done by ned  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][武林外传][国语][DVD-RMVB][LY]  (0 folders, 17 files, 3.56 GB, 3.56 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][雪豹行动][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 28 files, 4.22 GB, 4.22 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][雪狼][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 25 files, 3.62 GB, 3.62 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][一半天堂][国语][VCD-RMVB][BT]  (0 folders, 25 files, 3.33 GB, 3.33 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][国产][终极杀阵][国语][VCD-RMVB][TF]  (0 folders, 24 files, 4.40 GB, 4.40 GB in total.)
│?└─[2007][合拍][雪山飞狐][国语中字][DVD-RMVB][TSES][FLYSOUND上传]  (1 folders, 40 files, 7.83 GB, 7.83 GB in total.)
│???└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─[港台]  (21 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 88.06 GB in total.)
│?├─[1984][TVB][新扎师兄][双语字幕][D2R-RMVB][TxxZ][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 32 files, 6.72 GB, 6.72 GB in total.)
│?├─[1990][TVB][人海骄阳][国语字幕][T2R-RMVB][HSTV][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 20 files, 4.03 GB, 4.03 GB in total.)
│?├─[1992][TVB][龙的天空][双语字幕][D2R-RMVB][HSTV][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 30 files, 5.26 GB, 5.26 GB in total.)
│?├─[1993][TVB][马场大亨][双语中字][D2R-RMVB][HSTV][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 33 files, 5.58 GB, 5.58 GB in total.)
│?├─[1994][TVB][阿sir早晨][国语字幕][DVD-RMVB][HSTV][BY KLXM]  (0 folders, 13 files, 1.98 GB, 1.98 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][爸爸闭翳][双语][V-VB][yugh]  (1 folders, 25 files, 3.92 GB, 3.92 GB in total.)
│?│?└─@done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][奸人坚][国语字幕][DVD-RMVB][第6感][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 9 files, 2.15 GB, 2.15 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][廉政行动2007][国语字幕][D2R-RMVB][HSTV][by 盗版无罪]  (0 folders, 5 files, 1.08 GB, 1.08 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][廉政行动2007][粤语字幕][TVRIP-RMVB][圣堂出品]  (0 folders, 5 files, 1.08 GB, 1.08 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][美女厨房][粤语字幕][DVD-RMVB][YOYO]  (0 folders, 15 files, 3.18 GB, 3.18 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][森之爱情][粤语字幕][TVRIP-RMVB][ST][BY KLXM]  (0 folders, 13 files, 1.07 GB, 1.07 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][岁月风云][粤语][DVD-RMVB][第6感]  (0 folders, 39 files, 6.66 GB, 6.66 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][通天干探][国语][DVD-RMVB][第6感出品][YOYO]  (0 folders, 12 files, 2.72 GB, 2.72 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][舞动全城][双语][DVD-RMVB][第6感]  (0 folders, 8 files, 1.21 GB, 1.21 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][TVB][学警出更][国语][DVD-RMVB][第6感]  (0 folders, 30 files, 6.87 GB, 6.87 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][台湾][公主小妹][国语][TVRIP-RMVB][第六感][cs44ss]  (0 folders, 7 files, 1.66 GB, 1.66 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][台湾][换换爱][国语][TVRIP-RMVB][第6感]  (0 folders, 16 files, 4.67 GB, 4.67 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][台湾][美味关系][国语][TVRIP-RMVB][第6感][cs44ss]  (0 folders, 5 files, 2.36 GB, 2.36 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][台湾][我1定要成功][台语字幕][TVRIP-RMVB][CTU]  (0 folders, 17 files, 5.23 GB, 5.23 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][台湾][樱野3加1][国语][TVRIP-RMVB][第6感][cs44ss]  (0 folders, 13 files, 5.24 GB, 5.24 GB in total.)
│?└─[2007][台湾][终极一家][国语][TVRIP-RMVB][第六感]  (0 folders, 59 files, 15.39 GB, 15.39 GB in total.)
├─[欧美]  (47 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 55.25 GB in total.)
│?├─[2005][美剧][鬼语者][第1季][英语中字][FRTVS]  (0 folders, 22 files, 3.57 GB, 3.57 GB in total.)
│?├─[2006][美剧][犯罪现场调查][第6季][英语中字][DVD-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 24 files, 3.99 GB, 3.99 GB in total.)
