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[[资源推荐]] 构词能力最强的22个常用动词

发表于 2007-9-10 18:26:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. break-phrases
break away from 脱离,摆脱,破除(陈规俗套等)
break down (计划、谈判等)失败;(车,机器)坏了,抛锚,出故障;(身体)垮了;分解(发生物理或化学变化)
break in 强行进入,打断(说话),插嘴说
break into 破门而入,打进,闯进;(使)成为碎片
break off 打断,折断,中断,突然停止
break one’s promise 违背诺言
break out (战争、火灾、疾病)爆火,突然发生;逃脱
break out of… (从囚禁处)跑出,摆脱
break the law 违反纪律,犯法
break through 冲破,突破,冲垮;穿越
break up 拆散,驱散;分解,打碎,散会,放假

2. call-phrases
call at (sp) 访问(某地)
call for 去接(某人),需要,要求
call for help 呼救
call in (a doctor) 请(医生)来
call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人干某事
call on/upon 拜访,号召
call out 大声叫喊,调来
call up 打电话,召集,想起
call/draw one’s attention to… 引起某人注意……

3. come-phrases
come about 发生,产生,实现
come across 遇见,(偶然)碰到
come along 一起来;过来;快点
come at 向……扑来,袭击
come back 回来,恢复;反驳;再度流行
come back to life/oneself 复活,苏醒过来
come back to one’s mind 回忆起某事
come down 下来,下降,下落,塌陷,跌落
come from 来自
come in 进来,开始流行,到达,涨潮,获……名次
come into being 形成,出现,产生,存在
come into effect/force 生效
come into power/office 上台,就职
come into use 使用起来,开始使用
come on 快来,跟上;进行,进步(成长降临;加油
come on/upon = come across
come out 被出版,(花)开、出来;结果是;褪色,消失
come over 过来,顺便来访
come to 苏醒;来到,达到;结果是,共计;得出(结论),作出(决定)
come to know 终于认识到
come to school 上学
come true 实现
come up 走近;(从土中)长出,发芽;被提出

4. do-phrases
do a favour for sb. 帮某人一个忙
do a good deed 做好事
do away with 去掉,废除
do good to 对……有益
do harm to 对……有害
do one’s best 尽力
do one’s homework/lessons 做家庭作业/功课
do some cleaning/cooking/shopping/washing…扫除/做饭/买东西/洗衣服……
do up 头发向上梳挽,收拾,整理
do well in 在…方面做得好,处理得当
do with 处理,处置
do without… 没有……也行
do wrong to sb. 冤枉某人

5. get-phrases
get along with… 进展,过日子
get away (from…) 逃走,避免,摆脱,离开
get back 回来,取回,收回,恢复,还原
get down 降下;下来;取下;吞下;使沮丧
get down on one’s knees 跪下
get down to (doing) sth. 开始干某事
get hold of 抓住
get in 收割,陷入,研究;进站;收(税、帐等)
get in a word 插话
get in one’s way 挡路
get in touch with 与……联系
get into 进入,陷于
get into trouble 陷入麻烦
get off 下(车、船、飞机等),脱下,离开,(飞机)起飞
get on 上(车、船、飞机等),穿上
get on well with… 与……相处融洽,进展顺利
get out 出动,离开,拔出
get out of 由……出来,避免,摆脱
get over 越过,爬过,克服(困难),痊愈
get ready for 为……作准备
get rid of 去掉,消灭,摆脱
get round (消息)传开
get through 通过,完成,到达,(电话)接通;花光,耗尽
get to 到达
get to know 认识
get together 聚集,联欢
get up 起床,站起来,爬上;(风、浪等)增强
get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(干)某事
get warmer 变得更暖和

