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[[资源推荐]] 加班有害妇女健康

发表于 2007-9-24 17:04:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Working long hours has a greater negative impact on women than men because it makes them more likely to smoke, drink coffee and eat unhealthy food.
路透社报道: 加班对妇女的危害远大于对男人们的危害. 它会导致妇女吸烟加重,喝咖啡更多并吃一些有害健康的食品.
Both sexes consume less alcohol if they spend more time working, researchers said this week, but toiling extra hours makes women crave unhealthy snacks.
本周的一项研究表明: 加班会减少人们的饮酒量,但加班的辛苦会使妇女们更喜欢吃一些不健康的食品.
\"Women who work long hours eat more high-fat and high-sugar snacks, exercise less, drink more caffeine and, if smokers, smoke more than their male colleagues,\" said Dr. Daryl O\\'Connor, a researcher at Britain\\'s Leeds University.
英国利玆大学的研究人员康尼尔博士说: \"加班的妇女更喜欢吃含半糖和半脂的快餐食品,运动量减少,喝咖啡量增加.吸烟妇女的烟量也超过她们的男性同事.
\"For men, working longer hours has no negative impact on exercise, caffeine intake or smoking,\" O\\'Connor said in a statement released by the Economic and Social Research Council, which funded his study.
在向资助这项研究的经济和社会研究学会提交的一份报告中康尼尔博士称: \"对于加班的男性而言,并没有因此减少他们的运动量,增加咖啡摄入和吸烟的数量.\"
O\\'Connor\\'s team of scientists were studying the impact of stress on eating habits. They looked at what causes stress at home and at work and how people react to it.
The results show that one or more stressful events such as making a presentation, a meeting with the boss or missing a deadline was linked to eating more between-meal snacks and fewer or smaller portions of fruits and vegetables.
这项研究结果表明: 产生精神压力的原因有做产品演示,面见上司或没能按期完成任务等. 由此导致了这些人吃更多的零食或吃较少的蔬菜和水果.
\"Stress disrupts people\\'s normal eating habits,\" he said.
The people who were most vulnerable were so-called emotional eaters.
\"These individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self-awareness,\" O\\'Connor said.
康尼尔博士称: \"这些人精神比较脆弱并且常用吃东西来逃避自身的压力感.\"
\"When they feel anxious or emotionally aroused or negative about themselves, they try to avoid these negative feelings by turning their attention to food.\"

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