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[[求助与讨论]] 英语陷阱:英语委婉语点滴

发表于 2007-10-3 08:29:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
★ He is a bicycle doctor. 他是单车修理工。
  此句不能译作:“他是个骑单车的医生”,因句中的doctor是委婉语(euphemism),是对某种职业的美称,故不作“医生”解,而是表示repair man的涵义。
  委婉语起源于远古,xxx女王时代中期为其鼎盛时期,在现代英语中,其出现频率依然颇高,因为人们通过委婉语,可以用温顺悦耳的词语去谈论或叙述一些原来令人不快或听来逆耳之事物。为此,他们用domestic help, day help 或live-in help代替maid或servant(佣人);以custodian 或superintendent替代doorkeeper, caretaker或 janitor(看门人或管理人);用She has a tile loose或She has a cylinder missing去代替She is crazy或she is not right in the head(神经失常)。

           原  称       委 婉 语
  无线电修理工   radio electrician    radio doctor
   理发师      barber         cosmotologist
   妓女       whore          working girl/street girl
   农庭妇女     housewife        household executive
   收垃圾工人    garbage collector    sanitary engineer
   老年       old age         secibd childhood
   老人       old people       senior citizens
   假牙       false teeth       dentures
   小解       piss          urinate/number one
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   They are the culturally deprived.
   A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.

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