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[【学科前沿】] 口服避孕药可降低癌症风险

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-16 10:16:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Birth control pill may cut cancer risk: study
Wed Sep 12, 5:57 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters)-Taking the contraceptive pill does not increase a woman's chance of developing cancer and could even reduce the risk of getting the killer disease, a major British medical study showed on Wednesday.
Researchers at Aberdeen University who studied the records of 46,000 women over a 36-year period found that taking the oral contraceptive for up to eight years did not lead to an increased risk of cancer over a woman's lifetime.
However, doctors said the risks of cancer were greater in women who took the pill for longer than eight years.
Researchers, led by Prof. Philip Hannaford, found that \"there was no overall increased risk of cancer among pill users\" and that taking the pill could cut the risk by up to 12 per cent in some cases.
这一由Philip Hannaford 教授带领的研究小组发现“并非所有的药物服用者患癌症的风险增加”,并且在有些病例中,服用药物可最高减少12%的患癌症风险。
A 12 percent reduction equated to one fewer case of cancer for every 2,200 women who used the pill for a year, the study published by the British Medical Journal showed.
\"It is pretty small, but if you take that across 3 million women in Britain and 100 million women throughout the world actually a small risk translates into major benefits,\" Hannaford told *** radio.
“这种机率很小,但是如果你将此放到全英国的300万和全世界1亿妇女上那么小的风险的降低就可以转化为很大的益处。” Hannaford 教授对***电台说。
The study, analyzing data from the Royal College of General Practitioners, compared half the sample of women who began taking the pill in 1968 and half who had never taken it.
In one of two main datasets analyzed women on the pill \"had significantly lower rates of large bowel/rectal, uterine body and ovarian cancer,\" the study concluded.
\"Many women, especially those who used the first generation of oral contraceptives many years ago, are likely to be reassured by our results,\" the authors of the report said.
Evidence also suggested that women were protected from the risk of developing cancers for at least 15 years after stopping.
Since its introduction in the early 1960s, more than 300 million women are thought to have used oral contraception, often for prolonged periods.
There have been hundreds of studies into the pill's safety since its launch in 1961, some showing benefits and others claiming it increases the risk of cancer.
伦敦(路透社)一项较大的英国医学研究于周三显示,口服避孕药不仅不会增加妇女发生癌症的可能性,反而可降低获得这一致命疾病的风险。阿伯丁大学的研究人员通过对超过36年的时期内46000例妇女的记录进行了研究发现使用口服避孕药超过8年并没有提高其一生中患癌症的危险性。与此相反的是,医生会说服用口服避孕药超过8年后其患癌症的风险更大。这一由Philip Hannaford 教授带领的研究小组发现“并非所有的药物服用者都出现患癌症的风险增加”,并且在有些病例中,服用药物最高可减少12%的患癌症风险。12%的降低等同于超过一年的服药女性中每2200位就有一位不发生癌症,这一研究发表在英国医学杂志。“这种机率很小,但是如果你将此放到全英国的300万和全世界1亿妇女上那么小的风险的降低就可以转化为很大的益处。” Hannaford 教授对***电台说。这项研究分析了来自皇家全科医师协会的资料,对实例中从1968年开始服药的妇女和从未服药的妇女进行了比较。该研究推断,在二分之一的数据组分析中服用口服避孕药的妇女“其得大肠/直肠、子宫体和卵巢癌的比率明显降低”。作者的报告说明,“很多妇女,特别是那些多年前服用了第一代口服避孕药的妇女或许可以因我们的结果而感到放心。”还有证据表明妇女停止服药后降低患癌症风险的保护作用仍至少持续15年。自从60年代早期口服避孕药引进后,超过3亿妇女被认为服用过口服避孕药,其中大部分人为长期服用。自1961年开创对口服避孕药安全性的研究至今已有数百项有关的研究,有的显示其益处有的则主张其增加致癌的风险。

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