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[[原创地带]] 一句六解的启示

发表于 2007-9-20 13:26:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
歧义句通常指一句两解,而Jacobs和Rosenbaum合著的English Transformational Grammar一书为我们提供了一句六解的例句,可谓创歧义句之最高记录。原句是:
  The seniors were told to slop demonstrating on campus.
  A. The seniors were demonstrating and were asked, on campus to desist.
B. The seniors were demonstrating and were asked to desist on campus, (although they could demonstrate elsewhere).
C. The seniors were demonstrating on campus and were asked to desist.
D. People were demonstrating on campus and seniors were asked to stop them.
E. People were demonstrating and seniors were asked, on campus, to stop them.
F. People were demonstrating and seniors were asked to stop them from doing so on campus,  (although they could do it elsewhere)
  一是demonstrating前省略了表明所属对象的人称代词;二是句末介词短语on campus在其修饰对象问题上具有较大的游离性,它分别可以与句中were told, demonstrating及stop发生关系。两者相比,第二个原因显得更重要。
  There is a line at the post office wailing for the window to open af瑃er the noon break.
  上句译文有误,误在将句末的after the noon break视作全句的时间状语。译者漏译了break(即interval )一词。after the noon break的完整译文应是:午休之后。若将“午休之后”当作全句的状语,那么译文的内涵意义之一将是:邮局前排队的众人都经过了“午休”,而人们在“午休”之后,邮局尚未开门营业。显然,这一点有悖常情。其实,句末的after the noon break同时也可以修饰不定式( for the window)to open,这样的理解是否更“顺理成章”一些?如译:邮局前排起了长长的队伍,等候邮局在午休之后开门营业。

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