6. give-phrases
give a concert 举办音乐会
give a talk 讲演,作报告
give advice on… 提供有关……的建议
give away 放弃,背弃,出卖(朋友),赠送,泄漏
give back 归还;送回;恢复;折回,反射;陷落
give in 屈服,让步,投降
give lessons to sb. 给某人上课
give off 散发出(蒸气、气味等),排放
give one’s life for… 为……而献身
give out 发出(光、声音等),分发,发表,公布,用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽
give up 戒掉,放弃,让出,献出,投降,中止

7. look-phrases
look (a)round 环视
look about 四周观望
look after 照顾,看管
look ahead 向前看,为未来打算
look at 看着,观看;采纳;考虑
look away (from…) (从……)移开视线
look back 回头看,回顾,回想
look behind 向后看
look down 俯视
look down on/upon 轻视,看不起
look for 寻找;期待;预料
look forward to 期待,盼望;朝前看
look into 调查,窥视,了解,向里看
look like… 看上去象……
look on 旁观,观望;看待
look on/upon… as 把……看成……
look out 当心,提防;向外看,查出,留神
look out to… 向……望去/眺望
look over 看过一遍,检阅,检查
look sb. up and down 上下打量某人
look through 透过……看,浏览,翻阅,仔细查看
look up 查阅,仰视;看望,拜访;(前景)转好,改善
look up to 尊敬,向上看……

8. make-phrases
make a call 打电话
make a choice 作出选择
make a decision 做出决定
make a discovery 发现
make a dive for… 向……猛冲,冲过去拿……
make a face 扮鬼脸
make a fire 生火,弄火
make a good effort 做出很大的努力
make a journey/trip 去旅行
make a joke 开玩笑
make a living 谋生
make a mistake 犯错误
make a noise 喧嚷,吵闹
make a plan for… 为……制定计划
make a promise 许诺
make a record 制作唱片
make a round trip (乘车、船、飞机等)往返
make a sentence 造句
make a speech 发表演说
make a study 进行研究
make a suggestion 提出建议
make an answer 做出回答
make an apology to 向……道歉
make an experiment 做实验
make enemies 树敌
make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友
make fun of 嘲弄,取笑
make laws 制定法律
make no difference 无关重要,没有影响
make one’s way 去,排除困难前进
make out 理解,看清楚,认出,填写,开列
make peace 讲和
make preparations for… 作好……准备
make progress 取得进步
make repairs 修理
make room for 给……腾出地方
make sure of 确定
make sure/certain 确信,确保
make tea 泡茶,沏茶
make the bed 铺床
make the best/most of 尽量利用,善用
make up 构成,编写,编造,化妆,打扮
make up for… 弥补,补偿
make up of 组成
make up one’s mind 下定决心
make use of 利用
make…from… 用……制造(看不出原材料)
make…into… 把……制成……
make…of… 用……制造(看得出原材料)
make…to one’s measure 按……尺寸做

9. put-phrases
put an end to… 完成,结束
put aside 放在一边,搁置一边
put away 拿开,放好,把……收起来,积蓄
put back 放回(原处),拨回(钟表),阻碍,推迟
put down 放下,记下,镇压;使(乘客)下车
put forward 提出(计划);出风头
put into 送入,输入,把……译成,把……放到什么里
put into practice 付诸实施,实行
put off 推迟,延期,拖延
put on weight 发胖
put one’s heart into… 全神贯注于……之中
put out 出版,发行,生产,伸出,扑灭
put through 接通(电话),完成
put together 把……放在一起,装配
put up 张贴,挂起,搭起,举起;建造;住宿
put up with 容忍,忍受
put…to bed 哄……睡觉
put…to use 利用,使用

