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发表于 2007-9-19 20:16:47
The Tree of Diderot and d'Alembert
"Detailed System of Human Knowledge" from the Encyclopédie.
[li]Understanding [li]Memory [li]History [li]Sacred [li]Ecclesiastical, proper [/li][li]History of Prophesies [/li] [/li][li]Civil [li]Civil History, proper [/li][li]Literary History [/li] [/li][li]Natural [li]Uniformity of Nature [li]Celestial History [/li][li]History [/li] [/li][li]Irregularities of Nature [li]Celestial Wonders [/li][li]Unusual Meteors [/li][li]Wonders of the Earth and the Sea [/li][li]Monstrous Minerals [/li][li]Monstrous Vegetables [/li][li]Monstrous Animals [/li][li]Wonders of the Elements [/li] [/li][li]Uses of Nature [li]Arts, Crafts, Manufactures [li]Working and Uses of Gold and Silver [li]Minter [/li][li]Goldbeater [/li][li]Gold Threader [/li][li]Gold Roller [/li][li]Gold and Silver Smith [/li][li]Planisher [/li][li]Setter, etc. [/li] [/li][li]Working and Uses of Precious and Semiprecious Stones [/li][li]Working and Uses of Iron [li]Heavy Forging [/li][li]Locksmithing [/li][li]Edge-Tool Making [/li][li]Arms Manufacture [/li][li]Arquebus (small arms) Manufacture [/li] [/li][li]Working and Uses of Glass [li]Glassmaking [/li][li]Plate-Glass [/li][li]Mirror-Worker [/li][li]Optical Manufacturer [/li][li]Glazier, etc. [/li] [/li][li]Working and Uses of Skin [/li][li]Working and Uses of Stone, Plaster, Slate, etc. [/li][li]Working and Uses of Silk [li]Extraction [/li][li]Throwing [/li][li]Products, such as [/li][li]Velvet [/li][li]Brocaded Frabics, etc. [/li] [/li][li]Working and Uses of Wool [li]Drapery [/li][li]Hosiery, [/li][li]etc. [/li] [/li][li]Working and Uses, etc. [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Reason [li]Philosophy [li]General Metaphysics, or Ontology, or Science of Being in General, of Possibility, of Existence, of Duration, etc. [/li][li]Knowledge of God [/li][li]Knowledge of the Soul [li]Rational [/li][li]Sensory [/li] [/li][li]Pneumatology, or Knowledge of the Spirit, or Special Metaphysics [/li][li]Knowledge of Man [li]Logic [li]Art of Thinking [li]Perception [li]Knowledge of Ideas [/li] [/li][li]Judgment [li]Knowledge of Propositions [/li] [/li][li]Reasoning [/li][li]Method [/li] [/li][li]Art of Retaining [li]Memory [li]Natural [/li][li]Artificial [li]Prenotion [/li][li]Emblem [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Supplement to Memory [li]Writing [li]Alphabet [li]Arts of Writing, Printing, Reading, Deciphering [/li] [/li][li]Numbers [/li] [/li][li]Printing [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Art of Communication [li]Knowledge of Oratorical Devices [li]Grammar [li]Signs [li]Gesture [/li][li]Characters [/li] [/li][li]Prosody [/li][li]Composition [/li][li]Syntax [/li][li]Philology [/li][li]Criticism [/li][li]Pedagogy [li]Choice of Studies [/li][li]Manner of Teaching [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Knowledge of Oratorical Qualities [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Ethics [li]General [li]Knowledge of Good and Evil in General, of Duties in General, of Virtue, of the Necessity of Being Virtuous [/li] [/li][li]Particular [li]Knowledge of Laws or Jurisprudence [li]Natural [li]Civil Architecture* [/li] [/li][li]Economic [/li][li]Political [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Knowledge of Nature [li]Metaphysics of Bodies, or General Physics of Extension, Impenetrability, Movement, the Void, etc. [/li][li]Mathematics [li]Pure [li]Arithmetic [li]Numerical [/li][li]Algebra [/li] [/li][li]Geometry [li]Elementary [li]Military Architecture and Tactics [/li] [/li][li]Transcendental [li]Theory of Curves [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Applied [/li][li]Physico-Mathematics [/li] [/li][li]Physics (Natural philosophy) [li]General [/li][li]Particular [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li][li]Imagination [li]Poetry [li]Profane [li]Narrative [/li][li]Music [li]Theoretical [/li][li]Practical [/li][li]Instrumental [/li][li]Vocal [/li] [/li][li]Painting [/li][li]Sculpture [/li][li]Engraving [/li][li]Dramatic [/li][li]Parabolic [/li] [/li][li]Sacred [/li] [/li] [/li] [/li] *These divisions can also be referred to the branch of mathematics which deals with their principles.
[li]Robert Darnton, "Epistemological angst: From encyclopedism to advertising," in Tore Fr鋘gsmyr, ed., The structure of knowledge: classifications of science and learning since the Renaissance (Berkeley, CA: Office for the History of Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, 2001). [/li][li]Preliminary discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot, Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, translated by Richard N. Schwab, 1995. ISBN 0-226-13476-8 [/li] |