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[[资源推荐]] Greetings(问候)

kaomeiju 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-10-9 16:19:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I. Useful Expressions
A.1.Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上(下午,晚上)好。
3.How are you?你好吗?
4.How do you do?你好!
5.How are you doing/How’s everything with you/How are things with you/How are you getting along these days/How’s everything going?你过得好吗(一切都好吗)?
6.Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you.见到你(我)很高兴。
7.How is everyone in your family?你们全家都好吗?
8.How is your work going?你的工作怎么样?
B.1.Best wishes/regards to …. ……致以最美好的祝愿(问候)。
2.Please give my regards/best wishes/love to ….请你替我问候……
3.Say hello to ….请代我向……问好。
4.Please remember me to ….请代我向 ……问好。
C.1.Fine, thank you, and you?很好,谢谢,你呢?
2.Very well, thank you.很好,谢谢。
3.Not (too) bad.还可以。
4.Just fine, but a bit too busy these days.很好,但这些日子很忙。
5.Just the same as usual.还是老样子。
6.Sorry to hear you’re ill and hope you’ll get well (be all right) soon.很遗憾你病了。希望你能早日康复。

II.       Background Information
1. Hi”比“Hello”更简洁,更随便,多用于熟人、年轻人或非正式场合。
2.我们中国人见面常问“你去哪儿?(Where are you going?)”,“吃过了吗?(Have you had your meal?)”等,用以对对方的关怀。熟人在一起时还喜欢相互打听对方的婚姻、工资、职业、家庭生活等个人问题。但英美人却非常忌讳这些问题。他们认为这些纯属个人隐私,不喜欢别人打听。
3.How are you? ”是较熟悉的人见面时的问候用语,是一种礼节性的问候语,回答方常被期待以 “Fine/Very well/Not bad, thank you.”等身体健康用语作答。
4. “How do you do?”是初次相识的人见面时的问候语,也常以 “How do you do?”作答。
5. “How are you doing?” 是分别一段时间后重逢时的问候语。
6. “Give my love to ….”用于熟悉的人之间。不熟悉的人之间一般用 “Give my regards/best wishes to ….”
III. Conversations
A: Helen, this is my friend, Mary. Mary, this is my sister Helen.
B: How do you do?
C: How do you do?
B: I’m pleased to know you.
C: Me, too.
B: Are you here with your family?
C: No, my family is in America.


A: Hello, John?
B: Hello, Tom. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How’s everything going?
A: Just fine, thanks. How about you?
B: Fine, too, thanks.
A: How is your parents, John?
B: They’re not feeling too well. They’ve caught a cold.
A: Sorry to hear that. Are they getting better?
B: Yes.
A: Please give my love to them. I’ll go to see them soon.
B: Of course.

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