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[[原创地带]] 经济贸易英语

发表于 2007-10-21 19:41:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Many of the small dot-com start-up business that heralded the beginning of the new U.S. “Internet Economy” have failed. But, a real online economy appears to be developing, as increasing numbers of traditional businesses figure out how to utilize the Internet to stay competitive. The Enron Corporation conducts two-thirds of its global business online, accounting for $2.5 billion in revenue daily. The U.S. office supplies retail chain, Staples, can only stock 8000 items in its stores, but is presently offering more than 200,000 items on its website. Southwest Airlines saved $80 million in 2000 by selling airplane tickets online.

dot-com start-up business 新开的网络公司

herald the beginning of 迎来……的开端

online economy 网络经济

figure out 想出……,领悟到……
figure out
---find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
【例句】I can't figure out why he is buttering me up.

utilize the Internet 利用因特网

stay competitive 保持竞争力

conduct business online 在网上开展业务

account for 占,占到
**account for除了占……百分比外,还有“解释原因“的意思,如:Can you account for all these absences?

on its website 在它的网站上

retail chain 零售连锁店

sell … online 通过网络卖……,网上卖…


These are just three of the many examples of successful uses of the Internet by large corporation that are profiled by Joel Kurtzman in his new book “Radical E”.

“What we mean by ‘radical’ is that these companies surprised us. They have embraced it (the Internet) with agility and speed; they’ve employed it throughout their organizations as the means for doing business. They have been every bit as innovative as the best of the star-ups, and they have the muscle and the clout and the financial wherewithal to make it work.”

be profiled by 由……做简单介绍
---write about

embrace … with agility and speed 快速、灵活地采用
agility 快速,敏捷
【例句】The boy came upstairs with agility.

as the means for 作为……的手段
【例句】Geneen disliked relying on one perspective as the means for giving him the whole picture.

every bit 完全,从头至尾
【例句】He ate every bit of the pudding.

have the muscle and the clout to … 有实力干……(口语用语)

have the financial wherewithal to … 有必需的资金做……
wherewithal 钱财
【例句】I should like to buy a new car but haven't got the wherewithal.
我希望买一辆汽车, 但是还没有筹到这笔钱。

Item 3

They not only have the muscle and clout, says Penn State University business professor Dennis Gioia. Large corporations also have brand name recognition, which is useful in an Internet cluttered with thousands of different companies vying for attention. “We had so many people trying to do business on the Internet that a buyer got completely confused. So the branding issue became a huge resource advantage for traditional business. When they put out a dot-com company, people knew what they were about and it’s been considered to generate a huge competitive advantage.”

brand name recognition 品牌/名牌认同效应,认名牌
recognition——the fact of knowing someone or something; recognizing or being recognized
【同类用法】a voice recognition system for a computer 计算机的声音识别系统

be cluttered with (杂乱的)堆满了……
clutter——to make untidy or confused, esp. by filling with useless or unwanted things
【例句】The room was cluttered up/with toys.
His mind’s cluttered with useless information.

vie for attention 争着引起人们的注意
vie——vied/vying to compete (with someone) (for something)
【例句】They are vying for the lead.
The shipping companies vied with each other to make the fastest Atlantic crossing.

get confused 弄糊涂了

put out a dot-com company 投资开办网络公司

generate a huge competitive advantage 形成巨大的竞争优势
generate——fml to cause (esp. feelings or ideas) to exist; produce
【例句】The accident generated a lot of public interest in the nuclear power issue.

Item 4

The announcement comes in response to the escalating trade conflict between China and Japan. Last week, the Chinese government imposed an additional 100 percent tariff on cars, mobile phones and air conditioners made in Japan, in retaliation to Tokyo’s temporary curbs on some Chinese farm products in April.

in response to 是对……的回应
【例句】In response to the features above, the following measures have been taken in system design

escalating trade conflict 逐步升级的贸易战
escalating 逐步上升的,逐步加强的
【例句】The escalating drug crisis is beginning to take its toll on many Americans.

impose tariff on 对……征收关税

mobile phone 移动电话

air conditioner 空调

in retaliation to 作为对……的报复
【例句】(AFP, Jerusalem) While US President Bush is working on a new peace strategy on Israel and Palestine, Israel has decided to launch \"a series of military actions\" in retaliation for the attack on a bus by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem today.
(法新社耶路撒冷电) 当美国总统布希准备以、巴新和平策略时,以色列决定发动「一连串军事行动」,报复今天巴勒斯坦自杀炸弹攻击者对耶路撒冷一辆公车发动的攻击。

curb 限制

使用道具 举报

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