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[【学科前沿】] 急性中耳炎:基层和指南对着干?

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-17 01:13:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Primary Care Practice for Acute Otitis Media May Differ From Guidelines
August 10, 2007 — Primary care practice patterns for acute otitis media (AOM) differ considerably from 2004 guideline recommendations, according to the results of a study reported in the August issue of Pediatrics. Most physicians accept the concept of an option for observation but seldom use it; antibiotics prescribed for AOM vary widely from those recommended in the guidelines, and the degree of variance has increased since 2004.

\"In 2004, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) released a clinical practice guideline on the management of acute otitis media that included endorsement of an observation option for selected cases and recommendations of specific antibiotics,\" write Louis Vernacchio, MD, MSc, from Boston University in Massachusetts, and colleagues. \"We sought to describe primary care physicians' current management of acute otitis media to compare it with the guideline's recommendations and describe trends since 2004.\"
The investigators sent a mail survey to members of the Slone Center Office-Based Research Network, a national practice-based pediatric research network, from March through June 2006. The response rate was 62.7% (299/477).
调查者自2006年3月到6月给SCOR的成员发了一封调查邮件,该组织是一个全国性的、基于实践的儿科调查网络。反馈率为62.7% (299/477)。
The option to observe AOM without immediate antibiotic treatment was considered reasonable by 88.0% of physicians in 2004 and 83.3% in 2006. However, physicians surveyed in 2006 reported using the option of observation during the previous 3 months in a median of only 15% of AOM cases. Physicians reported that the most frequent barriers to using the observation option were parental reluctance not to have antibiotics prescribed for their children (83.5%) and the cost and difficulty of following up children who fail to improve (30.9%).
对于急性中耳炎仅予观察而非立即使用抗生素这一观点,在2004年有88.0%的医师表示认可,2006年这一比率为83.3%。然而,2006年的医师调查报告中位数仅有15%的急性中耳炎病例在前三个月采用观察法。医师们报告阻碍采用观察法的最常见的原因来自父母,他们不愿看到不给他们的孩子使用抗生素(83.5%),还有就是对那些症状没有改善的孩子进行随访的花费和困难 (30.9%)。
For each of 4 common clinical scenarios of AOM, agreement with antibiotic recommendations of the 2004 guidelines decreased from 2004 to 2006. Agreement in 2006 for each of these AOM scenarios was 57.2% for using high-dose amoxicillin for nonsevere symptoms, 12.7% for using high-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate for severe symptoms, 42.8% for using high-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate for cases refractory to amoxicillin, and 16.7% for using intramuscular ceftriaxone for cases refractory to amoxicillin-clavulanate.
\"Most primary care physicians accept the concept of an observation option for acute otitis media but use it only occasionally,\" the authors write. \"Antibiotics prescribed for acute otitis media differ markedly from the guideline's recommendations, and the difference has increased since 2004.\"
Limitations of the study include lack of generalizability to physicians not involved in a research network, and possible response bias or other unmeasured bias.
\"In the end, even the best evidence-based recommendations serve to improve care only if the clinicians charged with their implementation find them both scientifically convincing and clinically practical,\" the authors conclude. \"In the case of the 2004 AAP/AAFP AOM guideline, the experts still face the substantial challenge of convincing pediatric practitioners that the recommendations represent the best interpretation of the data and of assisting those practitioners in overcoming barriers to their implementation.\"
The authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

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