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[[资源推荐]] 两组近义词组辨析

发表于 2007-10-13 00:38:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thieves  小偷;窃贼
Burglars  潜入室内的盗贼
Robbers  强盗;贼
Bandits  土匪;强盗(常出没在山区、森林)

Synthetic  合成的
False    假的;人造的(强调替代品,与原物不一样,如假牙,人造瓒石)
Imitation  仿造的(Beware of imitation 谨防假冒)
Counterfeit  比Imitation  更贬义
Artificial  人造的(强调生产方式,如:人工降雨)

Mortal : causing death or likely to cause death
  e.g. mortal injures / blow / combat
Fatal: resulting in sb's death
  e.g. fatal accident / illness / injures
Deadly : like dead in appearance
  e.g. His face has a deadly paleness
    likely to cause death
  e.g. deadly person
lethal: causing death, or having the power to cause death
  e.g. a lethal dose of a drug

Imaginative: new and interesting idea used in a clever way; good at thingking of new, interesting ideas and at forming pictures in one's mind
  e.g. imaginative writer; imaginative child
Imaginable: emphasize that sth. is the best, worst example of sth. that it is possible to imagine
All, every, only
Imagined: forming a picture or idea in your mind about what sth. could be like.
Imaginary: not really, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind.
  e.g. all the characters in this book are imaginary.

Reproach: ~sb. for /with sth.
    ~ for doing sth.
  blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you are disappointed, but not angry
  e.g. Jake reproached her bitterly for abandoning him.
Scold: angrily criticize someone, esp. a child, about sth. that have done.
Compliment: ~ sb. on sth.
  Say sth. nice to sb. in order to praise him
Reprimand: ~ sb. for sth.
tell sb. officially that sth. they have done is very wrong.
Rebuke: speak to sb. severely, about sth. they have done wrong. [ ~ sb. for V-ing]
Chide: (literary) to speak angrily to sb. because you do not approve of sth. they have done.

Complement : show up the good qualities in sb. or sth. or make them seem more attractive.

Empty: having nothing inside; not having people inside; not being used
  e.g. an empty table in the corner
[ empty nest: the situation that parents are in when all their children have left home]
Blank: without any writing, print, or recorded sound; showing no understanding;
  e.g. go blank: suddenly unable to remember sth.
        for TV; stop showing any images
Vacant: vacant seat, room → empty and available for sb. to use
  Vacant job, position → empty and available for sb. to start with
Bare: empty, not covered by anything or not having any decoration; not covered by clothes, by trees or grass

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