│?├─[2006][美剧][鬼语者][第2季][英语中字][FRTVS]  (0 folders, 22 files, 3.71 GB, 3.71 GB in total.)
│?├─[2006][美剧][实习医生格蕾][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 26 files, 4.30 GB, 4.30 GB in total.)
│?├─[2006][美剧][谈判先锋][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 11 files, 1.82 GB, 1.82 GB in total.)
│?├─[2006][英国][星级酒店][第2季][英语中字][TVRIP-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 7 files, 1.40 GB, 1.40 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美国][兄弟姐妹][第2季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][FRTVS]  (0 folders, 4 files, 699.67 MB, 699.67 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][4400][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][Ragbear]  (0 folders, 13 files, 2.08 GB, 2.08 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][K-Ville-K警小分队第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 3 files, 567.03 MB, 567.03 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][波士顿法律][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 10 files, 1.74 GB, 1.74 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][波士顿法律][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 4 files, 834.60 MB, 834.60 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][丑女贝蒂][第2季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 5 files, 850.66 MB, 850.66 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][单身毒妈][第3季][英语中字][DVDRIP-RMVB][Ragbear]  (0 folders, 6 files, 659.33 MB, 659.33 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][犯罪现场调查][第7季][英语中字][DVD-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 11 files, 1.87 GB, 1.87 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][犯罪现场调查][第8季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 4 files, 753.98 MB, 753.98 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][犯罪现场调查迈阿密篇][第6季][英语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 4 files, 817.33 MB, 817.33 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][犯罪现场调查纽约篇][第4季][英语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 3 files, 559.20 MB, 559.20 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][犯罪心理][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 4 files, 761.17 MB, 761.17 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][格蕾丝的救赎][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 9 files, 1.55 GB, 1.55 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][鬼语者][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 3 files, 528.53 MB, 528.53 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][海军罪案调查处][第5季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 4 files, 757.53 MB, 757.53 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][豪斯医生][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 3 files, 563.51 MB, 563.51 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][好汉两个半][第2季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 1 files, 88.39 MB, 88.39 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][好汉两个半][第5季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 4 files, 369.94 MB, 369.94 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][黑金诱惑][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊乐园]  (0 folders, 3 files, 537.87 MB, 537.87 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][家族风云][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 5 files, 901.42 MB, 901.42 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][紧要关头][第1季][英语中字][DSR-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 6 files, 1.36 GB, 1.36 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][绝望的主妇][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYeTs]  (0 folders, 4 files, 655.29 MB, 655.29 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][老爸老妈罗曼史][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 2 files, 172.08 MB, 172.08 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][裂痕][第1季][英语中字][DSR-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 11 files, 1.95 GB, 1.95 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][流言蜚女][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 1 files, 182.55 MB, 182.55 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][秘密行动组][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 2 files, 348.61 MB, 348.61 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][神探阿蒙][第6季][英语中字][DSR-RMVB][FR]  (0 folders, 9 files, 1.47 GB, 1.47 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][实习医生格蕾][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 4 files, 727.40 MB, 727.40 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][识骨寻踪.Bones][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊乐园]  (0 folders, 1 files, 171.74 MB, 171.74 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][数字追凶][第4季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 4 files, 537.57 MB, 537.57 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][双面法医][第2季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YDY]  (0 folders, 3 files, 659.10 MB, 659.10 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][私家医情][第1季][英语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 3 files, 536.45 MB, 536.45 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][天赐][第2季][英语中字][DSR-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 13 files, 2.18 GB, 2.18 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][铁证悬案][第5季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 5 files, 707.98 MB, 707.98 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][血色月光][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 1 files, 173.35 MB, 173.35 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][寻人密探组][第6季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][破烂熊制作组]  (0 folders, 2 files, 337.62 MB, 337.62 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][医者心境][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][Ragbear]  (0 folders, 9 files, 1.56 GB, 1.56 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][英雄][第2季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 7 files, 0.96 GB, 0.96 GB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][越狱][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][ydy]  (0 folders, 5 files, 926.99 MB, 926.99 MB in total.)
│?├─[2007][美剧][棕榈泉疑云][第1季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYeTs]  (0 folders, 8 files, 1.28 GB, 1.28 GB in total.)
│?└─[2007][美剧][罪案终结][第3季][英语中字][HDTV-RMVB][Ragbear]  (0 folders, 14 files, 2.48 GB, 2.48 GB in total.)
