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[[资源推荐]] “挖苦、取笑”的说法

发表于 2007-10-11 21:41:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Jo: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo.
Lily: And I'm Lily. 两分钟的地道英语专门向大家介绍英国当代流行语, 其中很多都是在书本上或字典里查不到的。 Jo, 今天学什么新词语?

Jo: Today's expression is to... take… the… mickey M.I.C.K.E.Y. To take the mickey out of someone.

Lily: 听着很费解 – 什么意思呢?

Jo: Well, it is a way of saying in English 'to make fun of someone'.

Lily: 这下我就明白了。 在你想取笑某人,让他们出洋相的时候就可以说, you are taking the mickey out of them, right?

Jo: That's right. And it's usually in a fun, jokey kind of way that you take the mickey although sometimes it can be used in a more serious way. Here are some more examples:


A: Everyone always takes the mickey out of me because my wife makes my lunch every day.

B: Aw, but she makes you such nice lunches?

A: Are you taking the mick as well?

A: How's your new English teacher?

B: He's OK but everyone takes the mickey out of him because he always wears an awful jacket and red shoes! No one takes him seriously!

Lily: 第一段对话表现了一种善意的取笑,因为总是老婆为这位男子打点好午餐,所以办公室的同事们不免都来善意的挖苦挖苦这个男子。 但是第二段对话中,学生们因不喜欢老师的装束而不把老师放在眼里,这就有些不敬的味道了。 总之, to take the mickey out of someone 就是善意或恶意地取笑挖苦某人。

Jo: Don't forget you can learn more Real English words and expressions by logging onto our website at www.bbcchina.com.cn.

Lily: And you might see some really nice pictures of Jo on there!

Jo: Are you taking.

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