10. take-phrases
take A for B 把A认为是B
take (an active) part in (积极)参加
take a look at… 看一看……
take a message for… 给……捎口信
take a picnic 去野餐
take a picture/photo 拍照
take a seat 坐下
take an exam 参加考试
take aim (at…) 瞄准(……)
take away 拿走;剥夺,减去,没收;离去
take back 收回,拿回,取消(约定)
take care 小心
take care of 照料,照顾;承担,负责,处理
take down 拿下,取下;写下,记录;拆毁;咽下
take great trouble to do sth. 不辞辛劳干某事
take hold of 抓住
take in 吸收,接受,收留,领会,理解
take interest in 对……感兴趣
take it easy 别着急
take medicine 吃药
take notes 记笔记
take off 脱下;带走;营救;(飞机)起飞;取消;减价
take on 雇用,招收,开始从事,呈现,具有
take on a new look 呈现一派新面貌
take one’s place 代替某人的职务,坐某人的座位
take one’s temperature 量体温
take one’s turn 轮流
take out 取出,把……拿出来,领……出去,除去
take over 接替,接管,继承
take photos 拍照
take place 发生,举行
take pride in 以……自豪
take sth. by mistake 错拿某物
take the place of 代替,代理
take the side of 支持某方
take turns 轮流
take up 拿起,举起,从事(斗争等);
take…as… 把……看作……
take…for example 以……为例
take…for granted 认为……当然

11. turn-phrases
turn about/around/round 向后转
turn against 背叛,反抗
turn away 闪开;转过脸去,辞退(人);不理睬
turn back 往回走,使倒转
turn down 拒绝;拧小(灯火,收音机等的声音)
turn from side to side 转来转去
turn green 变绿
turn in 变出,上交,转身进去,引渡(罪犯)
turn into 变成
turn off 关闭(电器,自来水,煤气等)
turn on 旋开,打开;依靠,依赖;取决于;攻击
turn out 结果是,证明是;生产,制造
turn over 把……翻过来,移交,细想;转卖
turn red with anger 气得脸发红
turn round 旋转;完全改变(主张)
turn to 翻到……页,转到/向,求助于……;加油干
turn to a dictionary 查阅(字典)
turn to sb. (for help) 向某人救助
turn up 露面,出现;把……开大;卷起
turn…into… 把……变成……,把……翻译成……

12. away-phrases
blow away 刮走,吹走
break away from 脱离,破除
clear away 把……清除掉
drive away (把车)开走
get away (from) 离开(某地),逃离,脱身,拿走
give away 捐赠;泄漏;放弃;背弃;出卖(朋友)
go/run away 走/跑开
keep away from 远离……
move away 搬开,移走
put away 放好,存(钱),把……收起来
run away 逃走,(颜色)褪色,溃逃;私奔
send away 赶走,开除,解雇
take away 带走,夺去
throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会);拒绝(劝告)
turn away 离开,把……打发走
wash away 冲走,冲垮

13. for-phrases
answer for… 对……负责
ask for 请求,询问,需要,自找(麻烦)
be bad for 对……有害处
be famous for 以……出名
be good for… 对……有益处
be late for… (做)……迟到……
be used for… 被用作……
call for 去接某人,请求,要求,为……而喊出
care for 关心,喜欢,想要,照顾,关怀,挂念,担心
change…for… 用……换取……
get ready for 为……作好准备
go in for 从事于
head for 向……方向移动
It’s time for… 是……的时候了
leave for 动身前往
look for 寻找
make a dive for 向……猛冲,冲过去拿……
pay for 付钱,为……付出代价;因……受罚
praise sb. for… 因……赞扬某人
prepare for 为……做准备
search for 寻找,寻求
send for 派人去请/叫
stand for 代表,代替,象征
take a message for… 为(某人)传递信息
thank sb. for… 因……感谢某人
wait for 等候,等待

14. off-phrases
be off 离开
call off 取消
carry off 携走,夺走,拿走,搬走;获取
come off 离开,脱离,脱落
cut off 切断
drive off 赶走
fall off 从……上掉下来
fly off 飞走
get off 下车
give off 散发
go off 走掉,离开
hurry off 匆匆离去,赶快去
jump off 跳离
keep off 挡住,不让接近,防止
kick off 踢脱
knock off 击倒,把……撞落
pay off 付清;有利可图,得益
put off 推迟
ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话
see sb. off 送行
see off 出发,动身;爆炸;使更明显
show off 夸示,炫耀
shut off 关闭
start off 出发,动身,开始
take off 脱下,营救,(飞机)起飞
tear off 拉下来,撕掉
throw off 打发掉,匆匆脱下,摆脱
turn off 关(水、电、汽等)