├─[其他]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
└─[日韩]  (43 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 114.39 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩国][我是老师][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][TSKS][snake]  (0 folders, 16 files, 4.05 GB, 4.05 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][阿岘洞夫人][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][笨笨熊字幕组]  (0 folders, 64 files, 6.11 GB, 6.11 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][不良情侣][韩语中字][DVD-RMVB][YYcaf]  (1 folders, 18 files, 3.85 GB, 3.85 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][刀手吴水晶][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYcaf]  (0 folders, 15 files, 3.49 GB, 3.49 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][冬候鸟][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 10 files, 2.05 GB, 2.05 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][狗和狼的时间][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][TSKS][cs44ss]  (1 folders, 16 files, 4.26 GB, 4.26 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][咖啡王子一号店][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 18 files, 4.54 GB, 4.54 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][恋人分手][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 4 files, 929.95 MB, 929.95 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][萝卜泡菜][韩语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][笨笨熊]  (0 folders, 20 files, 3.57 GB, 3.57 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][蒙混调查所][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYcaf][cs44ss]  (0 folders, 5 files, 796.18 MB, 796.18 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][魔女幼熙][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYcaf]  (1 folders, 17 files, 3.93 GB, 3.93 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][说客][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 6 files, 2.09 GB, 2.09 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][太王四神记][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 8 files, 2.15 GB, 2.15 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][王与我][韩语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][吁吁韩剧字幕组]  (0 folders, 17 files, 5.22 GB, 5.22 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][伟大的盖茨比]][韩语中文][HDTV-RMVB][吁吁论坛]  (0 folders, 19 files, 3.87 GB, 3.87 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][媳妇的全盛时代][韩语中字][SDTV-RMVB][KC-Zone]  (0 folders, 23 files, 6.07 GB, 6.07 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][香丹传][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][17LOOK]  (0 folders, 2 files, 774.89 MB, 774.89 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][遇见完美邻居的办法][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][YYCAF]  (0 folders, 21 files, 4.60 GB, 4.60 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][正祖大王-李祘][韩语中字][HDTV-RMVB][TSKS]  (0 folders, 12 files, 3.43 GB, 3.43 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][韩剧][追赶江南妈妈][韩语中字][DVD-RMVB][笨笨熊]  (1 folders, 18 files, 4.01 GB, 4.01 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][20岁恋人][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 1 files, 283.06 MB, 283.06 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][BOYS美型专家][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 12 files, 1.79 GB, 1.79 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][笨天鹅][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 1 files, 260.06 MB, 260.06 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][初吻][First Kiss][日语中字][SUBPIG]  (1 folders, 11 files, 2.48 GB, 2.48 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][峰壁双姝传][日语中字][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (1 folders, 12 files, 2.66 GB, 2.66 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][风林火山][日语中字][HDTV-RMVB][PPX]  (0 folders, 42 files, 7.99 GB, 7.99 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][父女7日变][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 10 files, 1.64 GB, 1.64 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][工作狂][日语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 3 files, 744.25 MB, 744.25 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][交响情人梦][日语中字][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 11 files, 2.52 GB, 2.52 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][菊次郎和早纪3][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 12 files, 2.07 GB, 2.07 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][考试之神][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 10 files, 2.35 GB, 2.35 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][恋爱诊断][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][YYCAF]  (0 folders, 12 files, 1.39 GB, 1.39 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][女帝][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 12 files, 2.14 GB, 2.14 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][女子刑事2][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 10 files, 2.12 GB, 2.12 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][贫穷贵公子][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][TVBT]  (0 folders, 10 files, 3.26 GB, 3.26 GB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][神探伽利略][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 2 files, 513.58 MB, 513.58 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][偷偷爱着你][日语中字][SUBPIG]  (1 folders, 12 files, 3.06 GB, 3.06 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][医龙2][日语中字][HDTV-RMVB]  (0 folders, 2 files, 776.93 MB, 776.93 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][荧之光][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (1 folders, 10 files, 2.24 GB, 2.24 GB in total.)
??│?└─done by zrp8  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][有闲俱乐部][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 4 files, 518.49 MB, 518.49 MB in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][侦探学院Q][日语中字][SUBPIG]  (1 folders, 11 files, 2.49 GB, 2.49 GB in total.)
