欢迎≠welcome to
近日发现Wikipedia上有了Chinglish这个词条。其中有一段专门讨论welcome to这个短语的滥用:
One of the more noticeable cases of Chinglish, especially on mainland China, is the phrase welcome to. This is used as a direct translation in Chinese, \"歡迎\". It actually means \"we invite you to\" or \"you are welcome to\", and is used more as an incentive to the activity introduced or as a form of \"thank you\". Its use is almost always cordial, inviting, or otherwise positive. A more confusing matter arises with the usage of the phrase welcome again. The phrase is typically displayed in such a manner that it is seen at the end of activities such as bus rides or visits to bookstores, and would be translated as a message of thanks, and that the visitor is welcome back at any time. An equivalent phrase in English-speaking countries might be \"lease come again.\"
Welcome to ride Line 52 Bus = Thank you for riding Bus Line 52.
Welcome to ride Line 13 again = Thank you for riding Line 13, and we would be pleased to welcome you back aboard at any time.
Welcome to take my taxi = Thank you for taking my taxi.
Welcome to listen to my news = Thanks for tuning in!
Welcome to use ATM service = found very often on ATMs, means thanks for using this ATM.
由此想到,要用英语表达“欢迎提出宝贵意见”,恐怕比较自然的说法应当是“Your suggestions are appreciated“(通过Google搜索可知这个说法很常用)。
上面提到中国大陆尤其喜欢把“欢迎”硬翻成welcome to。或许实际情况是,和港台相比,大陆尤其喜欢使用“欢迎”一词?如果是,那又是什么原因?这也许是个值得研究的问题。
我想,原因之一可能是“欢迎”一词往往在标语中出现,譬如“欢迎某某领导莅临我校/我单位”之类。还有,过去领导一来视察,总要有人列队欢迎,高呼“欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎”(现在似乎少见些了)。再加上大陆的领导特别喜欢视察,而且领导一视察就必然大张旗鼓地迎接,于是乎,“欢迎”在大陆成了一个高频词,大家“喜闻乐见”——一看到、听到这个词,或许潜意识里就有了当领导的感觉,很受用。“欢迎”就这么流行开了。这都是我瞎琢磨,也算是个假说吧。 |