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[[资源推荐]] 象声词

发表于 2007-10-15 14:55:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

apes: (猿)gibber叽哩咕噜
asses: (驴)bray, heehaw
babies: cry
bear: growl
bees: buzz, hum, murmur, drone
beetles(甲虫): drone
birds: chatter, chirp, chirrup, flap, peck, sing, squawk, twitter,
bulls: bellow, bow
camels: grunt
cats: miaow, mew, purr
cattle: low
chicken: cheep, peep, pip
chicks: cheep
child: chatter
cock: crow, cock-a-doodle-do
cows: boo, low, moo, moo,
crickets(蟋蟀): chirp
crows: caw, croak
deer: beat
dogs: bark, bay, bow-wow, grow, how, whine, yap, yelp
donkeys: bray, hee-haw
doves: coo, crood, croud, croodle
ducks: quack, screech
eagle: scream
elephants: trumpet
flies: buzz, hum, drone
foxes: yelp, bark
frogs: croak
geese: cackle, gabble, gaggle, hiss
goats: bleat, baa
hawks: scream,
hens: cackle, chuckle
horse: whiney, nicker, neigh, snort,
hounds: bay
insects: chirp
kittens(小猫): mew
larks(百灵): sing, warble
lions: roar
magpies(喜鹊): chatter
man: giggle, hem(哼),ouch, hush, mumble, chatter, bravo, murmur, whisper
mice: peep, squeak
monkeys: chatter, japer, screech, chatter
mosquitoes: buzz, hum, drom
night eagles: ner
owls: hoot, scream, screech, whop
owls: hoot, screech, scream
ox: bo, how, moo
parrots: talk, quack
pigeons: coo, crood, croodle
pigs crowd
puppies: yelp
rabbits: suqeak
seagulls(海鸥): scream
sheep: bleat, baa
snakes: hiss
sparrows: chatter, chirp, twitter
swallows: twitter
swans: cry
tigers: roar, groul, gaoll
turkeys: gobble
vultures(秃鹫): scream
whales: blow
wide goose(大雁): honk
wolves: howl growl

abacus(算盘) balls: pit-a-pat, pita pat
arrows: whistle, whiz
artillery(大炮): booms
balls: bounce
bank notes: rustle
bayonets: clink and clash
beats: pit-a-pat, pita pat, thump, thud, patter
bellows(风箱): flip-flap
bells: clink, clang, jingle, jingle-jangles-jingle, ding dong.
bikes: jangle
boots(皮靴): crunch
bottles: crack, crick-crack, rattle
bow string: snap
bowels: rumble
brakes: screech
branches: snap
breeze: puffs
bullets: whistle, whiz, zip
buses: rattle, hoot, and thump
cameras: snick
candles: splutter
cars: crash, toot(horn)
carts: rumble, creak
cattle: low
chains: clank
clocks: ding dang, tick, ticktack, tic tak
clothes: rustle
coins: jingle
cooking pots: sizzle
cords: pop
curtains: flap
dishes: ding dang, jingle, clatter
doors: creak, rat-tat-tat, rat tattoo, rattle,
drums: rub-a-dub, rataplan
dry leaves: rustle
eating: slurp
engines: chug, chum, whistle
feet: chatter, tramp
fingers snap
fire crackers: bang, pup
fire snap
flags: flap flutter
floor: creak
glass: crash, clinks,
gongs: ding-dang
guns pup, boom, click
hands: clap, flick
high heal shoes: click
horns: toot
horse's hooves: dip-clop
jade: tickle
keys: clink
knife and fork: clack
leather shoes: click-clack
leaves: whisper, rustle,
locks: snap, click,
locomotive(火车头): puff
machines: buzz,
machines guns: rattle, chatter, tat-rat, tat-tat-tat
metal: ting, clash, clink, tinkle, jing dong, ticktack
mind: buzz
oil: sizzle
paper: rustle
planes: zoom, crash,
radios: squeak
rain: patters, pit-pat-pit-pat
rifle: crack, pop
ropes: crack, snap, pop
scissors: clip-clop
silk: rustle
snow: spatters
steam: hoop, hoos, hoot
stick: swish
stomach: rumble
stones: smack, flop
tears: plop
teeth: chatter
telephone: ring, jangle
thunder: clap, peal, rumble,
tongue: click
trains: rattle, clatter, whistle, murmur
trumps(号): toot
trucks: rumble, grunt
type writers: tap, clatter
watches: tick, ticktack
water: babbles, bubbles, drip-draps, splashes, sizzles, spish-splash, hiss,
wheels: rumble, crunch, whir
whips(鞭子): flick, smack, snap, swish
whistles: whack
wind: haot, toot, howl, rattle, sough
windows: rattle

表示物体发出的声音 (下列象声词多数既是名词又是动词)
bang; bump; clatter; crack; crash; thud; thump
The lid of the box fell shut with a bang.
He fell off the bed with a bump.
We heard the clatter og sb washing dishes coming from the kitchen.
The branch broke with a crack.
The dishes fell to the floor with a crash.
There was a thud as the sack fell to the floor.
The book landed on the floor with a thump.
clang; clank; clink; jingle; ring; tinkle
the gates clanged shut.
the clank of chains
Their glass clinked.
The coins jingled in the pocket.
He hit the empty tank and it let out a ringing noise.
The little bells tinkled.
bang; boom; roar; rumble
The firework wenet off with a loud bang.
There was a loud boom as the bomb exploded.
The roar of an explosion
Thunder rumbled across the sky.
crackle; sizzle
a log crackled on the fire.
The bacon sozzled in the frying pan.
微弱 低沉的声音
murmur; rustle
the murmur of the stream
leaves rustled in the breeze.
机器 车辆等发出的声音
bleep; buzz; hum; tick; whir; whine
You will hear a bleep when you push the button.
The shaver buzzed.
I can hear the clock ticking.
The refrigerator hummed softly in the corner.
The vacuum cleaner was whirring in the room.
The whine of the engine grew louder.
钟 喇叭发出的声音
chime; hoot; honk; ring; toll
The clock chimed six.
Drivers hooted/ honked their horns.
The phone’s ringing.
The church bells tolled.
bubble; gurgle; plop; splash; squelch
The soup was bubbling on the stove.
Why does the plumbing in this house gurgle in the night?
the plop of frogs jumping into the water
The boy fell into the pool with a splash.
The mud squelched as he walked across the field.
creak; screech; squeak
the creak if wheels
The loudspeaker screeched.
If you don’t oil the hinges, they will squeak.
knock; knocking; rap; rapping; tap; tapping; patter; rattle
I knocked on the door.
There was a violent rapping at the door.
The rain patters against the window.
A branch from the tree outside tapped against the window.
There is sth rattling inside the machine.

bees buzz. 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。
Birds chirp. 小鸟唧喳叫。
Cats purr. 猫发出咕噜声。
Chickens cluck.. 鸡咯咯叫。
Cows moo. 牛哞哞叫。
Dogs growl. 狗嗥。
Donkeys heehaw. 驴子叫。
Ducks quack. 鸭子嘎嘎叫。
Frogs croak. 青蛙哇哇叫。
Greese cackle. 鹅咯咯叫。
Horses neigh. 马嘶鸣。
Lions roar. 狮子吼叫。
Magpies chatter. 喜鹊唧唧喳喳。
Mosquitos hum. 蚊子嗡嗡叫。
Owls hoot. 猫头鹰咕咕叫。
Snakes hiss. 蛇发出嘶嘶声。
Wolves howl. 狼发出长嚎。
LSMH 2007-1-28 10:29 AM

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