??│?└─done  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
??├─[2007][日剧][纸巾][日语中文字幕][HDTV-RMVB][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 11 files, 908.43 MB, 908.43 MB in total.)
??└─[2007][日剧SP][世界奇妙物语 秋之特别编][日语中文][hdtv-rmvb][SUBPIG]  (0 folders, 1 files, 572.76 MB, 572.76 MB in total.)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 08:57:43 | 显示全部楼层


[右] 正在连接到 -> IP= PORT=21
[右] 已连接到
[右] 220-BBSFTP Pro- [http://www.bbsftp.net/]
[右] 220-有座花园(http://www.garden.net.cn)电影服务器,接续中……
[右] 220-◎ 花园电影服务器已运行了2天19小时25分1秒
[右] 220-◎ 在此期间成功接受了 1231104 次连接。
[右] 220-   下载数据: 68083884 Kb
[右] 220-   上载数据: 34809398 Kb
[右] 220-   下载文件: 349 个
[右] 220-   上载文件: 297 个
[右] 220-   平均流量: 423.951 Kb/sec
[右] 220-   当前流量: 627.245 Kb/sec
[右] 220-
[右] 220-◎ 来自222.212.44.120的,你好,祝下载愉快!
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220-
[右] 220 Registered [有座花园]
[右] USER rmvb.up
[右] 331 User name okay, need password.[CE]
[右] PASS (隐藏)
[右] 230-(bbsftp v3.01CE) [Cache 272Sec/300Sec Num (416)]
[右] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[右] SYST
[右] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[右] FEAT
[右] 211-Extension supported
[右] CLNT
[右] MDTM
[右] SIZE
[右] XCRC filename;start;end
[右] BBSFTP fileinfo [filename];
[右] BBSFTP showcr
[右] 211 End
[右] CLNT
[右] 200 Noted.
[右] PWD
[右] 257 "/" is current directory.(Free: 491353.51MB)(bbsftp v3.01CE)
[右] TYPE A
[右] 200 Type set to A.
[右] PASV
[右] 227 Entering Passive Mode (221,6,7,106,39,24)
[右] 正在打开数据连接 IP: 端口: 10008
[右] LIST -al
[右] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
[右] 226-Using UL/DL ratio 1/1, counting bytes per session
[右]   Current UL/DL ratio credit 1000 kBytes
[右] 226 Transfer complete.
[右] 列表完成: 956 字节 于 0.89 秒 (1.0 KB/秒)


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-26 09:03:07 | 显示全部楼层


2007年10月26日验证可用,目录如下:  (4 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─-=电影文件夹命名规则:[发布日期][中文名][英文名][电影年份][版本]=-  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─-=欢迎各位积极补档中文字幕=-  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
├─[2007年10月]  (80 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][大偷袭][The.Great.Raid][2005]TLF-BDRIP]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][动物园][Zoo][2007][SAPHiRE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][如龙][Like.a.Dragon][2007][CHuMo]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][生死关头][Juncture][2007][aAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][这就是英国][This.Is.England][2006][iMC]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.01][针孔旅社][Vacancy][2007][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.02][无主孤军][The.Paper.Will.Be.Blue][2007][wxl1]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][法老王][Faraon][1966]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][后窗惊魂][Disturbia][2007][DMT]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][潜水钟与蝴蝶][Le.Scaphandre.Et.Le.Papillon][2007][DVDScr][CANNES]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][日日夜夜][Day.Night.Day.Night][2007][BeStDiVx]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][苏格兰飞人][The.Flying.Scotsman][2006][TLF-MKV]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][我盛大的同志婚礼][I.Now.Pronounce.You.Chuck.And.Larry][2007][R5][PUKKA]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.03][星光漫步][For.Eternal.Hearts][2007]PosTX]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][厄舍古屋][The.House.Of.Usher][2006][iNTiMiD]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][怪物史莱克3][Shrek.The.Third][2007][FLAiTE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][坚强的心][A.Mighty.Heart][2007][DiAMOND]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][人皮客栈][Hostel][2005][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][十全十美][Full.Of.It.LIMITED][2007][TLF-MKV]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.04][桃色血案][Anatomy.Of.A.Murder][1959][TLF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.05][变形金刚][Transformers][2007][NewMov]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.05][搭车人][The.Hitcher][2007][MoMo]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.05][疯羊][Black.Sheep][2006][BKL-未分级版]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.05][警网邪风][Urban.Justice][2007][KiNOBOX]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.05][恐怖星球][Planet.Terror][2007][BKL-未分级版]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][巴黎二日情][2.Days.In.Paris][2007][CiMG]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][怪物史莱克3][Shrek.The.Third][2007][BKL]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][惊变28天][28.Days.Later][2002][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][史前巨鳄2][Lake.Placid.2][2007][aAF-宽屏版]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][四分钟][Vier.Minuten][2006][EMPiRE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.06][招摇撞骗][The.Hoax][2006][TLF-MKV]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.07][京义线][The.Railroad][2007][PosTX]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.07][莫扎特与鲸鱼][Mozart.And.The.Whale][2005][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.08][杀手蝴蝶梦][My.Heart.Is.That.Eternal.Rose][1989][MKV]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.08][盛夏光年][Eternal.Summer][2006][MrCJ]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.08][史特拉莫:未来尚未命定][Joe