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[【资源下载】] 慢性疲劳么?小心病毒感染

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-17 01:16:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Virus Link To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
慢性疲劳么? 可能与病毒感染相关
Study: 80% Of People With CFS Show Evidence Of Stomach Bug, Compared To 20% In General Population
研究表明: 80%患慢性疲劳综合征的人伴有胃肠不适症状,而普通人群中仅有20%人伴有胃肠不适。
A group of viruses known to cause respiratory and gut infections may also be a major trigger for chronic fatigue syndrome, known as CFS.
In a newly published study, four out of five CFS patients showed evidence of chronic enterovirus infection in stomach tissue biopsies, compared with just one in five healthy people.
最新发表的研究中, 对慢性疲劳综合征患者进行胃组织活检,其中4/5的患者都有慢性肠病毒感染,而在健康人群中,其仅1/5的人会有被感染的证据。
Enteroviruses are very common, second only to the common cold viruses as the most common viral infections in humans, according to the CDC. Most people who are infected with an enterovirus have no symptoms at all.
根据疾病控制中心的数据,除了感冒病毒(cold viruses)外,肠病毒是第二常见的感染人体的病毒。大多数人感染肠病毒后没有任何症状。
California infectious disease specialist John Chia, M.D., says his findings point to chronic infection with the virus as a possible cause of chronic fatigue syndrome in a large percentage of patients.
加利福尼亚的感染性疾病专家John 医师谈到,在大量病人中,他发现慢性病毒感染可能是慢性疲劳综合征的病因之一。
But a longtime CFS researcher says the complex disorder is not likely to be so easily explained.
James Jones, M.D., of the CDC’s chronic viral diseases branch, says despite extensive research, no cause-and-effect relationship between an active infectious agent and chronic fatigue syndrome has been established.
疾病控制中心慢性病毒性疾病分部的James Jones医师说道,尽管做了大量的研究,目前没有任何感染性病原体与慢性疲劳综合征建立起因果联系。
“This is an illness with a lot of different origins, and to assume that its cause is due to an infection because the symptoms are similar to an infection is a great leap,” Jones tells WebMD.
Other Conditions Lead To CFS
In previous research, Chia reported finding evidence of chronic infection in the muscles of CFS patients.
In the new study, he looked for similar evidence in stomach tissue taken from CFS patients who had the diagnostic procedure known as endoscopy, in which a long tube with a camera is inserted via the mouth into the stomach and
biopsies of tissue are taken.
在新的研究中,他从慢性疲劳综合征患者的胃组织中寻找相似的线索。 这些病人均接受了内镜检查,即通过口腔将一根携带照相机的管子插入胃部,并且取出组织活检。
Specimens from 165 CFS patients and 34 people without the disorder were tested, and Chia found evidence of possible chronic infection in 82 percent of the CFS patients and 20 percent of the well patients.
Though the findings must be verified, Chia says they suggest a strong association between possible chronic infection with enterovirus and chronic fatigue syndrome.
“Although finding a chronic infection in the stomach may not directly prove a similar infection in the brain, muscle, or heart, it opens up a new direction in the research for this elusive disease,” he writes in the latest online edition of the Journal of Clinical Pathology.
Specifically, he says endoscopy could prove to be a relatively simple test to confirm persistence of enterovirus infection in CFS patients, as well as a way of following responses to antiviral treatments.
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Disorder Syndrome Association of America president Kimberly McCleary says CFS has turned out to be a much more complex illness than anyone could have predicted.
美国慢性疲劳和免疫紊乱综合征协会主席Kimberly McCleary谈到,CFS成为一种任何人都无法预测的极其复杂的疾病。
“It is unlikely that we are ever going to find just one bug to explain all cases of CFS,” she says.
She points to recent research from Australia finding that three very different infections result in a CFS-like condition in 12 percent of cases.
“It is quite possible that both an infectious agent and the [body’s] response to that agent act as triggers,” she says.

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