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[[资源推荐]] 不可多得的入门教材?

发表于 2007-9-21 20:37:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2007年3月13日的《广州日报》刊载了署名张名圣的文章《重温罗素 反思“进步”》(张文地址:http://gzdaily.dayoo.com/html/2007-03/13/content_23500341.htm),作者热情推荐商务印书馆出版的《罗素自选文集》(戴玉庆译,2006年8月第一版),张文中一段话着实引起了我的浓厚兴趣:
【原文】China is confronted with two very different groups of foreign Powers, on the one hand the white nations, on the other hand Japan.
【原文】Political considerations alone, however, will not suffice to explain what is going on in relation to China; economic questions are almost more important.
【评析】in(with) relation to是习语,意为“有关,关于,涉及”,如We are planning with relation to the future.(我们在拟定关于未来的计划),又如I have nothing to say in relation to the quality of these goods.(关于这批货物的质量我没有什么要说的。)
【原文】Our Western civilization is built upon assumptions, which, to a psychologist, are rationalizings of excessive energy.
【原文】It seemed that none had leisure to hear the silence, yet it called to me so insistently that I grew deaf to the harangues of propagandists and the endless information of the well-informed.
【评析】well-informed意为“消息灵通的;见多识广的,(在特定方面)博闻的”,而“the+形容词”表示一类人或一类东西,the well-informed可译为“消息灵通人士”。
【原文】And at last I began to feel that all politics are inspired by a grinning devil, teaching the energetic and quickwitted to torture submissive populations for the profit of pocket or power or theory.
【原文】From time to time I heard their sad songs or the haunting music of the balalaika; but the sound mingled with the great silence of the steppes, and left me with a terrible questioning pain in which Occidental hopefulness grew pale.
【评析】from time to time是“间或,偶尔”之意。haunting是“萦绕于心的,不易忘怀的;给人以强烈感受的;使人不安的”之意,hunt才意为“打猎”。steppe指“(亚洲、东南欧和西伯利亚等地的)干草原或俄罗斯大草原”,step才是“脚步”。occidental是“西方的”,oriental才是“东方的”。
【原文】They complained of the hurry of modern life, which they contrasted with the calm existence of those whom they called \"the pure men of old.\"
【评析】原文所在的一段论及老庄哲学及其著作,the pure men of old既是加了引号,就要回译为相应的原文,不能随意翻译。“古之真人”,见《庄子•大宗师》。
【原文】Their humour is illustrated by Chuang-Tze's account of Po-Lo who \"understood the management of horses,\" and trained them till five out of every ten died.
【评析】\"understood the management of horses\"是引文,必须回译为《庄子》原文,查《庄子•马蹄》,有如下一段:及至伯乐,曰:“我善治马。”“烧之,剔之,刻之,雒之。连之以羁馽,编之以皁栈,马之死者十二三矣!饥之,渴之,驰之,骤之,整之,齐之,前有橛饰之患,而后有鞭筴之威,而马之死者已过半矣!
  由上可见,\"understood the management of horses\"应译为“善治马”。
【原文】The result is that for many ages the Government of China has been in the hands of literary sceptics, whose administration has been lacking in those qualities of energy and destructiveness which Western nations demand of their rulers.
【评析】hands在句中是“支配、掌管”之意,而非hand的复数形式。又如:I shall put the matter into the hands of my solicitors.(我将把这件事交给我的律师们去处理。)
【原文】Lao-Tze describes the operation of Tao as \"production without possession, action without self-assertion, development without domination.\"
  另查阅《历史的先见——罗家伦文化随笔》(学林出版社2004年版)一书亦可佐证原译有误,在《创造与占有》一文中罗先生写道:我是不赞成黄老哲学的人,我却极佩服老子“生而不有,为而不恃,长而不宰”的主张。(罗素所用译文为“Production without possession,action without self-assertion,development without domination”尤为清晰动人。)此中有极精深的道理。
  这句引文必须要准确翻译,因为罗素在下文还要就possession、 self-assertion和domination三个词详加阐述,如果误译了这句,后面相应的段落自然难于准确翻译。

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