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[[资源推荐]] 成功的自我激励

发表于 2007-9-21 09:16:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Do you wait for people to motivate激发 you or do you take the initiative主动 to motivate yourself? ( Initial 最初的, 词首的, 初始的 initially)

If you wait for people to motivate you, it may take a long time to come or it
may not happen at all. If you motivate yourself, the frequency 周率, 发生次数 and intensity强度 are all within your own control. www.crazyenglish.cn

W. Mitchell, author of “The Man Who Would Not Be Defeated击败”, motivated himself to success. He suffered遭受 磨难burns烧伤 to over 65 per cent of his body in an accident and was paralyzed使瘫痪 a few years later.( She was suffering from a headache.)

Did he give up hope? Initially最初, 开头, yes. Later, he armed himself with a new attitude to push aside排除obstacles障碍 blocking his way to the many goals and dreams in his life4. He took control of 操纵, and responsibility责任,职责 for his own life. He put himself in charge of负全责 his new, painful疼痛的, 使痛苦的 and challenging有挑战性的 situation. 形势;状况;事态

He co-founded建立, 创立 a multi-million数百万的 dollar business and became a respected environmentalist环境保护论者, a mayor市长, a pilot and an active sportsman. He is an internationally-sought after追求:努力得到或达到 speaker. He has appeared on the TV programmes, “Today” and “Good Morning America”. He was featured (报刊)特载; 特别详细的报道in Time and Parade大范围的、通常是炫耀式的连续 magazines, USA Today and The New York Times. (seek after [for]寻求, 探索; 追求; 寻找sought )

His remarkable不平常的, 非凡的 story of courage勇气, 精神 and self-motivation has uplifted提高; 促进millions of people around the world.

“It is not what happens to you — it is what you do about it,” he said.

When something in your life changes, Mitchell asks: “Is it a setback顿挫, 挫折or a starting point?”

To Mitchell, most limitations限制, 局限性are self-imposed自我加强的. Of course, some obstacles are put in your path小路, 小径; (公路旁的)人行道, but overcoming them depends totally on your attitude姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见and character个性.
Anthony Robbins, author of “Unlimited Power”, said this of Mitchell: “Mitchell has refused to be overcome by two life-threatening威胁 and life-changing accidents意外事件-disastrous损失惨重的events which, if given the power, could have ruled统治, 支配 his life to its end.

Instead, he decided to make the tragedies悲剧, 惨案, 悲惨, 灾难which befell降临him a starting point. www.crazyenglish.cn

“I have been inspired by Mitchell myself, because I believe that Mitchell embodies体现those traits显著的特点, 特性that are required for us to rise above whatever life hands us支持, 交给; those traits that can enable us to be joyful, fulfilled发挥, and whole human beings, created and always being created in the image of god.”

While Mitchell rose like a phoenix凤凰, 象不死鸟一样从死灰中再生; 复活, 新生from his sufferings, Australian skier滑雪的人Janine Shepherd also bounced [俗] 卷土重来back with self-motivation. ( rise rose rising, rises raise one's head抬起头raise the flag升旗)

Shepherd was training for the 1988 Calgary卡尔加里[加拿大西南部城市] Winter Olympics when a truck hit her. She had a broken neck, back and massive大块的internal injuries. It was a miracle that she lived. She was told she would never walk or ski again.
“Never” was a word Shepherd could not accept. She resisted抵抗, 反抗any negative thought or feeling. She fought back, even when further setbacks挫折occurred — a potentially潜在地fatal致命的, 重大的blood clot (血液等的)凝块was discovered in her lungs.

She motivated herself to live with pain. She did not want to be robbed of抢夺her aims in life. Every time she heard planes flying, she boosted增加;提高her fighting spirit to a higher level.

“If I can not walk, I am going to fly,” she decided.

Shepherd learned to fly even with one leg unable to operate a pedal. She also became a flying instructor and overcame another “impossibility.” She was told that she could not have children but went on to have two daughters.
“Never Tell Me Never” is the title of her recently published book. Shepherd now gives motivational speeches, encouraging people not to let go of life. 释放, 放开

Did Mitchell and Shepherd wait to be motivated? Probably some people around them encouraged and urged them to fight on. Probably some people were negative and suggested that they abandon their dreams or limit their goals.

Mitchell and Shepherd could have succumbed屈服于to their sufferings, their initial negative否定的, 消极的moods心情, 情绪and the “discouragers” 沮丧, 妨碍,劝阻者who are present呈现around us. But no, they did not want to give in so easily. They did not want to lose or be defeated without even trying in their new circumstances. 环境, 详情, 境况 ( lose [lu:z] vt., vi.lost, losi )

It must have taken a great deal of self-motivation to push themselves on each minute, hour, day, week, month and year. It must have taken a lot of self-talk to refocus重调焦距 on their aspirations,渴望to plan their strategies策略 to activate or vitalize激发their plans, to make adjustments and to succeed—not once but several times.

Self-motivation is the best power to drive you towards your goals. Take charge of 掌管your life. Do not wait to be motivated by others.


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人生需激励motivation,更需要自我激励self-motivation。Do not tell me—never! 这倒让我想起中国的自我激励篇——人之立志故不如蜀鄙之僧哉!www.crazyenglish.cn

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