15. on-phrases
agree on 商定,决定,达成共识
bring on 使前进
call on 拜访,号召
carry on 进行,继续,经营,开展,从事;行动失常
come on 赶快,加油
congratulate on 祝贺
depend on 依靠,相信;信赖
feed on 以……为食
from now on 从今以后
get on 上(车、船、飞机等)
go on 继续,持续,前进,发生;上场
have on 穿着,有事,约会
have pity on 同情
hold on 别挂断(电话),持续;坚持下去
insist on 坚持(观点,主张等)
keep on 继续(干)
knock on 敲击
later on 以后,后来
live on 靠……生活,以……为主食,继续存在
look down on 看不起,轻视
look on 旁观
look on…as 把……看作
move on 继续向前移动
on and on 继续不断
operate on 给……动手术
pass on 传递
push on 推动
put on 穿上,上演
spend…on 在……花费(时间、钱)
spy on 窥探
switch on 旋开
take on 呈现,雇用
talk on 继续谈
try on 试穿
turn on 开(电、水、汽等)
wait on 服侍,伺候,招待
walk on 继续走
work on 从事……,研究……

16. out-phrases
break out 爆发,(战争、火灾等)突然发生
carry out 开展,执行,实现,实践,贯彻,实施
check out 查明,结帐
come out 出来,(书等)出版,发行
cross out 划掉
die out 消灭,灭亡
die out 消失,灭亡,死光
find out 找出,查明
give out 发出;用完;筋疲力尽
go out 出去,熄灭;退潮;罢工;努力
hand out 散发;施舍
help out 帮助某人解决困难
hold out 伸出
knock out 敲出
leave out 省略
let out 放出,发出;泄露;放大/宽(衣服等);出租
look out 当心,留神,向外看
pick out 选出,挑出,辨别/认出,弄清楚
point out 指出
put out 扑灭
run out 用完,耗尽
sell out 卖完
send out 发出,派遣
set out 出发,着手,开始;陈列,表示,表明,陈述
show out 领……出来
start out 出发,动身,开始
try out 尝试,试验(机器)
turn out 结果是,证明是
wear out 穿破,穿旧,磨损;使筋疲力尽
work out 算出,解决,有效;(情况)发展

17. to-phrases
add to… 增加
add…to… 把……加到………上
agree to 同意
attend to 招待(某人)
be familiar to… 对……熟悉
be married to… 与……结婚
be sentenced to… 判……刑
be used to… 被用于……,习惯于……
belong to 属于,附属
come to 苏醒,来到,结果是,得出(结论),共计
compare…to… 把……比作……
connect to 连接,相连
contribute to… 对……作出贡献
devote oneself to 献身于,致力于
get close to 接近
get down to 开始着手……
get to 到达
help oneself to… 请随便吃点,自用
hold on to 抓住;执着于;固守
hold to 坚持(观点,看法等)
lead to 通向,导致
listen to 听……,听信,听从
look forward to 期待,盼望
object to 反对
owe…to… 把……归功于……
pay a visit to 参观,访问
pay attention to 注意,留心,关心
point to 指向,暗示
prefer…to… 宁愿……而不……
refer to 谈到,提到,涉及,参考,指
see to 处理,负责,留意,照料
stick to 坚持(工作、计划、诺言等),忠于,粘住,拘泥
turn to 翻到…页,救助于,转向
used to 过去常常
write to 写信给……

