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[【学科前沿】] 肥肉与Vit C不可同服

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-17 01:12:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fat In Stomach Can Turn Vitamin C Into A Cancer Trigger
06 Sep 2007
胃内的脂肪可以使维生素C转变为致癌物质 2007年9月6日
Although vitamin C is known correctly for its cancer preventing qualities, fat in your stomach can alter it so that it forms certain cancer causing chemicals, according to a report published in the journal Gut.
In this study, the scientists looked at the impact of both lipids (fat) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) on nitrite chemistry in the proximal (upper) stomach. This part of the stomach is especially vulnerable to pre-cancerous alterations and tumor growth, say the writers.
Nitrates can turn into nitrosamines - cancer causing compounds. Nitrates are present in the human saliva, as well as in some preserved foods. Nitrates turn into nitrosamines more easily in acidic conditions, such as the environment in the stomach. Usually, vitamin C converts nitrite into nitric oxide, thus inhibiting the formation of nitrosamines.
The scientists replicated the conditions of the proximal stomach. They then measured the formation of nitrosamines, oxygen and nitric oxide. In the absence of lipids vitamin C reduced the levels of two nitrosamines by a factor of between 5 and 1,000, while completely inhibiting the production of the other two.
The scientists then added 10% fat and found that vitamin C turned nasty. Rather than inhibiting the production of nitrosamines, it boosted it between 8 and 140 fold.
科学家于是加入了10%的脂肪,结果发现维生素C 却反倒起了有害的作用。它不再抑制亚硝胺的生成,而是促进其生成达8到140倍。
Fat stays around in the proximal stomach for quite a while after a meal. It also makes up a substantial amount of the cells lining the stomach, explain the writers.
When vitamin C reacts with nitrite in acid it forms nitric oxide. However, the nitric oxide can diffuse into fat; react with oxygen to form nitrosamine-generating chemicals.
The authors say their findings may be relevant to the recent observations that vitamin C supplements fail to lower cancer risk.
\"Fat transforms ascorbic acid from inhibiting to promoting acid-catlysed N-nitrosation\"
Emilie Combet, Stuart Paterson, Katsunori Iijima, Jack Winter, William Mullen, Alan Crozier, Tom Preston and Kenneth E. L. McColl
Online First Gut 2007; doi: 10.1136/gut.2007.12857
Click here to view abstract online

N.B. This footnote has been added after we received several e-mails explaining the same: This article equates ascorbic acid with vitamin C. Ingested by itself, ascorbic acid can actually CAUSE oxidative damage. The fact is that ascorbic acid is only the PRESERVATIVE part of naturally occurring vitamin C. Naturally occurring vitamin C contains other phytochemicals that do provide a protective effect against cancer. Raw organic broccoli is an excellent source of fully complexed vitamin C. To equate ascorbic acid alone with vitamin C is inaccurate and dangerous.
Written by: Christian Nordqvist
Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today
Article URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/81612.php

【据《GUT》杂志2007年9月6日报道】摄入胃内的脂肪可以使维生素C转变为致癌物质(作者Emilie Combet等)
科学家在体外模拟出胃近端的环境条件,然后测量生成的亚硝胺,氧和一氧化氮。在没有脂质的条件下,维生素C降低了两种亚硝胺类物质的生成量达5—1000倍,完全抑制了其余两种的生成。科学家于是加入了10%的脂肪,结果发现维生素C 却反倒起了有害的作用。它不再抑制亚硝胺的生成,而是促进其生成达8到140倍。


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