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[【学科前沿】] 血液新功能: 有助于思考

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-19 20:40:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Blood may help us think
Cathryn M. Delude, McGovern Institute
October 16, 2007
Cathryn M. Delude,麦考门学院
MIT scientists propose that blood may help us think, in addition to its well-known role as the conveyor of fuel and oxygen to brain cells.
\"We hypothesize that blood actively modulates how neurons process information,\" Christopher Moore, a principal investigator in the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, explained in an invited review in the October issue of the Journal of Neurophysiology. \"Many lines of evidence suggest that blood does something more interesting than just delivering supplies. If it does modulate how neurons relay signals, that changes how we think the brain works.\"
“我们猜测血液积极地参与调节神经元的信息处理,”麻省理工麦考门学院脑研究所的原理研究员Christopher Moore,在10月份的《神经生理学》杂志上发表的综述上解释道。“很多证据显示血液不仅仅只是运输养料,在某些方面它显得更感兴趣。如果血液确实可以调节神经元的中转信号,它就能改变我们工作的大脑如何思考。”
According to Moore's Hemo-Neural Hypothesis, blood is not just a physiological support system but actually helps control brain activity. Specifically, localized changes in blood flow affect the activity of nearby neurons, changing how they transmit signals to each other and hence regulating information flow throughout the brain. Ongoing studies in Moore's laboratory support this view, showing that blood flow does modulate individual neurons.
Moore's theory has implications for understanding brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. \"Many neurological and psychiatric diseases have associated changes in the vasculature,\" said Moore, who is also an assistant professor in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
Moore的理论对于脑疾病,如阿尔茨海默氏病、精神分裂症、多发性硬化症、癫痫的了解很有帮助。同时身为麻省理工学院脑与认知科学系助理教授的Moore 认为:“很多神经学病和精神病都有脉管系统上的改变。”
\"Most people assume the symptoms of these diseases are a secondary consequence of damage to the neurons. But we propose that they may also be a causative factor in the disease process, and that insight suggests entirely new treatments.\" For example, in epilepsy people often have abnormal blood vessels in the brain region where the seizures occur, and the hypothesis suggests this abnormal flow may induce epileptic onset. If so, drugs that affect blood flow may provide an alternative to current therapies.
The hypothesis also has important implications for functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, a widely used brain scanning method that indicates local changes in blood flow. \"Scientists looking at fMRI currently regard blood flow and volume changes as a secondary process that only provides read-out of neural activity,\" explained Rosa Cao, a graduate student in Moore's lab and co-author of the paper. \"If blood flow shapes neural activity and behavior, then fMRI is actually imaging a key contributor to information processing.\"
这种假说对功能性磁共振成像也有重要的意义,或者称为fMRI,一种可以广泛的应用于指示脑局部血流改变的扫描方法。“学者们看fMRI,一般只关注作为继发病变的血流和体积的改变,而这种继发病变仅能提供读出神经的活性,”Moore实验室的研究生,也是论文的合著者,Rosa Cao说道。“如果血流可以决定神经的活性和状态,那么fMRI就确实是能提供信息处理状态的关键成像。”
Again, studies in Moore's lab support this interpretation. For example, his fMRI studies of the sensory homunculus--the brain's detailed map of body parts like fingers, toes, arms, and legs--show that when more blood flows to the area representing the fingertip, people more readily perceive a light tap on the finger. This suggests that blood affects the function of this brain region and that information about blood flow can predict future brain activity. This finding does not undermine prior studies, but adds another, richer layer to their interpretation and makes fMRI an even more useful tool than it already is.
How could blood flow affect brain activity? Blood contains diffusible factors that could leak out of vessels to affect neural activity, and changes to blood volume could affect the concentration of these factors. Also, neurons and support cells called glia may react to the mechanical forces of blood vessels expanding and contracting. In addition, blood influences the temperature of brain tissue, which affects neural activity.
To Moore's knowledge, the Hemo-Neural Hypothesis offers an entirely new way of looking at the brain. \"No one ever includes blood flow in models of information processing in the brain,\" he said. One historical exception is the philosopher Aristotle, who thought the circulatory system was responsible for thoughts and emotions. Perhaps the ancient Greeks were on to something.
This work was funded by Thomas F. Peterson, the Mitsu iFoundation and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.
此项工作由Thomas F. Peterson, Mitsu基金和麻省理工麦考门学院脑研究所资助。

“我们猜测血液积极地参与调节神经元的信息处理,”麻省理工麦考门学院脑研究所的原理研究员Christopher Moore,在10月份的《神经生理学》杂志上发表的综述上解释道。“很多证据显示血液不仅仅只是运输养料,在某些方面它显得更感兴趣。如果血液确实可以调节神经元的中转信号,它就能改变我们工作的大脑如何思考。”
Moore的理论对于脑疾病,如阿尔茨海默氏病、精神分裂症、多发性硬化症、癫痫的了解很有帮助。同时身为麻省理工学院脑与认知科学系助理教授的Moore 认为:“很多神经学病和精神病都有脉管系统上的改变。”
这种假说对功能性磁共振成像也有重要的意义,或者称为fMRI,一种可以广泛的应用于指示脑局部血流改变的扫描方法。“学者们看fMRI,一般只关注作为继发病变的血流和体积的改变,而这种继发病变仅能提供读出神经的活性,”Moore实验室的研究生,也是论文的合著者,Rosa Cao说道。“如果血流可以决定神经的活性和状态,那么fMRI就确实是能提供信息处理状态的关键成像。”
此项工作由Thomas F. Peterson, Mitsu基金和麻省理工麦考门学院脑研究所资助。

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