18. up-phrases
add up 加起来,合计
break up 解体,崩溃;分解,腐蚀
bring up 抚养大,吐出
build up 建立起来,增强
call up 打电话,召唤,想起
clean up 收拾,整理
clear up 收拾,整理;(天气)放晴
climb up 爬上去
come up 走近,发芽,上升
cut up 齐根割掉,切碎
do up 头发向上梳挽,收拾,整理;扣好
dress up 打扮,穿上盛装
dry up 使干涸
eat up 吃光
fill up 装满
fix up 修理,安顿
get up 起床,站起来
give up 放弃
go up 走过来,上升,增长,提高
grow up 成长,长大;形成,发展
hands up 举手
hang up 把……挂起来
hold up 举起,使停滞,阻挡
hurry up 赶快,匆忙
join up 起接起来,联合
keep up 保持,维持
look up 查阅,向上看
make up 组成,构成,编出
pick up 拾起,恢复,接人上车,收听(节目),(非正规)学会;买到;好转,恢复,整理
put up 张贴,举起,建立
ring up 打电话
rise up 起义
round up 赶扰
save up 储存
send up 发射,发送
set up 建立,创立,树立,排版,自称为,资助
shut up 闭嘴
sit up 熬夜
speak up 大声讲
speed up 加快速度
stand up 起立
stay up 熬夜;挺住,站立
take up 从事,占,拿起,举起
throw up 吐出,呕吐
tidy up 收拾干净
turn up 开大,调高;出现
use up 用光
wake up 醒来,弄醒,兴奋起来
warm up 变暖,热身

19. with-phrases
agree with… 同意,与……一致,相符,适合
be angry with… 生某人的气
be busy with… 忙于做某事
be covered with… 用……覆盖
be familiar with… 对……熟悉
be filled with… 用……填充,装满
be late with… 推迟……
be pleased with… 对……感到高兴
be popular with… 受……喜欢
be satisfied with… 对……感到满意
be strict with… 对某人要求严格
begin with… 从……开始
catch up with… 跟上,赶上
compare…with… 把……与……相比
connect with… 与……连接
deal with… 处理,对付,对待,涉及,论述
do with… 处理,处置,使用,利用;忍受
fall in love with… 爱上……
get along with… 进展,过日子
get in touch with… 与……取得联系/接触
get on well with… 与……相处融洽,进展顺利
go on with… 继续做某事
go with… 与……相配
have a word with… 和……说句话
have nothing to do with… 与……无关
help sb. with… 帮助某人干某事
keep in touch with… 与……保持联系
keep up with… 跟上,不落后
make friends with… 与某人交朋友
play with… 玩耍,玩弄
shake hands with… 与某人握手
talk with… 跟某人交谈
What’s wrong/the matter with…?某人/某物怎么啦?

20. as-phrases
as a matter of fact 事实上,其实
as a result 因此
as a result of… 由于……
as a rule 通常,一般来说
as a whole 总体来说
as follows 如下
as for/to… 至于,关于,说到……
as good as… 像……一样,几乎等于……
as if/though 似乎,好像
as it is/they are 就现在这个样;事实上
as soon as… 一……就……
as usual 象平常一样
as well (as…) 亦,和,也
as/so far as… 远至……,同……一样远;就……之限度,在……范围内
as/so long as… 只要……,在……情形下
as…as ever 与往昔一样
as…as one can 尽力,尽可能……
as…as possible 尽可能……,尽量
as…as… 与……一样……
may/might just as well 不如,等于是,还是……好
so as to… 以便……
so…as to… 如此……以致……
such as… 例如
such…as… 诸如……之类的……
think of/look upon…as… 认为……是……
the same…as…与……一样的……

