Title:Guidelines for the management of thyroid cancer
Abstract:Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy, but its prognosis is usually excellent, provided management is optimal. However, variations in diagnostic approaches, monitoring and treatment are widespread. The first edition of the guidelines (published in 2002) aimed to improve all aspects of management of patients with thyroid cancer and pledged an update in due course. Although randomised controlled trials are still scarce, many advances have taken place in the past five years. The new edition of the thyroid cancer guidelines emphasises individualised management of thyroid cancer on the basis of risk classification. It covers diagnostic aspects of thyroid nodules in the context of thyroid malignanacy, including interpretation of the cancer waiting times as applied to thyroid cancer. It incorporates extensive coverage of treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer and medullary thyroid cancer, monitoring for disease recurrence and treatment of advanced disease. The report also includes guidance for general practitioners, with appendices on laboratories offering specialised diagnositc services and patient information leaflets.
The second edition of the thyroid cancer guidelines aims to improve the management of thyroid cancer and thus reduce disease-specific mortality, enhance quality of life of thyroid cancer survivors, and limit iatrogenic complications.
Fulltext:http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/pubs/ ... a5-d47d6ce6e0f6.pdf |