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[[资源推荐]] 嘴边夺词之逆境篇zz

发表于 2007-9-21 11:30:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1)be behind the eight ball 陷入窘境

   Our company is really behind the eight ball. We have
   a huge debt to pay but can't borrow any more money.

   2)put someone on the spot 使人感到非常尴尬
   当然别人会难堪啦! be in a spot 是\"陷入困境\"的意思.
   的场合, 例如让别人在众目睽睽之下出丑,只有难为情的份了.

   Not having prepared adequately, the boss's tough questions
   put me on the spot.

   Joe is in a spot. If he doesn't finish his tern paper by tomorrow,
   there is a good chance thast he might flunk the course.

   3)keep one's head over water 经济上过得去
   的形象.它的含义是\"保持支付必要费用的状态\". 为了保持
   只要能支付利息和到期还本,仍然算是keep one's head over
   说keep one's head over water.

   Our office managed to keep its head above water by securing
   a bank loan.

   4)come hell or high water 不管发生什么情况
   不管hell地狱来也好,不管 high water洪水来也好, 表示\"哪怕有

   I'm going to see my son in that school come hell or high water.
   You can count on us to help come hell or high water.

   5)hot water  困境
   At the women's rights convention(会议) I got myself into hot
   water by using so many male pronouns(男性代词).

   6)It never rains but it pours 祸不单行

   First I lost my job. Then my wife caught pneumonia, and as I
   was going to visit her in the hospital, I fell down and broke my
   leg. Now I know what they mean when they say it never rains
   but it pours.


   Soon after our son was born I got a promotion and a raise. It
   never rains but it pours.

   7)through thick and thin 有甘也有苦, 同甘共苦
   thick 原与thicket(草丛)同义,thin原意为\"开阔地\".字面的意思是
   \"穿过草丛和开阔地\", 也就是\"有时要披荆斩棘,非常辛苦;有时

   I count him as a faithful friend; he's stayed with me through thick
   and thin.

   8)be up a tree 非常难办
   袋鼠被狗追急了,就跳上树去.由于袋鼠在树上一动不动, 所以就常用

   I'm up a tree. I've got a date to take Mary to a concert tonight, but I've
   lost the tickets.

   9)be in a pickle 为难
   很开心的事! 同义词有be in a fix.

   I'm in a pickle. I'm supposed to take Betty to the movies, but I don't
   have enough money.

   I'm in a pickle. Can you lend me a little?

   10)weather the storm 渡过难关

   Soon after we got bad press reports, the neighborhood lodged
   a protest, but somehow we weathered the storm.

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