21. time-phrases
after a time 过了片刻
ahead of time 提前
all the time 一直,始终,总是
at a time 每次,逐一
at all times 常常,总是,在任何时候
at any time 任何时候;随时
at no time 从来没有……,永远不……
at one time 一度,过去曾经;同时
at other times 在其他时候,平时
at the same time 同时,但(与此同时)
at the time 那时,当时
at the time of… 在……的时候
at this/that time 在这个/那个时候
at times 有时,间或
behind time 迟到,晚点
behind the times 落伍的,过时的
by the time 到……时为止
for a time 暂时,一度
for the first time 第一次
for the time being 暂时,目前
from time to time 有时
in no time 马上,立即
in one’s spare time 在业余时间
in time 及时;迟早
in time of… 在……时刻
on time 准时,按时
once upon a time 从前
many a time 常常,多次

22. way-phrases
ask the way 问路
feel one’s way 摸索着走/干,试探
fight one’s way 打出一条路,奋勇前进
find a way 找出办法


1.break away from 摆脱、逃掉、改掉、断绝来往。
例:The little boy broke away from his mother and ran away.
2.break down 损坏、身体衰弱。例:The car broke down.
3.break in 闯入、插嘴。vi.例:Don’t break in when others are speaking.
4.break into 闯入、打断,突然开始。例:They broke into the house.
5.break out 爆发、发生。例:A quarrel broke out between them.

1.call for 叫(某人),接(某人),要求、需要。
例:I’ll call for you tomorrow morning.
2.call in 召集、召来。例:We’d better call in a doctor.
3.call on/upon 访问、探望(某人)、号召。例:I called on him yesterday.
4.call at 访问、探望(某处)。例:I hope to call at your office some day.
5.call up 给…打电话、使人想起。例:The picture calls up scenes of my childhood.

1.catch/take/get hold of 握、抓住。例:He caught hold of the pig’s ear.
2.catch sight of=see 看到、发现。例:The little girl cried as soon as she caught sight of her mother.
3.catch up with 赶上。 例:He tried to catch up with his classmates.

1.come along 一起来,来到、快点。例:Come along,or we’ll be late.
2.come back 回来,恢复知觉、复活、被回忆起来。例:When he came back he found himeself tied to a tree.
3.come down 下来,下降、跌价。例:I don’t think the price of meat will come
4.come in 进来。vi.
5.come on/upon 快点、赶快、进展、进行、偶遇。
6.come out 出来、出版。例:The magazine comes out weekly.
7.come to 到达、谈到、涉及、合计、总计。
8.come up 走过来、走近、长出、发芽。例:The seeds hasn’t come up yet.
1.cost 句型:sth. cost money/time;sth.cost sb. time/money/劳力
2.spend句型:表“花费时”:sb.spend time/money on sth./(in/on)doing sth. 表“度过时”:sb.spend time 等+介词+场所、活动等。
例:We spent two hours in a pleasant talk yesterday.
3.pay句型:pay sb.(money),pay(money)for sth, pay sb.for sth,sb.is paid
词组:pay off 付清,pay back 归还、偿还、报答,pay attention to 注意
4.take句型:1)sth.takes time/money/energy
例:The journey will take two days.
2)sth.takes time/money/energy to do
例:The work took us three hours to finish.
3)It takes(sb.)time/money/energy to do sth.
2)take back 收回、撤消
3)take care of 照顾、注意
4)take down 记下、写下、取下
5)take off 脱去、起飞
6)take place 发生、举行
7)take up 提出,从事,占(时间、地点等)
例:take up a problem 提出一个问题, take up the struggle 从事斗争,take up much room 占很多地方
8)take…out 取出、拿出

含do 词组
1.do some cleaning/washing/shopping/…打扫卫生/洗东西/买东西/…
2.do one’s lessons/homework 做功课/做作业
3.do wrong 做坏事、犯罪
4.do sb.good/harm/wrong/a favour=do good/harm/wrong/a favour for sb.对某人有益/有害/冤枉/帮忙
5.do away with 取消、废除
6.do one’s best 尽力、努力
7.do well in 做得好,在…方面取得好成绩
8.do with 对付、处理,与…相处。例:He is difficult to do with.他很难处。
9.have sth.to do with 与…有关
10.do something/nothing 采取措施/未采取措施

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