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[[资源推荐]] 如何用情态动词进行猜测

happy4ever 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-19 11:21:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  一、肯定句中,用may, might, could表示\"可能,也许\",用must表示\"一定,肯定\" 例如:

This could be your only chance to go.这可能是你去的唯一机会。

If you go to the school library, you might find the book you need.你如果到学校图书馆去一下,也许能找到你要的书。

He may have been there.他也许去过那儿。

They must be brother and sister, for they look very much alike.他们肯定是兄妹,因为他们长得极象。


Mr Reed is in poor health. He can be ill at any time.里德身体不健康,他随时都有可能生病。

  二、疑问句中用can, could, might表示\"可能\",但一般不能用mustmay。例如:

Might he know the answer?他有可能知道答案吗?

Could he still be working?他可能还在工作吗?

Where can she have gone?她可能去了哪儿呢?

  三、否定句中,can't, couldn't表示全部否定,意为\"不可能,肯定不\"may not, might not表示部分否定,意为\"可能不\"Must用于猜测时不可用于否定句。例如:

This news is so strange that you may/might not believe it.这消息非常奇怪,你可能不会相信。

They didn't come. They might not have got our notice.他们没有来,可能是没有收到我们的通知。

He can't/couldn't have seen me yesterday, because I wasn't there.他昨天不可能见着我了,因为我昨天没有去那儿。

We've got a map. We can't lose our way.我们带着地图,我们不会迷路的。

  四、猜测现在或将来的情况,情态动词后接动词原形。如果猜测已经发生的事或正在进行的动作则在情态动词后接\"have + 过去分词\"\"be + 现在分词\"。例如:

Jane looks pale. She may be ill.简脸色苍白,她可能病了。

He could be watching TV in his room.他可能在房间里看电视。

Can he still be alive after all these years?这么多年了,他还可能在世吗?

They must be worrying about our safety.他们一定在担心着我们的安全。

Why hasn't he come?-----He may have been hurt.他为什么还没有来?-----他可能受伤了。

Why can't you open the door? You must have the wrong key.你为什么打不开门呢?你一定拿错钥匙了。

must一般不用来猜测将来的情况。若想表达某事将来一定会发生,用形容词certain, sure.。例如:

She is sure / certain to come. / It is certain that she will come.她一定会来。

  五、在间接引语中,可以用\"might / could / must + 动词原形\"表示过去的可能性。例如:

He said I must be Mr Jones.他说我一定是琼斯先生。

He said I could be wrong.他说我可能错了。

He thought you might know it.他认为你可能知道。

He asked if the news could be true.他问消息是否真实。




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