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[[资源推荐]] 嘴边夺词 之 重要篇zz

发表于 2007-9-22 17:01:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 . attach importance to; make much of
     重视, 特别强调
   He attached importance to (made much of
   ) his own report, but there was nothing to it.

   2. big frog in a small pond
   He left the city and took up rural life. Like a big
   frog in a small pond, he was soon elected town

   3. big wheel
     : an important/influential person
   这一习语把公司,团体比做机器, 而机器里有各种各样的
   wheel, 轮子越大,作用也越大
   He's a big wheel in the labor unions.

   4. carry the ball   担当重任
   During the negotiations we expect you to carry the ball.

   5. cover the ground 涉及重要方面
   He gave only a brief outline of the subject, but it did cover
   the ground

   6. crux of the matter 事情的关键
   The crux of the matter is simply this: do we want it or not?

   7. cut no ice  无效, 不起作用
   在滑冰时, 冰刀要锋利, 滑行时滑破冰面. 否则, 只能是cut no ice了。
   His money cuts no ice with me. I still refuse to marry him.

   8.drop in the bucket 沧海一粟, 杯水车薪
   一捅水里的一滴 , 当然救不了火
   The U.N. sent several truckloads of food, but that was a drop
   in the bucket compared to the need.

   9. earth-shattering 惊天动地的;震撼世界的
   It' s no longer an earth-shattering event to climb Mt. Chomolungma.

   10. give priority to 优先考虑     to 是介词
   We had better give priority to solving urban congestion.

   11. hit the high spots  看重要的地方;概述要点
   You won't have time to see all of Beijing, so we'll just
   hit the high spots.
   It was only a half-hour lecture, so the speaker just hit the
   high spots.

   12. last but not least 最后的但并不是最不重要的
   Last but not least, I want to introduce the one who has made
   our conference a success ----- our cook.

   13. leading figure 领导人物

   14. crucial person 关键人物

   15 make a difference 有影响, 有关系

   16. matter needing immediate attention 立即引起注意之事
   The drug probelm among youth is a matter needing immediate
   attention by the mayor.

   17. matter of grave concern 严重关注之事

   18. name of the game  最要紧的事
   对于一个游戏来说, 最重要的是它的名称.
   Operating your business with minimum overhead is the name
   of the game.

   19. no matter  没关系
   A: I wanted to take my camera along, but seem to have forgotten
   B: Oh well, no matter.

   20. play it down; treat it lightly 不当回事
   I had a fever, but the doctor played it down/treated it lightly.

   21. play second fiddle 做副手; 居于次要地位
   fiddle 是violion的俗称.演奏古典音乐的是violion, 在乡村与西部音乐
   在乐团演奏第二提琴, 就是给first violin打下手.
   I don't mind playing second fiddle to a talented person like Lynn.

   22. put great stock in 重视, 注意
   The president put great stock in the general's opinions.

   23. secondary importance 次要的
   When we get there is of secondary importance; the question
   is how to get there.

   24. see great value on 高度评价

   25. speak volumes   意味深长; 事关重大
   volumes 大量的意思 , \"说很多\"意味着被论及的事物很重要
   The son's success speaks volumes about his parents' training.

   26. top-drawer  头等重要的; 最高级别的
   She's a top-drawer executive in that company.

   27. vital organ 重要器官, 要害部位

   28. vital signs 生命特征(如脉搏, 呼吸, 体温, 血压等)
   The doctor assured me that all of her vital signs were good.

   29. write home about 大书特书;大吹大擂
   He did a pretty good job, but it was nothing to write home about.

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