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[【学科前沿】] 严重泌尿系感染的基因学背景

herrmayor 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-14 01:15:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Genetic Background To Severe Urinary Tract Infections
Science Daily — If you sit on cold boulders or forget to wear your woollen underwear, you can develop a urinary tract infection, or so the story goes. It turns out though, that these diseases are more complicated than this, and in some cases they have a genetic background. Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have found a gene that appears to lie behind many of the most severe urinary tract infections.
It is well known that certain people have a tendency to develop urinary tract infections again and again. These infections often start in childhood. In serious cases they can lead to infections of the renal pelvis, which ultimately can damage the kidneys so severely that the patient will need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Doctors have long been hoping for a method for early detection of the small group of people who are in the risk zone for renal pelvis infections. If they could single them out early, it would be unnecessary to subject all children who get a urinary tract infection to a thorough and sometimes unpleasant examination. Instead, such examinations and any preventative treatment could be reserved for those who really need it.
\"Many research teams have long been looking for a genetic background to the disease. We have found a gene that could be used as a risk marker and a method for singling out the susceptible group,\" says researcher Ann-Charlotte Lundstedt and Professor Catharina Svanborg.
“许多研究小组长期致力于研究这种疾病的遗传背景。我们已经发现一种基因,可以作为一种筛选易感人群的方法和风险标记,”研究人员Ann-Charlotte Lundstedt 和 Professor Catharina Svanborg说。
The gene in question produces a protein that is involved in the immune defence system. It regulates the migration of white blood corpuscles to the kidneys and their work with neutralizing infectious bacteria. The Lund team has previously shown that the gene protects against renal pelvis inflammation in animal experiments. Now, in studies of children and adults with recurrent renal pelvis infections, they have also shown that mutations of this very gene are much more common in kidney patients than in healthy control individuals.
谈及的这个基因产生的一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质和免疫防御系统有关。这种蛋白调节着白血球迁移至肾脏,发挥着中和入侵的细菌的作用。Lund小组以前动物实验发现这个基因对肾盂有保护作用,抑制肾盂炎症。现在,他们研究复发肾盂感染的儿童和成年患者,也发现和健康的对照组相比,患者发病就是那个基因突变引起的。\"We also saw that even patients without genetic changes have low levels of this protein. Therefore, a combination of a genetic examinations and a protein measurement could be a good way to find those who are most clearly in the risk zone,\" says Catharina Svanborg.
“我们也发现了甚至是没有遗传改变的患者这个蛋白也有低水平的表达。为此,进行遗传的检查和蛋白检测是一个对高风险发病区人们的更早期的检测方法,”Catharina Svanborg说。The study is published on September 5 in the online, open-access journal PLoS One.
本文发表于9月5日Citation: Lundstedt A-C, McCarthy S, Gustafsson MCU, Godaly G, Jodal U, et al (2007) A Genetic Basis of Susceptibility to Acute Pyelonephritis. PLoS ONE 2(9): e825. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000825

“许多研究小组长期致力于研究这种疾病的遗传背景。我们已经发现一种基因,可以作为一种筛选易感人群的方法和风险标记,”研究人员Ann-Charlotte Lundstedt 和 Professor Catharina Svanborg说。
“我们也发现了甚至是没有遗传改变的患者这个蛋白也有低水平的表达。为此,进行遗传的检查和蛋白检测是一个对高风险发病区人们的更早期的检测方法,”Catharina Svanborg说。

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