Strummer The Future Is Unwritten][iMMORTALs]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][67天][Uzicka.Republika][1974][EDRP]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][被遗忘的天使][All.the.Invisible.Children][2005][AsiSter]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][擦鞋童][Shoeshine][1946][Alaundo]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][浮世男女][Short.Cuts][1993][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][红高粱][Red.Sorghum][1987][LAJH]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][黄河绝恋][Lovers.Grief.Over.the.Yellow.River][1999][BoLa]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][黄土地][Yellow.Earth][1984][WRD]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][恋爱地图][About.Love][2005][iMBT]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][鲁宾逊漂流记][The.Adventures.Of.Robinson.Crusoe][1954][SAPHiRE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][马路天使][Angels.In.The.Street][1937][lefanter]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][梦想拉萨][Dreaming.Lhasa][2005][SAPHiRE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][天使夜惊情][Dirty.Pretty.Things][2002][Silu][HD]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][晚安好梦][The.Good.Night][2007][DvF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][屋顶上的轻骑兵][The.Horseman.On.The.Roof][1995][YYddr]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][侠女][A.Touch.of.Zen][1969][STyXX]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥][Shanghai.Triad][1995][RENAISSANCE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][战国妖姬][Senso][1954][MESS]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.09][紫日][Purple.Sunset][2001]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][爱神][Eros][2004][SMoR]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][赤色分子][Reds][1951][GUEVARA]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][六号出口][Exit.No.6][2006][MESS]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][省港旗兵][Long.Arm.Of.The.Law][1984]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][涨潮海岸][Tideland][2005][D0PE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.10][座头市与用心棒][Zatoichi.Meets.Yojimbo][1970][TheWretched]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][第九道门][The.Ninth.Gate][2000][Masterblaster]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][姑获鸟之夏][Ubume.No.Natsu][2005][AXiNE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][解剖学教室][The.Cut][2007][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][决斗犹马镇][3.10.To.Yuma][2007][R5.PUKKA]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][七宝奇谋][The.Goonies][1985][X-Team]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][秋菊打官司][The.Story.Of.Qiu.Ju][1992][iMBT]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][蜀山传][The.Legend.Of.Zu][2001][aKai]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.11][相会的广场][Underground.Rendez.vous][2007][PosTX]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.12][超自然学院][Just.Like.Home][2007][DvF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.12][相思成灾][Love.and.Other.Disasters][2006][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.12][知法犯法][Cop.On.A.Mission][2001][mkv]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.14][黑暗中的舞者][Dancer.In.the.Dark][2000][WAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.14][密谈][Ploy][2007][WRD]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.14][致命魔术][The.Prestige][2006][TLF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.15][黄色的眼泪][Kiiroi.Namida][2007][WRD]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.15][交易][Trade][2007][R5.NEPTUNE]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.15][料理鼠王][Ratatouille][2007][SPiRAL]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.15][噪音][Noise][2007][aAF]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?├─[2007.10.16][欢迎到天堂镇][Welcome.to.Paradise][2007][TLF.MKV]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
│?└─[2007.10.16][蒙古王][Mongol][2007][HeDgEhOt]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)
└─[专题1][标准收藏版(CC)]  (0 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 0 bytes in total.)

使用道具 举报

沈春 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-27 09:55:31 | 显示全部楼层

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